Valerius is as superior to Persius in technique as he is inferior in moral force and intellectual power.
The technique is Limousin, not, as some have said, Rhenish; between Le Mans and Limoges were many links.
In technique these images may surpass the weather-beaten apostles at the Porte Royale (c.
It is not of technique that one thinks when standing face to face with the windows of Chartres.
In boldness of technique the small Dijon church is a masterpiece to which many an eloquent page has been devoted.
How technique cramped and killed inspiration can be seen in the later Rayonnant church of St. Michel.
By the middle of the XIII century Dijon achieved a marvel of Gothic technique in its church of Notre Dame.
Canvas work can be done in the hand or in a frame, but the technique is often better in work done in a frame.
Outline work is, as far as techniqueis concerned, one of the simplest forms of gold embroidery.
The technique of weaving with all its difficulties is discussed in Chapter XVIII.
The main difficulty in the technique of the work lies in the attainment of good draughtsmanship, which of course includes light and shade as well as outline.
Sidenote: Technique And Tools] The foundation of sales art is knowledge of selling technique.
The use of the right technique in selling true ideas about your best self will soon become natural.
Scarlatti did a great deal to develop the technique of the harpsichord and the style of composing for it.
Scarlatti's significance lies chiefly in an extension of the technique of his time so as to give greater individuality to the instrument.
For the judicious technique alone, be it never so marvellous, cannot serve to-day.
This must be borne in mind when comparing the technique of the previous period with that of which I have made Beethoven the representative.
It is a sign of a want of true appreciation to admire technique for technique's sake.
This is due to better technique in the operation, and to careful attention during the after-treatment.
The technique of the injection depends on whether the operation is to be limited to the auditory canal and tympanic cavity, or is to involve the mastoid process.
There is no special technique in removing the bone beyond that already given in the description of the complete mastoid operation.
Asch’s operation is easily carried out, and may be practised by those who have not mastered the technique of submucous resection (see p.
The effects of this improvement in technique in a few years revolutionized the surgical treatment of uterine fibroids, as the statistical results set forth on p.
This may be partially accounted for by the fact that although, theoretically, the application of skin grafts is easy, yet, practically, the technique is difficult.
The technique recommended by Dührssen appears to be the most satisfactory, and is as follows: The patient is anæsthetized and placed in the dorsal position with the knees supported by a Clover’s crutch.
In this and the furthertechnique the chief difficulties are caused by: (a) The prominence of the upper teeth.
The technique of applying the graft is practically the same as that for transplanting a large graft.
The techniqueis the same whichever pattern is employed.
Since the time of Lafargue's writing, extensive capitalist agriculture in America has made great strides in technique and the employment of machinery.
On it, the discoveries of modern big industry and scientific technique are to be grafted by measures which remain his own secret--so that it can serve as the basis of a 'socialised' higher form of production.
The marvels of technique which European engineers and European machines performed in the sphere of Egyptian irrigation, transport, agriculture and industry were due to this peasant economy with its fellaheen serfs.
Within an incredibly short time, this vast demesne was brought under cotton, with the result that the entire technique of Egyptian traditional agriculture was revolutionised.
Rodbertus remarks that an extraordinary boom in production and great progress in industrial techniquealways are the heralds of a crisis.
There is a glamour which you never see if you begin to read with a serious intention late in life, when questions of technique and grammar and mere words begin to seem too important.
The French playwrights of to-day have not even the technique of their predecessors.
The truth is that vers libre has its place, and it ought to have a high place; but the writer who attempts it must have a very perfect ear for the nuances of music and great art in his technique applied to the use of words.
Those who have Keats's genius may borrow Keats's cockneyisms, but from minor poets we have a right to expect some regard to the ordinary technique of verse.
His technique was therefore often threadbare in spots,--not of that even mesh which makes of Pinero such an exceptional designer.
To say that it is typically Fitchean does not mean that, in technique or in characterization, it is his best.
All sound advice, and a compressed manual of dramatic technique for the beginner!
Adjustment after adjustment and many reductions in power had to be made before the projection ceased leaping millions of miles at a touch, but finally the operators became familiar with the new technique and the ray became manageable.
They do--it's good technique in those parts of the Galaxy.
But say, Dunark, it wouldn't be good technique for you to eat our food for any length of time.
The techniqueis developed on simple lines to serve this end only.
That his technique was of the weakest may be judged from the fact that he afterwards confessed that all the pieces he played were really his own, inasmuch as when he could not manage the difficult passages he merely improvised.
Paderewski has not yet the strength of technique for a love duet conceived more or less on the lines of the 'Tristan' love duet.
Of course Paderewski himself would have been a remarkable player no matter under whom he had studied, but the surety and firmness of technique which Leschetitzky evidently knows how to impart were just what he required.
Moreover, his lapses from technical rectitude are never lapses from the higher techniqueof the piano.
I will even admit that Paderewski's technique is not always as clear as it might be; that for perfection of finger dexterity Rosenthal, Godowsky, Busoni and Pachmann surpass him.
But I am not at all sure that the defects of his technique are not an expression of his merits as a tone poet.
The youth of twenty-three was already in technique about the best fresco-painter of central Italy, barely rivalled by Raphael, who was the elder by four years.
The point of technique in which he excelled least was perhaps that of discriminating the varying textures of different objects and surfaces.
Since 1876 no new drugs have been introduced; the progress has been in the direction of improvements in the technique of anaesthetization.
He took it into his head to try to perfect the technique of fresco and he gave himself up once more to his evil spirit of invention and once more everything was lost.
He ordered the sculptor, who never painted except with reluctance and who knew nothing of the technique of fresco, to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Without the remarkable excellence of their technique and the unusual quality of their color they would be the veriest sentimentalities; but wherever they are seen they command admiration.
Mesdag acquired her technique with difficulty, and her success was achieved only as the result of great perseverance and continual labor.
Her technique appeals equally to the layman and the artist, and her color has all the tenderness and charm that accompanies so engaging a motif.
She soon acquired the technique of her master and painted much as he did, but with less minute detail, finer color, and far more sentiment.
Her technique is a combination of embroidery, painting, and applications on silk.
It was characterized by good technique and pleasing color, but lacked purpose, depth, and warmth of feeling.
To his wonderful dexterity oftechnique he unites a fertile imagination and infinite resource of design in the direction of naturalistic forms, as flowers, winged insects, and human figures.
This later rococo period, as far as its technique is concerned, is one which has never been equalled either before or since.
Certain it is that the earlier Christian jewels retained for a time the technique of those of pagan Saxondom.
The technique of the great Dutch and Flemish painters of the seventeenth century, even of such as Frans Hals, was not incompatible, as Mr. Davies has shown, with the clear representation of personal ornaments.
All the processes of the Cinquecento craftsmen, of whosetechnique he possessed a fine knowledge, were employed by Dinglinger with wonderful care and exactitude--though his productions naturally betray in design the period of their execution.
In point of technique these enamelled badges offer an interesting comparison with the well-known English enamels of the same date applied mainly to objects such as candlesticks and fire-dogs.
Antiques were worn when procurable, but the greater number of gems were of modern manufacture, carefully studied both as regards technique and style from ancient examples.
Cellini, in his description of the process of granulation in his Trattato dell' Oreficeria, speaks of each grain being made separately and soldered on, a technique probably practised by the ancient jewellers.
Gothic ornaments of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries show a peculiar love for figurative and architectural motives which exhibit astonishing technique and beauty of form.
Side note: Economy of Method] The third element of good technique is Economy and Directness of Method.
The technique is varied and interesting, but the whole drawing lacks that individual something which we call Style.
Mr. Railton's technique is remarkable also for the varied direction of line and its expression of texture.
An example of all that is refined and excellent in pen technique is the drawing by Mr. Alfred Brennan, Fig.
The success or failure of the drawing will largely depend upon the disposition of these elements, the quality of the technique being a matter of secondary concern.
We will now consider the application to architectural subjects of the remarks on technique and color contained in the previous chapters.
He used the technique of monochrome almost exclusively, and so closely related tone values to the line, or rather to the brush-stroke, that it is difficult to decide whether he paints rather than draws, or draws rather than paints.
But from the records as well as from works directly inspired by him, an idea of his style and technique can be formed.
This technique admitted the use of two fundamental methods: one called double contour, the other contour or single contour.
Earlier they endeavored to apply to figure painting the methods, technique and laws established for an ensemble in which the thought of nature predominated.
Placed at the service of certain philosophical ideas, which will be set forth later on, this technique was bound to lead to a special code of Aesthetics.
The technique and methods of this art were placed at the service of the new religion.
This technique marks his style and gives it an individuality that is indisputable.
All this is in direct conflict with the technique of bas-reliefs and leads to the surmise that the models were drawn by painters and copied with more or less skill by makers of funeral monuments.
He painted landscape and, toward the end of his life, legendary figures of Buddhism and Taoism with a technique that was skillful but often precise and somewhat weak.
The painter trained in the school of Hellenistic technique drew with the brush.
The only suitable medium for such expression was the technique of the Southern School which they followed with more or less fidelity.
At the hands of the Sung painters the school of landscape and monochrome technique attained a level which will never be exceeded.
This is due partly to a special technique and partly to the nature of the doctrines which serve as its inspiration.
Meanwhile, piano technique has advanced to a point where these great works no longer present the insurmountable difficulties that they did when first composed.
Many of them are still excessively difficult to play, in spite of the progress in technique which has been made since.
Played with the Mozart technique it would be simply insipid, and with a Beethoven technique it would still be dry and harsh.
The techniqueof fugue had been created before his time, but its possibilities in the direction of freedom and spontaneity had never been illustrated.
Indeed, if one were to attempt to characterize the Schumann technique by some one of its more prominent features, the free use of the arm would be, perhaps, the one best representing the depth and sonority of tone required for these effects.
High ideals and thorough training in thetechnique are two prime conditions of a successful development of an art.
The essential novelties of the Liszt technique were the bravura cadenzas.
His technique was founded upon that of his predecessors of the school of Viotti and Rode, but his own individuality was so decided that he soon found out a style original with himself.
Moreover, the pianists Hummel and Dussek were already before the public, and Clementi had made his concert tours, and established the lines of the classical techniqueupon its brilliant side.
Half way between these two types of musical art stands polyphony, which means etymologically "many sounds," but which in musical technique means "multiplicity of melodies.
Under his careful direction Weber developed a technique which very soon passed far beyond anything that had previously been seen.
Next, I now saw that as an eavesdropper my techniquehad been painfully clumsy.
When these latter curves were taken the ordering and the technique of the experiments had not yet been perfected.
Moreover, it affords an illuminating insight into the technique of experimental psychology in its study both of human and animal consciousness.
Such personification has obvious dramatic and lyric elements; but Andersen lacked the technique of poetic and dramatic art, and marred his prose descriptions, both in novels and books of travel, by an intrusive egotism and lyric exaggeration.
Similar standards must be kept in view when we pass judgment upon the technique of St. Thomas.
In the following chapters we will try to consider the technique of being beautiful in crowds.
Technique is the very last thing that has been thought of in religion.
In the last analysis it was not His ideas or His character merely, but it was His technique that made Christ the Son of God and the Master of the Nations of the Earth.
Scales that were pearls, a touch rich, sweet, supple and singing and a technique that knew no difficulties, these were part of Chopin's equipment as a pianist.
Sand was antipathetic to Chopin but her technique for overcoming masculine coyness was as remarkable in its particular fashion as Chopin's proficiency at the keyboard.
His piano playing at this time was neat and finished, and he had already begun those experimentings in technique and tone that afterward revolutionized the world of music and the keyboard.
The closest parallelisms are noticeable, the technique so admirable that the scherzo floats in mid-air--Flaubert's ideal of a miraculous style.
Ductility, an aristocratic ease, a delicate touch and fluent technique will carry off this study with good effect.
His orchestral technique is supreme, but his music fails to force its way into my soul.
Here is the new technique in all its nakedness, new in the sense of figure, design, pattern, web, new in a harmonic way.