That's good news, Lynn; we shall be able to have our breakfast in peace, and digestit in war.
Finally, the mixture is steam-cooked, which makes the feed easy to digest and assimilate.
When the fowls will eat, feed them clean, nitrogenous food that they can digest easily, as oatmeal mashes.
For that reason I think it would be well to approach him by degrees, let him digest it a bit.
We are trying to digest the riffraff of the world, and can't do it, in spite of such incorrigible optimists as Judge Leslie.
Nor is any attempt made to furnish a digest of the Acts mentioned, but only to direct attention to what are deemed the salient points of each.
For a considerable time, as is disclosed in the digest of the Hydraulic Engineer's annual reports reproduced in Appendix H, little progress could be made.
Death may occur after an interval of some weeks from destruction of the gastric glands and inability to digest food.
Dry and incinerate the tissues in a porcelain crucible, digest ash in water, apply tests.
Evaporate the filtrate to half its bulk, digest with alcohol, and evaporate alcohol off in a water-bath.
Digest the contents of the stomach in cold distilled water and very dilute sulphuric acid; strain, filter, and press residue.
If the matter interests you, will you kindly fill up the blanks below and let me have your replies within the present month of October, to the end that I may compile them and give a digest of the results?
Condereau, "shows that all young infants digesthuman milk very easily and cow's milk very imperfectly.
This milk it cannot digest because the emulsifying element, the fat, is not present in it in sufficient quantity in proportion to the coagulable matter.
They are men who read, think, anddigest what they read.
In fact, it does nearly everything else for us, except to breathe, eat, and digest our food.
Do not give Baby too much at a time, or he will not be able to digest it, and keep him to plain food.
Eat only the foods that you know you can digest comfortably.
For the present I pause, in observance of those rules which demand that after an exhibition of consummate deeds, time be given to the spectator to digest what has passed before him.
Leaving Mr. Perkins to digest his judgement, which he had solicited, Andrew bounced back into the shop.
Food must digest before it can be flesh and blood, and our population must digest before it can be called American.
I could digest nothing; now I digest perfectly well and the intestines act naturally.
In these conditions you will digest it properly, and so feel no discomfort, inconvenience, or pain of any kind either in the stomach or intestines.
Then, having paused a little, to suffer his guest to digest a communication so important, he resumed his disquisition in a higher tone.
Of course, invalids could not always use such food, as their stomach can hardly digest milk or eggs.
Will the electors of Great Britain, rich and poor, try to digest that fact and grasp its implications?
It is very nutritious; when it is difficult to digest remove from its solution the oily cake which will collect upon the surface as it cools.
Beef, which has firmer and larger fibres than mutton, is harder to digest on that account, but it contains an excess of strengthening elements that is not approached by any meat, save that of the leg of pork.
Place the richest earth and plenty of water about a potato-vine in the cellar; it can't digest its food, and must remain pale and weak.
I have met hundreds of people who could digest a large beefsteak without a pang, but who could not manage a single uncooked apple.
They were now withdrawn and sent into training to digest the lessons of their first battle and to learn in practice maneuvers how to coƶperate with tanks.
If it could have had two weeks before the Meuse-Argonne in which to digest its lessons, this would have been only fair to it as a division: though probably its determination would have been no stronger.
The Four Books, with a Complete Digest of Supplements to the Commentary, and additional Suggestions.
Whenever any book was done with, Hsiang forthwith arranged it, indexed it, and made a digest of it, which was presented to the emperor.
Thereupon she stepped lightly to the edge of the cliff that she might enjoy more completely the view while she left them to digest this qualified surrender.
The latter, in fact, chew but scarcely digest the bread of idleness, while the former thrive on that of industry.
Its publication had however been long preceded in Spain by the digest of the views of Vitruvius under the tide of "las Medidas del Romano o Vitruvio," published by Diego de Sagredo in 1526.