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Example sentences for "manipulate"

Lexicographically close words:
manikins; maning; manioc; maniple; maniples; manipulated; manipulates; manipulating; manipulation; manipulations
  1. Mr. Lawson stepped in and began to manipulate the stock.

  2. Hence the biographer's determination to misdescribe and manipulate the document, so that, whilst accepted in the coteries for what it was (viz.

  3. To manipulate with, or conceal in, the palm of the hand; to juggle.

  4. One of its advantages over the vernier is the readiness with which the graduations are discerned, and it is as easy to manipulate as the ordinary micrometer.

  5. One of its advantages over the vernier is that when the measurement is taken, it can be readily discerned without straining the eyes, and this instrument is as easy to manipulate as the regular micrometer.

  6. Therefore it behoves both England and Argentina to see that America does not so manipulate things that she acquires the control over our meat and food supplies.

  7. Every item in the press that called for outlay, the use of the thousands held by Simmons to manipulate the market, and especially the hundred or more that each week had to be sent to the island, each and all added to Hill's misery.

  8. When there seems to be a tendency to great constriction it may be well to manipulate a muscle during both contraction and relaxation and to test its relaxation.

  9. At times it may be well to manipulate a muscle when at full tension.

  10. Gould, as the phrase goes, was an excellent bluff; and so dexterously did he manipulate and hoodwink the old man that it was quite some time before Pratt realized what was being done.

  11. With the passing of the panic of 1857, and with the incoming of the stupendous corruption of the Civil War period, Gould was able to manipulate his bonds and stock until they reached a high figure.

  12. As ignorant of railroad management as he was of books, he took no pains to learn; during the next decade he used the Erie railroad simply as a gambling means to manipulate the price of its stocks on the Stock Exchange.

  13. The problem is to manipulate the revolution, to guide it, to counsel it.

  14. There had, however, been serious complaints from many parts of the country about the use and abuse of Federal patronage in efforts to manipulate party conventions, and to dictate and control party nominations.

  15. Such machines can manipulate more symbols, and of a broader variety, than the human mind can.

  16. More often than not, they are used not to enhance communication, but to direct it, to manipulate the addressee.

  17. He believes in a certain established order of nature on which he can surely count, and which he can manipulate for his own ends.

  18. The discovery amounted to this, that men for the first time recognised their inability to manipulate at pleasure certain natural forces which hitherto they had believed to be completely within their control.

  19. In selecting and using this material for filling, we are able fully to protect the cavity; and if we understand the material, and how to manipulate it, we will surely succeed.

  20. If the difficulty with which a mass of gold (the most malleable of metals) can be hammered or rolled into a thin sheet without being torn, be taken as one, then it will be four times as difficult to manipulate tin into thin sheets.

  21. Throughout the book we shall find that as we develop ability to manipulate mental images, we shall increase the adaptability of all the mental processes.

  22. The way to do is to manipulate the object so that it will appear from moment to moment in a slightly different light.

  23. It will be perceived how far it is within the writer's power to manipulate situation in the interests of art, which, in this connection, means climax.

  24. She sometimes bled copiously from the mouth and gullet, and she used the mouth much to manipulate the gauzy stuff.

  25. He quickly learned to manipulate the guns, and spent hours in practicing by shooting at the target.

  26. You get chop-sticks handed you too, which, after a few ineffectual and laughable attempts to manipulate in the approved fashion, you throw on one side.

  27. An effort was made to furl sails; but though there was no lack of cheerful hands speedily on the yards, numbers became powerless to manipulate canvas which by the combined elements had been converted into deal boards.

  28. We can manipulate chemical forces and produce an endless series of chemical compounds.

  29. But we can not manipulate the minute bits of matter which make up the living machine.

  30. To make the varnish easier to manipulate and more readily penetrative for the paper, it may be thinned down with oil of turpentine.

  31. Verdigris is difficult to manipulate because it smuts the stone easily and does not tolerate many mixtures.

  32. Experts can so manipulate the tint plates that the lights will be graduated from the softest to the most glaring.

  33. Suit yourself, Perk," he was told, as Jack climbed back into the cockpit so as to manipulate the light he mentioned, and which would prove sufficient to serve the wanderer as a beacon when wishing to retrace his steps.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manipulate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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