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Example sentences for "surprise"

Lexicographically close words:
surplus; surplusage; surpluses; surpris; surprisal; surprised; surprises; surprising; surprisingly; surprize
  1. Judge my surprise when a most elegant gilt car, with a man in it, and part of a sheep which seemed to have been roasted, fell within two yards of me.

  2. His handsome young face was thrust forward, and on it were written grief, surprise and shame.

  3. There to his surprise he found all prepared for his reception.

  4. As they went down the river and passed people on the banks, he could not help laughing as he saw the surprise on their faces.

  5. This the lieutenant did, and to his great surprise found that Nelson was quite as well able to handle the ship as he was himself.

  6. Much to their surprise these suggestions were almost always good ones, and he became a very welcome visitor.

  7. One or two of these papers got into the hands of a local newspaper and appeared in print, much to Abe's surprise and to his stepmother's delight.

  8. He had left his wife and children and gone to Milan, and there he had waited a long time while the leaders of the society planned to surprise the Austrian garrison and drive the troops out of the city.

  9. The next evening the boys of Lancaster sprang a surprise on that quiet but patriotic town.

  10. Hereupon, to the surprise of everybody as no one expected it, the Consul requested that some Filipino airs be played which seemed to please him very much.

  11. Great was their surprise when these priests returned saying that they had contented themselves with merely making fun of them by obliging them to play the big drum and lead the band.

  12. Surprise showed on almost every face in the audience.

  13. To the Filipino People:-- "I believe that I am not in error in presuming that the unhappy fate to which my adverse fortune has led me is not a surprise to those who have been familiar day by day with the progress of the war.

  14. To the contrary, the attack on the barracks by the sandatahan should be a complete surprise and with decision and courage.

  15. Looking at the handsome three-dollar watch which his father had given him, he saw to his surprise that it was long past his supper-hour.

  16. Thus, little by little, the small iron bear, into whose jaws Rollo placed his hoard, became gradually filled, until one day Rollo found to his surprise that no more coins would go in.

  17. To his surprise Mr. Robbins turned and said something which I cannot print, but which caused Rollo's cheeks to turn a deep crimson.

  18. Just then to his surprise all the lights in the edifice went out.

  19. Thus it is with no surprise that parents should see the little fellow in situations far removed from the woodshed and the hay-barn.

  20. I am afraid I showed my surprise rather plainly.

  21. But I decided that if I made any interesting and important discoveries--as no doubt I should--I would keep them to myself, and surprise Poirot with the ultimate result.

  22. It came quite as a surprise to Wells--and to John Cavendish also.

  23. John noticed my surprise at the news of his mother's remarriage and smiled rather ruefully.

  24. Suddenly clasping me in his arms, he kissed me warmly on both cheeks, and before I had recovered from my surprise ran headlong from the room.

  25. But, pausing a moment, he added: "Still, it does not surprise me.

  26. I can tell you, that was a surprise to us all.

  27. What you say about Lawrence is a great surprise to me," I said.

  28. He gave an exclamation of surprise at seeing me.

  29. So the discovery of the charred fragment in the grate was no surprise to me.

  30. To her surprise she encountered her mother, who had just come up the stairs.

  31. To the surprise of the boys he started ahead willingly, and Jack's spirits rose.

  32. You see, Leo and I have prepared a little surprise for the company.

  33. Struck with surprise at this new revelation of his character, she evaded reply, being secretly minded to inform her husband, when she returned home, which she did, word for word.

  34. For an instant there was a pause of astonishment, for no one knew exactly what had happened; then there was a wild yell of surprise and fear, as our rifles came down again with a crashing thud.

  35. Surprise kept all quiet for a while, and then exclamations of pleasure and excitement broke from all, while Mr. Hardy and his sons were greatly affected at this proof of the recent presence of their lost one.

  36. Again the Guachos, upon this being translated to them, expressed their perfect accordance with Mr. Hardy's views, and some surprise at his ideas having been so identical with their own upon the subject.

  37. It was about nine o'clock when we rode into camp; and as we approached it, we acknowledged that a better place against a sudden surprise could hardly have been chosen.

  38. These arrived on the scene so early as to surprise the Boers, who, after having been kept at bay by the small force of Colonials, had continued to snipe at them from a distance throughout the night.

  39. Surprise Packets," which were arranged on the lucky-tub principle, ready for those who might venture on an experimental dive.

  40. His stay was fraught with much benefit to the troops, as his energetic measures, smart manoeuvres, and surprise drills brought the spirited Colonials to a high state of alertness and proficiency.

  41. Presently the brilliant youth, the hero of the Surprise Hill affair, Lieutenant Digby Jones, R.

  42. What was his surprise to find some one asleep there.

  43. Whatever he thought, this trusty fellow manifested no surprise that the colonel and Careless should have a common woodman in their company.

  44. You affect surprise at my appearance, Sir Rowland," rejoined Goff; "but you can feel none.

  45. To his infinite surprise Charles found an excellent repast awaiting him, and he was served at it by his host and the butler.

  46. Careless, whose surprise increased as the youth drew nearer, and his delicately-formed features could be more clearly discerned.

  47. With this force he marched to Wigan, with the design of proceeding to Manchester, where he not only hoped to surprise Cromwell's regiment of infantry but expected to obtain five hundred recruits.

  48. The Lord is with thee, and will enable thee to surprise the enemy.

  49. It was the look of surprise which passed between Miss Kent and her cousin that delighted Fidelia's friend.

  50. It came back so vividly that when Jabez began to speak his first words were lost in the surprise which seized her when she turned towards him.

  51. A pleasant surprise awaited her, and she found it easy not to be cross.

  52. She was very selfish in the first shock of surprise and pain, and it was an hour of bitterness that she passed beneath the cedars by the brook; and, alas for her!

  53. It was with some surprise that I saw the natives of the east coast of New South Wales so nearly portrayed in those of the south-western extremity of New Holland.

  54. Having observed the latitude there from an artificial horizon, I ascended the hill; and to my surprise found the port so extensive, that even at this elevation its boundary to the northward could not be distinguished.

  55. They afterwards followed us along the shore; and when I shot another bird, which hovered over the boat, and held it up to them, they ran down to the water-side and received it without expressing either surprise or distrust.

  56. His surprise was not lessened, when, after the slightest exchange of civilities compatible with very scant hospitality, Miss Tabitha suddenly came at once to the point by an abrupt question.

  57. Mrs. Brown knew merely that Mrs. Smithers, in her first surprise and dismay at the flight of her daughter, had driven over to Montfield for Mr. Putnam.

  58. A surprise this, not without good and sufficient cause; for, although the patron of the parish, and living in the immediate neighbourhood of the church just named, the Lord of Hermitage had not entered it for many a long year.

  59. The intelligence struck them all with surprise and regret; for he was a general favourite, and, indeed, had now become the chief hope of the erratic family.

  60. The surprise was too great for her; she felt a mortal sickness creeping over her, and, turning deadly-pale, fell fainting into her chair.

  61. Not long after the incident of the Bible and the bank-notes, Fortune showed that she could surprise Mrs Butler as well as her husband.

  62. Whatever David felt, he was too proud and too steady-minded to show any unpleasant surprise in his countenance and manner.

  63. In this long letter there was much to surprise as well as to distress Mrs. Butler.

  64. Butler, with some surprise at the question, replied, "that he had received no letter for some time; his wife was a poor penwoman.

  65. To these Jeanie paid little attention, so that it was with a shock of surprise almost electrical, that, upon being carried by the rowers out of the boat to the shore, she was received in the arms of her father!

  66. The surprise of Butler was extreme, when Jeanie, who seldom stirred half-a-mile from home, entered his apartment upon this annunciation.

  67. This second surprise had been accomplished for Jeanie Deans by the rod of the same benevolent enchanter, whose power had transplanted her father from the Crags of St. Leonard's to the banks of the Gare Loch.

  68. And as for Mr. Patrick Walker, he has left it upon record, that his great surprise was, that so small a pistol could kill so big a man.

  69. I am asked, and much surprise is expressed at the information supplied by Goat's Mother that I have not yet seen my fortieth birthday.

  70. After dinner we were not offered the water pipe, but cigarettes, all expressing surprise that we could refuse so foreign an indulgence.

  71. Ere nightfall on Friday, William slipped out and hurried to the ford, as if to meet him, passing Owen Griffith at the foot of the hill, on his way to the farm to express his own surprise at the messenger's delay.

  72. In his silence, therefore, there was nothing to surprise his mother, who had fallen in with the general opinion that he was sullen.

  73. But there was nothing uncertain in his exclamation of surprise at the firmly repaired walls Mrs. Edwards showed so proudly as the work of her youngest son.

  74. He drew back in surprise at the sight of her tall, graceful figure, with the long, tightly fitting skirt and hair no longer tossing mischievously about her shoulders, but gathered behind her neck in a long, wide curve.

  75. I daresay, but I want to know what your surprise is?

  76. They both turned their heads in surprise as though they would survey a curiosity, a tortoise that had been granted miraculously the gift of speech.

  77. Roland, who was backing up closely, called him for a run, and if surprise at so unparalleled an example of impertinence had not rendered the wicket-keeper impotent, nothing could have saved him from being run out.

  78. It was one of those mild days that in early spring surprise us with a promise of summer, on which the heart is stirred with the crowded glory of life and the sense of widening horizons.

  79. Roland was struck with surprise and admiration.

  80. Roland expressed surprise that his father had not welcomed the offer of so promising a post.

  81. He returned home with the happy air of one that carries a delightful surprise in his pocket.

  82. For a moment he thought that she was going to refuse, when suddenly the look of surprise passed into a gracious smile.

  83. He looked at her quickly, a look of surprise and gratitude, and pressed her arm with his.

  84. But I want to know what your surprise is first?

  85. The surprise placed in his mouth ardent, unconsidered words.

  86. The use of his Christian name caused no surprise to him; it was natural that she should address him so.

  87. It would surprise you if you could only know what they were thinking.

  88. Still it appeared that the French had had enough for the moment, as having failed in their expected surprise of the English they retreated once more to their own camp.

  89. She uttered an exclamation of surprise on hearing Pierre approach.

  90. A thing which appeared to surprise him, was to see that we could render the water of the sea fresh, by means of the still attached to our caboose; he could not imagine how that could be done.

  91. Surprise and Discontent of the Officers and Crew.

  92. M'Dougal and M'Kenzie affecting to dread a surprise from this British force under our guns, we kept strictly on our guard; for we were inferior in point of numbers, although our position was exceedingly advantageous.

  93. It may be imagined what was the surprise of Mr. Hunt when he saw Astoria under the British flag, and passed into stranger hands.

  94. On that day we descried, to our great surprise and great joy, a sail in the offing, opposite the mouth of the river.

  95. Surprise and Discontent of the Officers And Crew.

  96. Had Peter encountered the dead Sir Piers in corporeal form, he could not have manifested more surprise than he exhibited, for an instant or two, as he shrunk back from the stranger's path.

  97. Small, whom he found within in the vestry, Ranulph walked towards the hall, where a fresh surprise awaited him.

  98. One circumstance filled him with surprise and dismay--he could nowhere perceive the coffin of his daughter.

  99. That he should show himself thus openly, where he might be so easily betrayed, excited no little surprise among the craftiest of the crew, and augured an excess of temerity on his part.

  100. He was about to issue forth in search of Sybil, when to his surprise he found the door fastened.

  101. The priest stood like one stunned with surprise at Luke's sudden appearance and subsequent daring action.

  102. The suddenness of the change could not fail to excite surprise and admiration, mingled with regret that the procession had not been delayed until the present time.

  103. Peter testified his delight and surprise at the escape of his grandson, by a greeting of chuckling laughter.

  104. An exclamation of surprise and joy burst from his lips.

  105. A footstep crossed in the room, and, presently afterwards, exclamations of surprise and smothered laughter were heard from the parties.

  106. Most wonderful must have been the surprise of the people, to hear such proclamation.

  107. The preacher described the interview, the miracle, the happy change in the sufferer, the transporting surprise of his long afflicted family.

  108. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surprise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admiration; alarm; amaze; amazement; ambush; assail; assault; astonish; astound; attack; awe; bewilder; blow; boggle; bolt; bomb; bombshell; breath; bushwhack; catch; confound; daze; dazzle; fascination; floor; hit; joker; jolt; jump; kicker; limit; marvel; mug; overwhelm; paralyze; perplex; petrify; pound; revelation; rock; scare; shock; shocker; stagger; startle; strike; stun; stupefy; surprise; switch; take; thunderbolt; turn; unforeseen; unheralded; upset

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    surprise and; surprise attack; surprise party; surprise when