The last principle to be mentioned, which ought to regulate orthography, is that every sound ought to be represented by a corresponding character.
At this time fruits, particularly apples, were sufficiently an article of commerce as to necessitate the appointment an overseer to regulate their sale.
We have tried, then, in the spirit of these remarks, to show that if the truth of God is to regulate the life of man, it must be planted in his heart.
A man can be both a student of the Bible, so as to regulate his business by its maxims, and yet prosper, as far as any Christian can care for prosperity; and that is proved by many examples.
We are responsible for our own lives and cannot regulate them according to other people's ideas.
In stanzas 4 and 5 he states that he himself has been too impatient of control, has wearied himself by changing from one desire to another, and now wishes to regulate his life by some great abiding principle.
Consequently it does not belong to prudence to appoint the end to moral virtues, but only to regulate the means.
In like manner we are commanded to meditate on the Law in every action of ours, not that we are bound to be always actually thinking about the Law, but that we should regulate all our actions according to it.
Hence this is not praiseworthy, but sinful and reprehensible, because then a man does not regulate his affections according to reason, but, on the contrary, makes use of his reason in pursuance of his inordinate affections.
Now it belongs not to virtue, but to the medical art to regulate medicine.
Now it is more difficult to control desires and pleasures of touch than to regulate external actions, the former pertaining to temperance and the latter to justice.
Therefore, in like manner, to regulate one's food, which belongs to abstinence, is an act not of virtue but of art.
The other virtues regulate man in himself, whereas justice regulates man in his dealings with others, as shown above (Q.
Therefore it does not belong to prudence to appoint the end to moral virtues, but only to regulate the means.
This seems to have been given to regulate a question that had a prior existence.
But, still closer home, God gave laws to regulate the monogamic form of marriage.
God gave laws to regulate these things in Israel; but because He has regulated many great and abominable crimes by law, has He no right to regulate that which is good and moral as well as that which is wicked and immoral?
When the inhabitants of this country pass laws to regulate intemperance, they thereby denounce it as a crime.
We may say again that if, as he assumes, these laws were given to regulate the existing system, this does not sanction it any more than the same thing sanctions sheep-stealing or homicide.
This passage is designed to regulate the treatment of a captive woman by the conqueror who desires her for a wife, and has no more to do with polygamy than it has to do with theft or murder.
I have therefore established that Israel was a polygamic nation when God gave them the laws which I have quoted, laws to govern and regulate a people among whom were polygamic and monogamic families.
But when Parisians pass laws to regulate the social evil they acknowledge it as a crime.
He frequently performs the same office for mortals, conducting them to Charon’s bark.
A bust of Kronos has also been identified on a vase.
Article 6 does not confer citizenship upon Chinamen--we have other laws which regulate that matter.
These wise Traders regulatetheir Beauties as they do their Butter, by the Pound; and Miss Cross, when she first arrived in the Low-Countries, was not computed to be so handsom as Madam Van Brisket by near half a Tun.
The entire Conquest of our Passions is so difficult a Work, that they who despair of it should think of a less difficult Task, and only attempt to Regulate them.
Has it even been so much as attempted to solve the problems presented by varieties of character so as to regulate and harmonize the varieties of employments in accordance with natural aptitudes?
To some extent it even embraces the others, and can be made to regulate and neutralise them.
Then these feelings regulate his conduct in stealing?
These bodies were not only to have the right to license, but also to regulate the hours of closing on Sundays and week-days.
Each State in the Union is free, within certain limits, to regulate or suppress the liquor traffic within its own borders, without interference from the Federal Government.
Sometimes they gave the key to the comprehension of some of the grandest functions in Nature, and an insight into the operation of those invariable laws which regulate the universe.
All that the attendant has to do is to regulate the inclination of the Skimmer so as to keep its lower edge sufficiently under the surface of the outflowing metal.
They help to regulate the water supply, produce a more sustained feeding of springs, tend to reduce violent floods, and render the flow of water in rivers more continuous.
A few of the older and more intelligent masturbators regulated the habit, as some married men regulate intercourse.
The committee promptly introduced another bill, this one to regulate dance halls.
This bill, which passed the legislature and is now a law, aims to wipe out the saloon dance hall absolutely, and so to regulate the sale of liquor in all dancing places that the drink evil will be cut down to a minimum.
Man contemplating the heavens is to regulate his erring life according to them.
The reservoirs constructed at certain points along the course of an aqueduct to regulate the supply of water.
Still, in large producers it becomes desirable to provide a means for varying the quantity of air and steam within wide limits so as to regulate the heat of the fire.
The gas-holder serves merely to regulate the production of gas.
In order toregulate the circulation of the water in accordance with the work performed by the engine, a cock should be fitted to the water supply pipe at a convenient place.
However, some manufacturers have deemed it advisable to regulate the amount of steam more accurately, and to make it exactly proportionate to the power developed by the motor.
It is, however, important for the production of a good explosive mixture to regulate the amount of air supplied to the engine according to the quality of the gas employed.
Eventually the hand mule became a machine in which most of the work was done automatically; the spinner being chiefly required to regulate the velocity of the backing off, and the inward run of the carriage, and to actuate the fallers.