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Example sentences for "pronouncement"

Lexicographically close words:
prononcer; pronoun; pronounce; pronounced; pronouncedly; pronouncements; pronounces; pronounceth; pronounciation; pronouncing
  1. Physicians might assume, and doubtless will assume, from the pamphlet that this reprint represents a recent pronouncement on the subject with which it deals.

  2. Edgar’s pronouncement that “legitimate medicine and surgery can not be practiced if the physician be governed by a set of medical clerks” seems reasonable--if cryptic.

  3. While a report setting forth the objections to a proprietary is published but once, the firm’s laudatory pronouncement goes forth again and again until the Council’s report is completely overwhelmed and forgotten.

  4. Let me give an example in an extract from a rather noteworthy pronouncement upon the question in hand:-- Of Paul's divine Master no biography can ever be written.

  5. It will be of interest, then, to inquire just what is its status today and to examine briefly Professor Haeckel's own most recent pronouncement regarding it.

  6. Indeed, no pronouncement of any court, except, perhaps, that in Gibbons vs.

  7. Hunter's Lessee went further than any previous judicial pronouncement to establish the relation between National courts and State tribunals which now exists and will continue as long as the Republic endures.

  8. It was not long before an opportunity was afforded him to apply this principle, and to supplement his first great opinion on the meaning of the commerce clause, by another pronouncement of equal power and dignity.

  9. Fortunate, indeed, for the Republic that Marshall's fateful pronouncement came forth at such a critical hour, even if technicalities were waived in bringing before him a case in which he could deliver that opinion.

  10. It is not immoderate to say that no other judicial pronouncement in history was so wedded to the inventive genius of man and so interwoven with the economic and social evolution of a nation and a people.

  11. And the man continued the ascent with a feeling as though he had listened to the pronouncement of his death sentence.

  12. All through the final pronouncement Joan sat transfixed with horror.

  13. Time passed, however, and the government made no pronouncement on the question.

  14. But, unfortunately, the picturesque pronouncement overheard by me was only a characteristic sally of an annoyed sailor.

  15. The satisfaction of Las Casas with this authoritative pronouncement from the supreme head of Christendom may be easily imagined, for it reads not unlike some of his own compositions.

  16. The vast resonant peroration only gathers into a single, furious, tragic pronouncement the material deployed in the body of the work.

  17. When Rimsky-Korsakoff uttered the pronouncement that a composition for orchestra could not exist before the orchestration was completed, he was only phrasing a rule upon which Berlioz had acted all his life.

  18. Perhaps they would have but for the definite pronouncement of the mystagogue G.

  19. We wonder why that pronouncement annoys us so.

  20. Ironically, the most celebrated pronouncement on segregation at (p.

  21. Certainly this pronouncement was no empty rhetoric, coming as it did from a consummate master of the legislative process who enjoyed old and close ties with congressional leaders.

  22. Royall wanted no one asked to serve on the President's committee who had fixed opinions on segregation, and certainly no one who had made a public pronouncement on the subject.

  23. The articulate leaders of the prewar struggle were still active, and in fact would make their greatest contribution in the fight that led to the Supreme Court's pronouncement on school segregation in 1954.

  24. The incident provoked a storm of criticism, and, outside the rabid Pan-German press, the Imperial pronouncement was commented upon everywhere adversely.

  25. With much of the gesticulation peculiar to Maori oratory and a clever application of the arts involved in native elocution, Tareha began to develop his pronouncement against the Governor.

  26. The Papal pronouncement in an opposite sense in Mary's case would have made nugatory any attempt on the part of a Catholic to question her rights; but that difficulty did not apply in the case of Elizabeth.

  27. Clement might now defer a pronouncement in favour of Katharine; there was no practical room for hoping that he might still pronounce against her.

  28. Sidenote: The first plan (May)] It was the Cardinal's task then to procure by some means a formal and authoritative pronouncement that the Papal Dispensation was invalid.

  29. The ardor of the handsome chap's last pronouncement seemed to decide her.

  30. If she accented ever so slightly the "revived memories" or flashed him a confused look with the pronouncement of his name, none but he noticed.

  31. The present somewhat striking pronouncement was delivered at a time when his feeling toward the Socialists, who had been guilty of no particular outrage, still ran very high.

  32. He really begins to preach the need of the greater navy insistently in the last years of the century, and his present statement, "Bitterly do we need a powerful German fleet," is his sharpest pronouncement up to this time.

  33. Where we pronounce praise or blame, the tacit {159} presupposition is always that the object of the pronouncement could have acted differently; and this Spinozism denies.

  34. It was not the first, nor the last, pronouncement of the King that was to turn out an empty threat.

  35. The legal authority had given its pronouncement; it remained only to say how that pronouncement should be enforced.

  36. One pronouncement of his is worth quoting, and one wishes that it could have been reproduced everywhere at the time of the ridiculous Stockholm project.

  37. His pronouncement in that journal on the Southern secessions was embodied in the phrase: "Let our erring sisters go.

  38. Chus and Mesram and Phuth were the elder brothers of Chanaan, and therefore not the children of Ham after the pronouncement of the curse.

  39. It had been awaited with special interest in view of the Prime Minister's pronouncement at Oldham as to the income tax (A.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pronouncement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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