I ordered him to take with him several doves, the species with green feathers known as bridegroom's doves.
A Beauty is a speciesof cannibal priestess, my dear.
I left my assistant within hearing--a species of animal of mine.
It so happened that at the first drive a very fine deer, of a species I had never seen before, broke cover.
No wood was to be seen bigger than a small species of thorny shrub, fit only for the purposes of fuel; and, as to water, it was every where scarce, and the little to be found was generally brackish and bad.
Their works under ground are no less extraordinary: Azara has described with his usual minuteness the various species which he fell in with.
The skeleton of the chlamyphorus will be found to resemble that of the armadillo (dasypi species plures) more than any other known quadruped.
In the form of the lower jaw, and in other points equally obvious, the chlamyphorus exhibits characters to be found in some species of ruminantia and pachydermata.
It is also unique in the form and various appendages of the head, and most particularly in possessing an open pelvis, no instance of which, as far as I am acquainted, has ever as yet occurred in any species of mammalia.
They are generally in good preservation, and some of the species appear almost identical with those found upon the coasts of Brazil; others, on the contrary, found with them are not known.
The Jesuit father Guevara, in his account of Paraguay, speaks of a species not noticed by Azara, found about Villa Rica, which deposits upon certain plants small globules of white wax, which the inhabitants collect to make candles of.
Amongst the number of interesting plants to which my attention has been called, I am of opinion that this country may hereafter derive great advantages from the three new species of indigo which I have found in these fertile regions.
The various species of men are as different from each other, and as little calculated to associate, as the various species of animals.
The specieswhich she immortalized in "The Blind Hermit and the Trinity Flower," was T.
Fancy how I revel in them, and in the garden, which holds 1640 species of herbaceous perennials all labelled and indexed!
This allusion was only a slight one, but Julie wrote a complete story on one species of Trillium, having a special affection for the whole genus.
This species is at once distinguishable from all others by the extraordinary internal expansion of the distal end of the tibio-tarsus.
This appears to be the largest species of the genus, though Ae.
It differs from the other species of the genus by the slenderer proportions of the tibio-tarsus, which is 22 inches long by 2.
The bones on which thisspecies is founded are a pair of ulnae, one radius, four metatarsi, and one coracoid.
This species is at once distinguished from the other species of the genus by having right-angled orbits.
This is the largest species of Moa, the tibio-tarsus being from 37.
One stuffed specimen (Type) and one skeleton in Paris, one skeleton in Florence, and one stuffed specimen in Liverpool (an species diversa?
Now the species of Palaeornis from Rodriguez, the Seychelles, and the mainland of Africa are all distinct, and the other land birds of Mauritius are and were different from those of Bourbon.
Two species can be recognized: Pennula millsi, with a uniform upper surface, and Pennula sandwichensis, with a distinctly spotted upper side.
Some species have been exterminated by the introduction of animals of prey, such as rats, cats, mongoose, etc.
For the ugliness of Mac Strann was that most terrible species of ugliness--not disfigured features but a discord which pervaded the man and came from within him--like a sound.
I am unfamiliar with that means of locomotion," said the doctor with serious eyes, "and in fact have not carried my acquaintance with the equine species beyond a purely experimental stage.
For a particular instance, one species of orange tended to have few and fewer seeds.
All hereditary government over a people is to them a species of slavery and representative government is freedom.
Could there not be invented a species of social guarantee which, rejecting all investigation into bygones after a certain limit, would confer a valid title that none might dispute?
A wild burst of mocking laughter rung from the boy's lips as he said this; but its accents were less in derision of the boast than a species of hysterical ecstasy at the vision he had conjured up.
They were, of course, forwarded to him there; and as the King has a passion for that species of literature, he opened them all himself.
Harcourt listened with a species of admiration to the calm and measured sentiment of the sailor, who, fully conscious of all the danger, yet never, by a word or gesture, showed that he was flurried or excited.
And this unearthly lake was filled with golden lotuses, and swarmed with diverse species of birds.
And having passed the source of the Ganga, we have seen many a lovely hill and the Himalaya mountains, inhabited by various species of birds, and also the jujube named Visala, where there is the hermitage of Nara and Narayana.
Dost thou not mark that fish preys upon fish, and that various species of animals prey upon other species, and there are species the members of which prey upon each other?
I was rather interested in this species of Wild Man of the Woods, and kept a sharp look out as we journeyed through that region in the hopes of seeing him.
Looking in the direction whence the sound proceeded, I espied a species of deer, of a dark golden colour, eyeing me with extreme astonishment.
It is difficult to bring oneself to believe that amidst these immense solitudes a species of human being does not exist.
Numerous small lagoons, covered with wild-fowl of strange and novel appearance, frequently came in our way, and by their shores basked hundreds of the lovely white swans whosespecies I have already mentioned.
The species of religion to which you must, or may, one day attach yourself, must exercise a strong power on the imagination.
It is astonishing how partial the people are to this species of contract, and how diligently they labor, acquiring or maintaining all the while those habits which render them honorable and useful members of society.
Mr. Rigdum used to glory in recounting that he acquitted himself on this occasion with a species of dexterity not contemplated in his commission.
Not that they are entirely lacking, but rather that they are of a different species altogether from that array of magnificently planned chateaux which line the banks of the Loire below.
The Angevin builders developed a species that was on the borderland between the Romanesque and the Gothic, though not by any means a mere transition type.
The roof of this building was composed of palm leaves and some species of grass dyed various colours.
A diminutive, but courageous inhabitant of darkest Africa has converted an ostrich into a species of feathered postman (Fig.
Mr. Nelson says that this is the most abundant species of the Owl family.
In North America but twelve species occur, a family small enough to find room in BIRDS to sit for their pictures.
There are about three hundred known species of Pigeons and Doves, about one third of which number are found in the New World.
Some nest in colonies, others in isolated pairs, but most species are found in flocks of greater or less size after the nesting season.
The species is gregarious, and they are very numerous in South Australia, where they frequent woods and feed on seeds, fruits, and larvae of insects.
The young ones tame readily and some speciesshow remarkable intelligence.
It is said that two nests of the same speciesare rarely found alike.
Living specimens of this the largest species of Pigeons may some day be brought to the United States and made to increase as the Ring-necked English Pheasant has already been domesticated in their own country.
This species of compound misery is too painful to dwell upon, unless in mollified association with the ludicrous.
This species of instrumental composition, the sonata, first imagined in the course of the 17th century, has been fixed, in many respects, by Corelli.
As a species of that genus which comprehends the viola, violoncello, and violone, or double-bass, it must be very ancient.
And so great were his encouragement and profits in this speciesof traffic, that he printed four several books of Ayres for the Violin, in the same form and size.
The fatigue of the public and of the Artist now gives place to a species of joy, that visibly blooms on every countenance.
This was about the year 1660, at which time the favorite diversion of the French Court was a species of ballet, that consisted of dancing, intermixed with dramatic action, and musical recitative.
The principal error against which Amateurs have to guard themselves, is that species of ambition which impels them to imitate the showy and more external quality of professional playing, called execution[64].
There was at first but little distinction between these two species of the drama, except that comedy belonged more to the rural celebration of the Dionysiac festivals, and tragedy to that in cities.
That people were a species of freebooters, and the terror of their neighbours; yet they were united, like the Achaeans, in a confederacy or league.
The commencement of Greek lyric poetry as a cultivated species of composition dates from the middle of the seventh century before the Christian era.
Some of them expressed the sufferings of Dionysus; and it was from this more mournful species of dithyramb that tragedy, properly so called, arose.
Leibnitz distinctly suggests the mutability of species-- "Alii mirantur in saxis passim species videri quas vel in orbe cognito, vel saltem in vicinis locis frustra quaeras.
The finner whale is the speciesmost commonly taken.
The observation of the existence of structures, in a rudimentary and apparently useless condition, in one species of a group, which are fully developed and have definite functions in other species of the same group.
The observation of the existence of an analogy between the series of gradations presented by the species which compose any great group of animals or plants, and the series of embryonic conditions of the highest members of that group.
Exchange in relation to money affairs denotes a species of barter not of goods but of the value of goods, a payment in one place being exchanged for a payment in another place.
Other species of Helichrysum and species of allied genera with scarious heads of flowers are also known as "everlastings.
He wanted to present to the city a good specimen of the big California bear, partly because he believed the species was almost extinct, and mainly because the exploit would be unique in journalism and attract attention to his paper.
His character has been traduced in tales of the fireside and his disposition has been maligned ever since the female of his species came out of the woods to rebuke irreverence to smooth-pated age.
What he would or might do under any circumstances could not be predicated upon the basis of what another one of his species had done under similar circumstances.
Jenks knew a good deal of botany, and enough about birds to differentiate between carnivorous species and those fit for human food, whilst the salt in their most fortunate supply of hams rendered their meals almost epicurean.
Among the fish selected by the feathered connoisseurs they hit upon two species which most resembled whiting and haddock, and these turned out to be very palatable and wholesome.
There was a species of mad humor in the suggestion.
He sought forgetfulness in a species of mental intoxication, and countenanced his daughter's love idyll with such apparent approval that Lord Ventnor wondered whether Sir Arthur were not suffering from senile decay.
Thus, while there are not more than ten fresh-water species known, Dr.
Ledenfeld remarked that about one thousand species of salt-water sponges had been recognized.
In so far as we realize ourselves as experiments of the species for the species, just in so far do we escape from the accidental and the chaotic.
Our work, he implied, must be in every way to minimize for ourselves the elements of chance, to become aware of our species in a collective sense, battling with nature and moulding our own future.
Love belongs to the future and the species with more finality than the greatest constructive work of the present, and the heroines of Wells are inordinately fond of babies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "species" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.