We agreed that at a signal which he would give me I should under some pretext leave the drawing-room and not return to it.
It was a sad service which I rendered in return for what she had done for me, under the same circumstances.
She asked me many questions concerning her distinguished parents, wept much with me, and still hoped that I might be able to return to them.
They were compelled to return to the Luxembourg in the evening.
A storm compelled his vessel to return to the port.
After the deed was done he would return to his house, still praying, but with an aching heart.
My mother, on the contrary, often said to me that if she should return to society she would not desire to change her manner of living in the least.
Then some visitors would come in; after that Monsieur and Madame de Mouchy would go out to dine with a neighbour, and after their return would play piquet together.
He then proposed that I should return to my room, but I refused to do so; the prison was getting so full that I feared I should be compelled to receive some one into it.
In Boston the consignee of the tea refusing to return it to England, the vessels were boarded by a number of men disguised as Indians, the chests of tea broken open and the contents cast overboard in the water.
The return cargo of skins and other freight was valued at about twelve thousand dollars.
Colonel Fletcher, on his return to England, asked for an examination, which was accorded him by the Lords of Trade.
He had been released at Montreal on his parole to return in six months, unless an exchange had in the meantime been settled for him.
He went down stairs and on his way out told Mr. Loppers that he would get another sword and return and run some of the members upstairs through the body, but Mr. Loppers told him that he could not again enter his house that night.
Let us digress and note the happyreturn of this man to English soil.
On another visit to Long Island, Captain Marriner carried off Simon Cortelyou, of New Utrecht, in return for his uncivil conduct to the American prisoners.
A good journey, Meriwether Lewis," said she, "and a happyreturn from it!
What can I give you in return for all that--in return for these?
You see, I am writing not so much to implore you to return as to reproach you for not returning.
Surely by now the main object of your expedition will have been accomplished--surely you mayreturn with all practical results of your labors in your hands.
He was reported as being ready to leave town at once upon his return from the Osage Indians.
Ask him no longer to return to us and opportunity.
I do not call it failure for you to return to us and let the expedition go on.
Since ye're so weak now, I have a good mind to returnit to ye, with me compliments.
Your men, will they be free to make return up the river with trading parties?
Bragg's military secretary, told me to-day that the general would probably return from Wilmington soon.
Then farmers, who are now refugees, could return to their families and pursue their business undisturbed as heretofore.
Troops are still going up toward Washington from our army, as well as from the enemy's before Petersburg; and Early, after bestowing his prizes in a place of safety, may returnto Maryland and Pennsylvania for another supply.
Lamar paused, and promised as soon as he could report to Bartow he would return with that or another horse.
Determined not to lose it, I took the return train to Baltimore, and put up at Barnum's Hotel.
Butler to return again to the city to await his exchange, pledged not to bear arms, etc.
Lamar promised to return immediately; and putting spurs to his noble steed, started off in a gallop.
Fisher, member of the Virginia Secession Convention, neglected by the government, and racked with disease, is about to return to the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
He said he had no influence with the Secretary--an incontrovertible fact; and that he thought he should return to the University.
Vance demands the return of some 300 bales of cotton loaned the Confederate States.
My friend Jacques did not return to the company yesterday, after all, although I saw him get into an ambulance with a basket of food.
New York merchants are willing to send merchandise to our ports if we will permit their ships to return laden with cotton, at 50 cts.
Captain Warner (I suppose in return for some writing which Custis did for him) sent us yesterday two bushels of potatoes, and, afterwards, a turkey!
Laura was gone and here were her children thrust by destiny upon my hands--unless their scoundrel of a father should everreturn to relieve me of them.
I go to Crestlands after office hours, dress, return to town, and then make a late train for Crestlands again.
Besides, if I knew my man at all, it would be some time before he would return to an environment he so thoroughly loathed.
I shall be out of hospital in a week or ten days at most and I want to return at once.
This lawless spirit, Pendleton, I had a vague gleam of intuition, was repenting his return to the yoke of duty, to the restraints of civilization.
I now look to the return of Pendleton almost with equanimity.
If Gertrude expects me to return on bended marrow bones and sue for forgiveness, I am certain she is mistaken.
Here was a better counselor than any one, Dibdin excepted, with whom I might discuss the impending return of Pendleton.
A business trip that brought me here laid me flat with typhoid, and all my money, what remained for the return trip to Kobe, is gone.
But I cannot go to Florence and return in three weeks.
I must send him the money and take the chance that he will really return to his accustomed lairs.
Gertrude would quite naturally have been the one I could have talked to concerning the probablereturn of Pendleton.
It is obvious that I cannot burden a soul, burning with that gemlike flame of Blackden's, with any such confidence as the impending return of Pendleton.
Arthur granted him all that the king yearned, and afterwards he held communing with his good thanes, and said that he would return again into this land, and see Wenhaver, the comely queen of the country.
Now would our underlings be kings over us, but they shall buy it with their bare backs; never again shall they return to Britain!
Mr. Ackerman so far forgot his dignity as to return the friendly salute, and smiled upward benignantly.
They talked camping till it was time to go back and pack up things for thereturn trip.
Once in awhile they wouldreturn Sandy to her home, just for politeness, but it didn't seem to be specially required of them.
Happy indeed was the week wherein the Merriams did not have to apologetically return roasts or steaks to furious owners; or--if the condition of the prey made it necessary--buy new ones.
He had evidently taken their return as a signal that it was time he went home himself, for he was collecting his rod and bait-can, and his coat, and the other things he had strewn about the dock.
Upon having completed the tree thus far they decided to return to their homes for their families, and to leave the final touches to the deft hands of their wives.
Just a while after the Holidays Ida wrote: "By the time you receive this letter we will have started on our return trip.
With these arrangements all complete and the arrival of the driller the work progressed nicely, and in less than a month from the time of his return from the harvest field, Gully's well was completed.
Miss Anderson was also told of the return to the neighborhood of Mr. Palmer and Mr. Dugan, and returned from school with the children that afternoon to learn more of their coming.
And so the harvest season was passed, and when the morning came for the harvesters to return to their homes each had planned his work for the coming winter and was eager to begin.
When the party reached the Gully home upon their return they found the members of their families had assembled there to await their arrival.
After arranging with him to come to the village with his wagon the following day, when they would talk the matter over, and if satisfactory would have him return with them and their equipment, they drove away in the direction of their land.
The surveyors Dugan and Stevens were eagerly endeavoring to complete their part of the work, in order to return to their homes in time for the Holiday festivities.
But well as it liked me to sit and listen, methought, somehow, I had better get me up and return to Edith.
My Lady Stafford and Sir Robert and Mistress Martin did return with Father--the which I set not down in his right place at my last writing,--and yesterday we gat acquaint and showed them the vicinage and such like.
But some counted the surplice a return towards Popery, and utterly refused to wear it.
I'm afraid that they started on the return trip and got caught.
He had planned to return to the tool house by way of the tunnel and tell his friends what he had discovered, but now it was highly dangerous to go back that way.
All of them felt sleepy and somewhat dragged out, but in no mood to return to the sleeping bags.
A somewhat pleasanter way to returnfrom Conshohocken is to follow the western bank of the Schuylkill until you strike Belmont Avenue.
One of the prettiest and perhaps the best trip for an afternoon ride in the vicinity of Philadelphia is to run up through Fairmount Park, following the Wissahickon, which is a branch of the Schuylkill, and return to Philadelphia by Bryn-Mawr.
She did not return from her visit to Pownal empty handed.
Return then to your home, nor seek to discover either Holden or who rescued him, and be assured he was not privy to the intention to release him.
I am too happy here," said Pownal, in a low tone, "to wish toreturn to the city.
Upon the returnof Armstrong, all traces of violent emotion had disappeared, and given place to exhaustion and lassitude.
No light was visible, and the constable began to hope that Holden was away from home, and made the suggestion that since such was undoubtedly the fact, they had better return and come another time.
The conversation was here interrupted by the entrance of the Judge and Mrs. Bernard, on their returnfrom some neighborly call.
The cause of William Bernard's coldness will be better understood by a reference to a conversation between him and his sister, shortly before the return of Pownal to Hillsdale.
In the afternoon, he started off by himself, saying he might notreturn until evening.
As they approached they caught a glimpse of Holden entering the house, and Josiah landed his passenger, promising to call for him on his return in the afternoon, though Armstrong expressed a doubt whether he should remain so long.
The young man, unable to divine a reason for such unusual emotion, could only silently return the caress and wait for an explanation.
Upon the conclusion of the service he was to return with them and pass the night at the house of his host.
Besides, the noise and confusion of a large place never were agreeable to me, and when I return to them they lie like a weight upon my spirits.
The eyes of Peéna, or the Partridge, flashed, and she was about to return an angry reply, when she was prevented by the man whom she had called Father Holden.
These dreadful deficiencies have been the natural and inevitable result of a want of market; since no person will expend his time and means in producing that which will not ensure him an adequate returnfor his pains.
The summary of this journey is contained in the following letter, addressed by him to the governor on his returnfrom this expedition to Bathurst Plains.
They could not fail to find immediate employment, and receive a more liberal returnfor their labour, than they would be able to procure elsewhere.
In return for these great public accommodations, and to help to keep them in repair, the Governor has established toll-gates* in all the principal roads.
The vender pays in return a small duty to the clerk of the market, who accounts quarterly for the amount to the treasurer of the police fund.
They are allowed to receive inreturn an interest of 10 per cent.
He was disturbed by the return of the owners, and took his departure.
I waited upon him after that, and he seemed to like to have me about him, and when he got better he told me that he wished me to return to school and to make the best use of my opportunities while I had them.
When I return again, I shall fetch you another pet to keep you company all day long, and bring joy to your heart, and peace to your fireside!
Our approaching return to London left us with no time to lose.
Daria had a prospect of several months before her before the return of Aphanassi, if ever he should return at all; and she gave herself up to her love with pleasing improvidence.
But something was to happen which was to turn the wild tom-boy into a serious woman, and it happened shortly after herreturn home.
She would wander off with a shovel and a dish into the scrub, and, following up some gully all day, would return at night tired out and happy, and generally with two or three grains of gold to show for her day's work.
After a fortnight our two fathers had to return to London, leaving behind them our mothers, us, and Smith's sister.
Mother sank down, almost too wearied to return the greeting which the old hag by the fire accorded her.
And afterwards I will return to the Escorial to see my father--Philip the King.
And now, would even her father's return (if ever he did return) make up to her for this most foul treachery?
Also, if he were to succour and protect the abandoned bestial and poultry-yard, dear to the Senora, he mustreturn as swiftly as possible.
Chief Inquisitor, "speak your message briefly, and if all be well, you are at liberty to return as you came!
She would return to the Faith," said Raphael, who, though a man of no half measures in his own plottings, yet stood aghast and horrified at what the smiling priest proposed to him.
He was toreturn and care for all that remained at La Masane.
For pardon frequently followed zeal, and the ex-culprit and ex-familiar was permitted to returnin the halo of a terrible sanctity to his native village.
Come all of you with me to Blois, and there abide quietly in a house till I return to salute the King.
He received me most kindly, and told me that he wished me toreturn to Head-Quarters when the Viceroy could dispense with my services.
So having formally made the place over to the maliks, we started on our return journey.
Some had concealed themselves in the high crops, and were discovered by the Cavalry on their return march to camp.
The civilians of the Mainpuri district were amongst the refugees at Agra, and took advantage of our escort to return to their station.
He promised to return in six weeks or two months, and urged the Amir to do everything in his power meanwhile to prevent the British Mission from reaching Kabul.
General Hearsay reported to Government that he had directed the European troops, temporarily located at Barrackpore, to return to their respective cantonments, as he did not think it probable that he would require their presence again.
Sir Colin on his return from Allahabad on the 10th issued a General Order detailing the regiments, staff, and Commanders who were to take part in the 'Siege of Lucknow.
Argyll was most cordial to the stranger, who, however, took the earliest opportunity to plead fatigue andreturn to his inn.
I hope he is not to suffer for this, seeing MacTaggart is going to get better, for I should dearly like to have him get some return for his quest.
He found that tantalising fragment return again and again, but fated never to be complete.
What befell him there on his return was so odd and unexpected that it clean swept his mind again of every interest in the spy.
Permit me to return your button with a million regards.
The Professor had left them, intending to return home by himself; and Audouin walked back alone with the boy, noticing at every step his sharp appreciation of all the natural signs and landmarks around him.
Colin worked away at the familiar clay, and seemed to delight in the sudden return to that plastic and responsive material.
And the result of that interview was that Hiram was to return no more to Bethabara, but (being now nearly sixteen) was to go instead to the Eclectic Institute at Orange.
She spent days in church, to such a degree that her mother, by this time a widow and often in want of her, had to punish her, for all her own piety, on her return home.
If he might but return and comfort her for one moment!
The spirit of nature and the natural sciences, those outlaws of an elder day, return in might irresistible.
She will return into the paths of science, whither, as a smile of nature, gentleness and humanity will enter by her side.
Busied in these latter days with the affairs of men, Woman has in return given up her rightful part, that of the physician, the comforter, the healing Fairy.
If the baron, on his return from a crusade, being bent on copying the manners of the Turks, sends for her, and orders her to steal him a few children, what can she do?
On their return from this short journey, from the 17th to the 22nd May, they warned him of the change.
He had masses said in return for the favour which God had granted him in this speedy marriage with a whole convent.
And what did Girard do in return for so charmingly bold a flight of that impatient heart?
They remark the dangers of the road, ask many questions of those who return therefrom.
Assuredly her return thither will not find her in good tune, will happen mainly through a round of ill.
I could have borrowed, but I might never be able to return it; I knew not what to do.
After the return of his wife from the above meeting, he read over and over the precious promises of God, and became more and more convinced of the power of faith.
Persons afflicted with mental disorder and convulsions are frequently brought to Männedorf, and many return cured or benefited.
The editor was out, and they preferred to see him--would return home and call again to-morrow.
The New York Observer relates a remarkable instance of the return of stolen property, which in its extraordinary way can be accounted for only by the control of a Supreme Will, and all in answer to prayer.
The poor, sick old lady for whom I requested your prayers some time since, wishes to return thanks to Almighty God, for restoring her health, and sending friends.
We return most hearty thanks for the answer to prayer given.
This was the return that God made to him for his sacrifice to the Lord.
On his return home, an invalid member of his congregation told him that she had been much in prayer for his safety, and mentioned a special time when she particularly was earnest, as if imploring deliverance from some great peril.
The sum was sufficient to pay her bills, bring her back and return a portion of the borrowed money.
I left that night with some simple directions, that were given more to satisfy the mother than from having the slightest hope of eventual recovery, promising to return next day.
Please return thanks to our kind Heavenly Father for this answer to prayer.
We were ready to return by the next train after being up almost in the clouds for two hours.
Leaving the great St. Peter’s and the Vatican to return to our hotel for dinner, we noticed the mixed crowds jostling one another in the streets.
We must therefore return to our friends in the oak-tree.
I have been very happy with you, but I long exceedingly to return to the beautiful green bank again, and to see dear mamma, who must be dreadfully anxious about me, for it is now six days since I left the nest.
Kent informed her that they were going to friends in the country, preparatory to settling in Paris for two years, and that she must make her preparations to return to England on Saturday morning.
But on the Saturday after Cynthia's return he asked him casually if he would mind waiting for it a few days.
They remained at the table until she said that it was time to return to their hotel.
Kynaston, to get it out of his sight; but the return of the ill-starred package had revived all the passion of his disappointment concerning it, and he could not get rid of the burning at his heart so easily as he did of the parcel.
The fortnight was near its conclusion, and both looked forward with eagerness to the return to England.
He noted, with as agreeable surprise as she could have afforded him, that it was the copy of his own book that he had given to Mrs. Walford on their return from Dieppe.
Cynics against inclination, we feel that the dog will return to his vomit after the easy reconciliation and facile tears upon Hestia's generous bosom.
But now to return to the epistle to the Galatians, in which we learned the gospel was taught to Abraham.
And now, after so long a digression, I return to the subject of faith in God.
But now to return to the subject of this chapter--the object of baptism: We have already seen in the first paragraph of this chapter, that John taught that baptism was for the remission of sins.
When reviled it seems but natural to answer railing with railing, blows with blows, and for injury inflicted, return as much in kind as is within one's power to inflict.
There is a tradition that the apostle John, on his return from his banishment to Patmos--96 A.
A] And before Isaiah had left the house of the king, the word of the Lord came again to him, bidding him to return to the king with the glad message that his prayer had been heard, and fifteen years had been added to his life.
The return of the sons of Lehi to their father was celebrated with great rejoicing.
But now to return to those to whom the gospel is preached, and who can only hope for salvation from the penalties affixed to sin, by obeying the precepts and ordinances thereof.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "return" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.