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Example sentences for "judgement"

Lexicographically close words:
jucunda; judex; judg; judge; judged; judgements; judges; judgeship; judgeships; judgest
  1. In the year 1707, that deservedly celebrated Lady Chudleigh being at the Bath, was told by the Lady Elizabeth of a very surprising instance of this judgement on his eldest son Charles’s horoscope.

  2. Rhoda was ashamed of herself for thinking it strange, and she surrendered her judgement to be stamped by the one who knew him well.

  3. Now I am wiser; and now is too late; and now you sit in judgement on me.

  4. Dahly, the blossom, 've come back streaky under the eyes, and you make the house feel as if we neighboured Judgement Day.

  5. What justice° ever other judgement taught, But he should die, who merites not to live?

  6. Pythagoras could spy oute in womens eyes two kind of teares, the one of grefe the other of disceit: and those of judgement can from the same flower suck honey with the bee, from whence the Spyder (I mean the ignorant) take their poison.

  7. The penalties for wounding or striking a person depend upon the severity of the injury; for each degree the Lord of Judgement hath prescribed a certain indemnity.

  8. At present, the Bahá’ís are free to use their judgement in the matter.

  9. Philip Wharton put his hand before his eyes; he felt sorry and afraid.

  10. Not to show any, but rather to bury or destroy; not to betray the secret of the dead, but to ease mine own heart of one scene which has haunted me these long ten years.

  11. Philip Wharton entered; in a little alcove to his right he found the woman waiting for him.

  12. For Edward had sworn by his father’s soul to wipe out every life in Limoges.

  13. The memory may be stored, but the judgement is little better, and the stock of knowledge not increased, by being able to repeat what others have said or produce the arguments we have found in them.

  14. Except our mind be the better, unless our judgement be the sounder, I had rather my scholar had employed his time in playing at tennis; I am sure his body would be the nimbler.

  15. There must be both a judgement and a fervour; a discrimination and a boyish eagerness; and (with all due humility) something of a point of contact between authors worth reading and the reader.

  16. It is good to have translations, because they serve as a comment, so far as the judgement of one man goes.

  17. For, if I thought my judgement were of years, I should commit thee, surely, with thy peers.

  18. In judgement of her substance thus they vary; And thus they vary in iudgement of her seat; For some her chaire vp to the braine doe carry, Some thrust it downe into the stomackes heat.

  19. Therefore I have shut myself out of all the Promises, and there now remains to me nothing but threatnings, dreadful threatnings, fearful threatnings of certain Judgement which shall devour me as an Adversary.

  20. The judgement here corrects the inequalities of our internal emotions and perceptions; in like manner, as it preserves us from error, in the several variations of images, presented to our external senses.

  21. In every judgement of beauty, the feelings of the person affected enter into consideration, and communicate to the spectator similar touches of pain or pleasure.

  22. What wonder, then, if we can pronounce no judgement concerning the character and conduct of men, without considering the tendencies of their actions, and the happiness or misery which thence arises to society?

  23. Learn to know him more nearly; seek his intercourse; and you will soon be moved by penitence and love to abjure your dislike and your over-hasty judgement against him.

  24. Another puts up a building on a piece of public land: again judgement must be given.

  25. Some one fails to fit out a ship: judgement must be given.

  26. There is also a legend that the beach near the Head is haunted (as is that of Woollacombe in North Devon) by the spectre of an old gentleman, who for his sins is set the task of making ropes out of sand until Judgement Day.

  27. Another worthy of the town, a certain Captain Scrass, had less nicety of judgement regarding the right of others than we could have liked.

  28. And at night the King dreamed that he was condemned at the Last Judgement to be scourged by the very monks he had intended to have slain.

  29. Somewhere you've read that the final judgement can often come without warning, from anyone at any time.

  30. This is what he said: some lawyers lead their clients on a thread until judgement is passed, but there are others who immediately lift their clients onto their shoulders and carry them all the way to the judgement and beyond.

  31. Let me have judgement and the Jew his will.

  32. That is Shakespeare's mature judgement of Lord Herbert's betrayal.

  33. Valentine says: "His years but young; but his experience old; His head unmellowed; but his judgement ripe.

  34. So superficial and false a judgement is a quaint example of mid-Victorian taste: it reminds me of the horsehair sofa and the antimacassar.

  35. To find Shakespeare more severe in judgement than the majority of spectators and readers is so astonishing, so singular a fact, that it cries for explanation.

  36. Their Judgement is therefore so much the greater, because thereto is added blindness of Mind, and hardness of Heart in a wicked way.

  37. But what need I instance in particular persons, when the Judgement of God against this kind of people was made manifest, I think I may say, if not in all, yet in most of the Counties in England where such poor Creatures were.

  38. Repentance for it, is the saddest Judgement that can overtake a man.

  39. This, I say, makes their Judgement double, they are given up of God, for a while to sport themselves with that which will assuredly make them mourn at last, when their flesh and their body is consumed.

  40. It {46c} was the Judgement of God that he did; that is, he came acquainted with them, through the anger of God.

  41. And for that he set so light by them as to their Persons and Counsels, 'twas a sign that at present he was of a very abominable spirit, {26a} and that some Judgement waited to take hold of him in time to come.

  42. And sorry may we be to remember that there are British Senators, who (if a judgement may be formed from the language which they speak) are inclined to accompany him far in this opinion.

  43. Only I tell you all, that it will be more endurable for the land of Sodom on the day of Judgement than for thee.

  44. Give us your judgement therefore: is it allowable for us to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?

  45. The Queen of the south will awake at the Judgement together with the present generation, and will condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and mark!

  46. Only I tell you that it will be more endurable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of Judgement than for you.

  47. There will stand up men of Nineveh at the Judgement together with the present generation, and will condemn it; because they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and mark!

  48. I solemnly tell you that it will be more endurable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of Judgement than for that town.

  49. I attached their real estate which was well improved and valuable; procured a judgement of $8,000.

  50. You have a judgement against our homes and if you sell them you will turn us and our families out of doors and leave us destitute without any homes for our wives and children.

  51. But all resistance was vain before the iron will and temperate judgement of Omer.

  52. With more judgement than is generally found amongst Turkish commanders, the foraging party was brought back to camp, though not before it had suffered a considerable loss.

  53. Such, at least, is the opinion of those who have the best opportunities of forming a correct judgement in the matter.

  54. The Roman Catholics considered this event to be a manifest judgement of heaven against the wicked heretics; but the Patarenes looked on it as a proof of divine favour, the land being thereby cleared for them and adapted for cultivation.

  55. In the book of Matthew, where the Judgement Day is depicted for us in the imagery of One seated upon a throne and dividing the sheep from the goats, the test of a man then is not, "How have I believed?

  56. Your first impulse may be the same, your judgement may be unchanged, but if you try it the ink will dry on your pen, and you will rise from your desk an unavenged, but greater and more Christian man.

  57. But, has he a friend that would dispute my claim With this my sword which I have girt in place My judgement will I warrant every way.

  58. They're chos'n aright, as the others' judgement cast them; Oger the Dane between them made the parley.

  59. Beheld these things with terror every man, And many said: "We in the Judgement stand; The end of time is presently at hand.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "judgement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analysis; belief; capacity; conscience; counsel; criticism; decision; decree; determination; discretion; discrimination; estimate; estimation; evaluation; experience; expertise; finding; guess; gumption; insight; intellect; judgement; measurement; mentality; mind; opinion; pronouncement; prudence; reason; resolution; review; sense; sentence; sentiment; tact; taste; thinking; understanding; view