Although knocked senseless in the opening chukker, he finished the match and no one realized his predicament until he confessed to his team mates in the clubhouse.
For an instant the grocer glowered at the boy and the letter, and then his shrewd mind, suggesting a way out of the embarrassing predicament in which the boy had placed him, he exclaimed: "Poor Horace!
In this predicament I could think of nothing more ingenious than to burst out of the house, under the pretext of an ungovernable rage.
Conceive the predicament of St. Ives, committed to the society of these outrageous youths, in a town where the police and his cousin were both looking for him!
Carl's predicament had become serious in the extreme.
For a full minute he stood on the ladder, taking in the weird and dangerous predicament of the Grampus.
The Committee were precisely in this predicament when they framed this article; and to me, I confess, their conduct appears specious rather than efficacious.
This dangerous and dishonourable disproportion at once supplies the one with the means of corrupting, and throws the other into the predicament of being corrupted.
Crossing the threshold in a cloud of shame she discerned through the blur Mrs. Beale seated there with a gentleman who immediately drew the pain from her predicament by rising before her as the original of the photograph of Sir Claude.
It did not seem to him as if he were going afar, but were bewildered round and round, within a very small compass; a predicament in which a man feels very foolish usually.
But you are right, in such a predicament as yours.
What was he going to do in the predicament towards which he had been drifting so long, which was now actually upon him?
If it could be chronicled that sympathetic sorrow for her companion's predicamentwas the principal feeling in her mind, she would have been an angel.
The idea at the root of it scarcely brooks indication, so inevitable had it surely become, in all the conditions, that a young Englishwoman in some such predicament should figure as the happy pictorial thought.
Better late than never, Mr. Cardigan, considering the predicamentin which you found me.
The vital aspects of his predicament dawned on the Colonel one night at dinner, midway between the soup and the fish.
Further, "difficult to change" is not a difference belonging to the predicament of quality, but rather to movement or passion.
And therefore these constitute a special genus of things, which are comprised under the predicament of "habit": of which the Philosopher says (Metaph.
But one predicament is not contained under another.
Or any imaginary predicament may be suggested; as, "What if you were driving a load of ashes over a steep hill, and found that you had forgotten to put up the backboard of the cart?
In her predicament she descended to the office, where the face of one of the clerks attracted her, and she waited until he was unoccupied.
Mr. Torrens stamps his foot with rage:—his predicament is truly awful.
Frank, leaping from his bed, and suddenly animated by the hope that Sir Christopher had accidentally heard of his predicament and had come to pay his debts.
Frank was therefore in rather an unpleasant state of mind, as well as being in an uneasy predicament under the sofa.
For, without being a fatalist, or a disciple of Baruch de Spinoza, I must confess that I cannot conceive a greater resemblance to our human and earthly state than the penal predicament of the devoted flies.
Human endurance will not go too far, and this was a case which required one to be in a passion one way or the other; so I feigned anger, and talked with exceeding dignity about the predicament I had been placed in the day before.
Lord North supported the bill; but he found himself in the unusual predicament of voting in the minority.
And thus we get to the region illustrated by the two stories I have told, where the humour lies in the observation of one in a predicament that appears to be of a tragic character, when the tragic element is purely imaginary.
At her first waking, in the early gray hours of the morning, she had looked her predicament calmly in the face.