The situation was without precedent in financial history and there was some excuse for what has since been deemed a wrong step in the beginning.
Will you explain more fully the precedent of music to which you have just adverted?
To my sense the precedent most in Keats's mind was not these, but the before-mentioned translation of Wieland's Oberon by Sotheby.
In this remarkable discourse the whole political situation is treated seriously, and with a mixture of practical vigour and literary skill of which there had hardly been any precedent instance.
In these later poems the ambition of the writer to class his work under and with some precedent work is almost entirely absent.
Many of this connection justified slavery as established by the precedent of the Hebrews, but they felt that persons held to service should be instructed as were the servants of the household of Abraham.
Logically, the introduction of such a practice on that occasion would have been construed as a precedent for the treatment of future public emergencies.
To have removed the President upon accusations in reality based upon partisan and personal--not amounting even to substantial political differences--would have been the establishment of a precedent of the most dangerous character.
And I do this in order to clear myself of these suspicions, and not because it is commanded in the canons, or because I desire to impose this practice as a precedent upon my successors or brothers and fellow-bishops.
Later popes were not slow to see the value of this act as a precedent (see nos.
He told me that it would not be without precedent to send for both at once; this it appears to me would obviate every objection.
Upon his arrival he found that there was no precedent of the House meeting again after an Address, without receiving an answer from the Crown.
The danger of the whole of Lord Cardigan's proceedings has been lest a precedent of this nature should arise out of them.
Apostles imparted miraculous gifts by the imposition of hands, therefore their conduct forms no precedent for us.
Questions have sometimes been raised as to this method of election, and attempts have been sometimes made to follow the precedent here set.
Christianity, on the contrary, rooted itself in the past, retained old institutions and old ideas, elevating indeed and spiritualising them, and thus slowly broadened down from precedent to precedent.
Years before, in the diving-bell days, he had set himself the precedent of never asking an employee to do what he himself would fear to do.
The Congo is the first of the Central African countries to dedicate aviation to commercial uses and this precedent is likely to be extensively followed.
Rhodes now converted this concession into a commercial and colonizing achievement without precedent or parallel.
The Crown was possibly guided by the precedent of Natal, where a premature Responsible Government was followed by two Zulu wars which well-nigh wrecked the province.
Among other things he said: "We are taking our whole cue for electrification from the railroads of your country and more especially the admirable precedent established by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
Yet, whatever the simile, the net of unconscious precedent is too closely drawn, the mesh of instinct is too fine to hope for any initiative.
The fiscal approved of this suggestion and made a motion before the acuerdo of the audiencia that this course should be pursued, but, as no laws had been promulgated on the subject, there was no precedent to follow.
The king himself observed this rule and his act was supposed to form a precedent for general use within the Spanish colonial empire.
The chief duty of the tribunal in that regard was to keep the ecclesiastical judges from exceeding their authority, and the practices of the audiencias of Spain were especially prescribed as a precedent for the local tribunal.
This case was decided in favor of the juez de difuntos, and may be considered as having established a precedentfor his subsequent jurisdiction over such cases.
The patronato real in Spain furnished a precedent for that of her colonial empire.
Not only did the governor set a precedent of seeking the advice of the audiencia during this early period, but the king often sought the opinion of the magistrates in regard to military affairs.
The above laws form a precedent for the subsequent authorization of the Audiencia of Manila to assume charge of the government on the death of the governor.
The point to be gained by the cabal was this; that a precedent should be established, tending to show, That the favor of the people was not so sure a road as the favor of the court even to popular honors and popular trusts.
The maker of the maxim saw how inseparable these ideas were, without considering that the notion of some great power must be always precedent to our dread of it.
But, in order firmly to establish the precedent of payment previous to account, and to form it into a settled rule of the House, the god in the machine was brought down, nothing less than the wonder-working law of Parliament.
Pilate, on the other hand, in defiance of precedent and policy, caused the garrison soldiers of Jerusalem to enter the city by night carrying aloft their standards, blazoned with the images of Tiberius.
The money you paid was nominally to hire a substitute, but no one but King Charles and Attorney-General Noy, who fished out the precious precedent from the rag-bag of the past, knew what became of the money.
Noy is described for us as a law-pedant, finding legal precedent for anything that royalty wished to do.
A little later the Reverend Cotton Mather was to cite the case of Mary Dyer as precedent for his pet belief in witchcraft.
I have pointed out the necessity and the precedent for legislation of this character.
The equities of the cases justify the expectation that a measure of reparation will eventually be accorded in harmony with precedent and in the light of the proven facts.
The Government justly appreciates the services of its soldiers and sailors by making pension payments liberal beyond precedent to them, their widows and orphans.
If he were to enter the town, all the men in the university would have to stop their work, get on their parade-day gowns, line-up by precedent and rank and go to meet him and go through days of ceremony and incantations.
Here's an ancient and mouldy precedentthat needs shattering--for the coming of our country into its proper station and influence in the world.
The outgrowing or the overthrow of the Divine Right is a condition precedent to the effectiveness of international law and treaties.
The experts of the Foreign Office searched the history of blockades and found something which resembled a precedent in the practices of the American Navy during the Civil War.
That some such right was inherent in the crown, few even of the Country Party ventured, in the face of precedent and authority, to deny.
The book which they venerated furnished them with a precedent which was frequently in their mouths.
There was a most useful precedent to lend support to it--the alliance of the Empress Elizabeth with a man of immeasurably lower rank than Catherine's favourite; but it was important that this precedent should be established beyond dispute.
It would not be in accordance with precedent to state reasons for the exercise of the prerogative.
It would not be in accordance with precedent to state reasons for the exercise of prerogative.
As a precedent for nomination they cite the act of Abu Bekr, who on his death-bed recommended Omar as his successor in the Caliphate.
It is surely not beyond the flight of sane imagination to suppose, in the last overwhelming catastrophe of Constantinople, a council of Ulema assembling at Mecca, and according to the legal precedent of ancient days electing a Caliph.