Beatrice was standing before the hearth with her hands behind her back--a gallant upright figure; as they came in, she turned a cheerful face to them.
She was fascinated by the other's gallant brilliance.
It had been sad enough to hear of that gallant attempt to win back the old liberties and the old Faith--that attempt that had been a success except for the insurgents' trust in their King--and of the death of the leaders.
Now the gallant regiment had dwindled to two, of which he was one, and the guest-master that had received him and encouraged him, the other.
And then he was ashamed at his own thought, so faithless and timid; and he remembered Fisher once more and his gallant spirit in that broken body.
Of course, individually, our loss is irreparable but to the country he is simply one among many gallant boys who gave their lives for the great Cause.
I am convinced there would have been no sinking of the Lusitania, and hundreds of thousands of gallant young men would not have lost their lives on Flanders Fields.
Our American soldiers were already playing a gallant part in the terrible drama enacted on the fields and forests of France and in the fastnesses of the Italian hills.
It is interesting to look back and remember that that Company “K†was indeed a “crack troop,†and the writer of the above lines became one of its most gallant officers.
The throb of parting from their leader was soon to be experienced by the gallant men who had followed Theodore Roosevelt so eagerly in the Cuban jungles.
The gallant attitude of their mother, Mrs. Stephens Bulloch, also had its share in the making of her famous grandson.
He was a real “Bret Harte†character, and one of my brother’s greatest griefs in the days to come was that that gallant officer was amongst the first to fall.
It is perhaps needless to add that the fair Dona Sancha did go with the gallant captain, and in the lofty cathedral at Burgos, which was his capital, their wedding was celebrated in great state.
Whether the gay gallant was knight or squire, page or courtier, the feminine heart seems to have been unable to withstand his wiles, and from Boccaccio to Rabelais the deceived and injured husband was ever a butt of ridicule.
But this delay but opened the way for an endless succession of gallant words and acts, wherein the art of coquetry was called upon to play no unimportant part.
Many a time have I seen these interesting little missives let down past my balcony to the waiting gallant below, and his drawn up.
Lerma filled the palace at Madrid with brilliant ladies in waiting, for he believed, with the gallant Francis I.
As a symbol of this gallant rule of conduct, there is still preserved at Ferrara one of Ariosto's inkstands, which is ornamented with a little bronze Cupid, finger upon lip in token of silence.
And to think that it was one of my own pit-boys who did that gallant action, and I have done nothing for him!
The festivities of the day are concluded, and the gallant knights and champions, who have to-day broken a lance for the honor of their ladies, may rest from their victories upon their laurels.
Oh, the king is the most gallant of cavaliers," said Catharine, with a happy smile.
Then invite also Wriothesley, the high chancellor, and let him bring with him a few gallant and brave soldiers of our body-guard.
In the row of ladies also, here and there, a pale face was visible, and many a beautiful and beaming eye was dimmed with tears at the sight of this gallant and handsome cavalier, who was hazarding even his life for a woman.
The devil can scarce save Dirk Hatteraick from being hanged for a murderer and kidnapper if the younker of Ellangowan should settle in this country, and if the gallant Captain chances to be caught here reestablishing his fair trade!
Ellangowan but bearing the gallant name of the bauld Bertrams?
Don Quixote, seeing the gallant squadron, with arms uplifted, ready to discharge such a fearful volley, checked Rozinante with the bridle, and began to consider how he might most prudently attack them.
The gallant shepherd having saluted him, begged of him so earnestly to grant them his company to their tents, that Don Quixote was forced to comply, and go with them.
She is attended by that gallant French knight, Montesinos, who comes to give information how she may be freed from enchantment.
As soon as he drew near, they knew him to be the gallant Basil; and seeing him come thus unlooked for, and with such an outcry and behaviour, began to fear some mischief would ensue.
When this chap sent for me, I was a pretty figure; I had not been shaved for three weeks, and I was wrapped round with a top-gallant studding sail.
One of my companions, now no more, a gallant soldier and most devoted sportsman, was induced, by the game he found on the neighbouring plain, to delay his inspection of the palace of Jemsheed to the last day of our stay.
This gallant soldier is now soobadar major of the body guard of the governor of Madras.
Their travels, if ever noticed, must belong to a future work; none of them excited my curiosity more than those of a gallant and valued friend, who has since died the death of a soldier.
The gallant charger understood that he was to leap over the object in front of him; but it was more than he could do, and he came down with his fore-legs over the neck of the smaller horse of the lieutenant.
I wish you luck, my gallant Chevalier de Moranges, and until you unearth your father, if you want a little money, my purse is at your service.
He is young and inexperienced, and it will be a good lesson for him to see how a gallant whose amorous intrigues did not begin yesterday sets about getting even with a coquette.
You think me a slanderer when I say, 'This gallant wooer of widows does not love you for yourself but for your money-bags.
This act was the culminating point of a series of most gallant performances by this N.
In this way the gallant 9th Brigade (Goddard) was able to retain the whole of its gains of that day; but the risk of an immediate further advance was too great while the situation to the north remained obscure and unsatisfactory.
Their reputation as skilful, disciplined and gallant soldiers has never stood higher throughout the Empire than it does to-day.
The village was full of machine guns, but the gallant Brigade dashed in with the bayonet, and methodically worked its way through the village to its eastern outskirts.
It was the 46th Imperial Division to which this great success was chiefly due, a success achieved by most careful preparation and gallant execution.
There were medals and ribbons to be distributed to the gallant winners; addresses to be delivered; and the work of reorganizing and refitting the resting units to be supervised.
It is difficult to allocate, in due proportion, the credit for the capture of this important stronghold between the two gallant Brigades concerned.
The gallant Colonel Blague, who had had the charge of this tell-tale treasure, was captured and thrown into the Tower, where no less a celebrity than peaceful Isaak Walton managed to smuggle it.
Chirk village is insignificant, but has a fine church in which are some interesting monuments, notably that of the gallant knight who besieged his own castle as before described.
The gallant colonel's spirited answer to the threat of the Parliamentarians to place his aged mother in their front ranks to receive the fury of his cannon should he refuse to deliver up the castle, is a fine example of loyalty.
Sir Thomas Bland was one of the gallant Royalists who defended Pontefract Castle during the Civil War.
In a week, Duke Hamilton will be at Preston with thirty thousand gallant fellows at his back.
Then straight there did appear to each gallant Gorbalier Twenty castles dancing near, all around; The solid earth did shake, and the stones beneath them quake, And sinuous as a snake Moved the ground.
The fencing master was no longer merely a teacher of efficacious, if rascally, tricks; he was becoming a model of gallant deportment; in many cases he was even a recognized arbiter on matters of honour.
It was accordingly left to the body attendant; and the gallant took kindly to the fine rapier of Milanese or Toledan make.
For five long days the splendid troops of Oku and Nodzu flung themselves upon a foe not less gallant than themselves, and time after time they were held back with broken ranks, leaving behind great heaps of dead.
This, the greatest and most formidable of all the eastern forts of Port Arthur had defied many previous assaults, and had cost the army of the Mikado many hundreds of gallant lives.
Great Britain was asked by the other three Powers to act jointly with them in this matter, but she refused to assist in depriving the gallant Island people of their rightful spoils of victory.
Right in the teeth of the awful blizzard, their decks sheeted with ice and snow, but with hearts on board hot with the fire of heroic adventure, the gallant little craft held steadily on their way.
This gallant Admiral's reputation stands almost as high with the navy as does General Kuropatkin's with the army.
Sidenote: Demons of the Storm] Two hours later the Hayatori arrived upon the scene and performed the same gallant feat.
Sidenote: The Hero of Japan] The most severe loss sustained by the Japanese was that of the gallant Commander Hirose, whose death, while it inflamed his comrades with pride, caused universal mourning.
It occurred to him now that Leo avoided all reference to sexual subjects, and had ceased to retail gallant adventures.
Oh no, not at all," he assured her with a gallant bow.
He saw the knights of olden times and noble ladies ride by through the wood on their gallant steeds, with plumes waving in their hats, and falcons on their wrists.
He is the grandest and most gallant gentleman in the whole country," said Grubbe the knight; "that is not a thing to despise.
I; their shepherd will be a gallant knight, perhaps a prince.
Taking one thing with another, I have lived more agreeably with him than with the man whom they called the most noble and gallantof the King's subjects.
The figures for its loss on that field tell better than any high flown rhetoric of the desperate stand made by that gallant little battalion.
And speaking of Belisarius, just fancy the hard fate of that gallant and decayed soldier!
Sometimes they turn out good and gallant men; but not often does it reform a man who is unfit for the shore to dispatch him to sea.
He wore no mask, saying that it was not proper for a gallant Corsican.