The English Simnel was the purest White Bread, as in the Bookof Battle Abbey.
Farmer's Library is intended for sale, I should be glad that thisbook might be soon restored to the Executors; and my original wish to return it, may appear from a letter of mine to Dr.
In the New Book of the King's Household of Edward IV.
The Tenth Book of Paradise Lost has a greater variety of Persons in it than any other in the whole Poem.
Footnote 1: Hector's parting from Andromache, at the close of Book VI.
I cannot conclude this Book upon the Creation, without mentioning a Poem which has lately appeared under that Title.
You are never heard, but at what Horace calls dextro tempore, and have the Happiness to observe the politick Rule, which the same discerning Author gave his Friend, when he enjoin'd him to deliver his Book to Augustus.
Adam and Eve, in theBook we are now considering, are likewise drawn with such Sentiments as do not only interest the Reader in their Afflictions, but raise in him the most melting Passions of Humanity and Commiseration.
Footnote 2: At the end of the third Book of the Poetics.
For this Reason, tho I have endeavoured to give a general Idea of its Graces and Imperfections in my Six First Papers, I thought my self obliged to bestow one upon every Book in particular.
A NOTE ON THE TYPE IN WHICH THIS BOOK IS SET The text of this book was set on the linotype in Baskerville.
This was followed by his famous editions of Milton, the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and several Latin classic authors.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper.
They doom the artistic impulse to toil with its nose to the grindstone, until their idea is expressed in a book or a statue.
The book is thus made a complete guide to all the common and beautiful forms of our Atlantic flora, north of the Carolinas, including nearly all the characteristic forms of the Pacific coast, for California, Oregon and the North.
It is just such a work as has long been needed and much called for: a handy, convenient book for sea-side use.
Any book mentioned sent by mail on receipt of price.
The book contains directions for studying the general anatomy, the microscopic structure, and the development of selected types of animal life; and it also describes the method of collecting and preserving the forms which are described.
It would be well not to put this book into a boy's hands until the chores are finished, otherwise they might be neglected.
Thad understood that Davy wished to say something privately, and on this account he did not hesitate to get up and move over to where the other was sitting with his log book in his hand.
There is a good deal of fun in this book and plenty of action.
Davy alone sat off to one side, and seemed to be trying to shut out the chatter, while he wrote in his private log book an account of their recent adventures.
There is a lively story woven in with the athletic achievements, which are all right, since the book has been O.
This book brims over with woods lore and the thrilling adventure that befell the Boy Scouts during their vacation in the wilderness.
The book begins in rapid action, and there is "something doing" up to the very time you lay it down.
On the sporting side, the book takes up football, wrestling, tobogganing.
Certainly no lad will lay this book down, save with regret.
For 'the original source' of both we must look to the now missing returns of the jurors, the primary authority from which Domesday Book and the Inquisitio Com.
But if it was only applicable to Domesday Book itself--where the fiefs were separated--then must the I.
All that we are entitled to predicate of the document is that it is apparently a copy of the original returns from which Domesday Book was compiled.
What would Mr Freeman have said had he known that the compilers of that sacrosanct record, Domesday Book itself, revelled in altering the wording of the sworn original returns?
Footnote 226: It enables us to correct such an entry in the Black Book as 'Radulfus Maindeherst', by identifying him with Ralph Mowyn, the tenant at Hurst.
In the Black Book the later additions that were made to the barons' cartae of 1166 are distinguished by the difference in handwriting.
But when transcribed into Domesday Book the entries were arranged under Wapentakes alone, and the headings of the 'Hundreds' omitted.
I can only say that I do not remember ever meeting in Domesday Book with such an expression.
To this I reply, so far as the details of the estates are concerned, that neither the terms of the writ nor the heading of the Inquisitio involved the inclusion of such details as Domesday Book omitted.
But in the Red Book these interpolations are found transcribed in the same hand as the genuine original returns.
I have identified a third fine, since this book was in type, as belonging to the great circuits of 1176.
This debate, published in a thick volume of more than 900 closely printed pages, became a book of reference for generations of Disciples and perhaps did as much as any other one thing to standardize their thinking and practice.
Since that book is now out of print, while interest in the theme is increasing, it has seemed desirable to rewrite the history.
The publication of the debate as a book gave much wider publicity to his ideas and brought on another debate, in October, 1823, with W.
The book itself repudiates the notion of requiring conformity to this or any other body of doctrine.
A book issued by the Presbyterian Board of Publication says that "of all the churches now existing in the world, the Presbyterian Church comes nearest to the apostolic model.
Biblical criticism has changed for most of us our view of the Bible, making it not a less but a more valuable book for the student of religion.
Read me a little of that story,” she said, pointing to a book on the table.
She tried to read her book but it was not a very interesting book, and it was short too, and evidently would not last out half the journey.
It was not a book of a very exciting kind it may be supposed, when it was thus read a chapter at a time, without any one of the party opening it from evening to evening to see how things went on.
She had enough to do looking at his face, which was the letter--the book she was studying now.
Thinking of these great ones, Milton said: "The book is the life-blood of the master spirit.
Thus each new book opens up some new and hitherto unexplored realm of nature.
The true book stimulates the mind as no wine can ever quicken the blood.
With a book we tramp over the mountains of two continents without once suffering the heavy fall over the precipice that weakened Humboldt.
That little book of Grant Allen's called "How Plants Grow" exhibits trees and shrubs as eating, drinking and marrying.
For the book Daniel Webster placed under his pillow when dying is the book all should carry in the hand while living.
Remembering, then, that it is as dangerous to read the first book one chances upon as for a stranger in the city to make friends with the first person passing by, let us consider the selection and the friendship of books.
If some angelic reporter could reduce all man's thoughts to physical volume, how vast thebook would be!
A book literally fulfills the story of the Wandering Jew, who sits down by our side and like a familiar friend tells us what he hath seen and heard through twenty centuries of traveling through Europe.
As a spring is more than the cup it fills, as a poet or architect is more than the songs he sings or the temple he rears, so the man is more than the book or business he fashions.
Be our theories of inspiration what they may, this book deals with the deepest things in man's heart and life.
It is the one book that can fully lead forth the richest and deepest and sweetest things in man's nature.
Not the telephone by which men speak across continents, but the book by which living men and dead men converse across centuries, would be the burden of the first message.
Fairyland A Winter Daybreak The Lark's Song "A Bookof Verses" Edward Booth Loughran.
There was also published in Sydney in 1826 a book of verses by Dr.
And southern nation and southern state, aroused from their dream of ease, Must sign in the Book of Eternal Fate their stormy histories.
Yet let me not lament that these things are In that lov'd country I shall see no more; All that has been is mine inviolate, Lock'd in the secret book of memory.
But thou, To whose fair majesty I dedicate My book of rhymes -- thou hast the perfect rest Which makes the heaven of the highest gods!
In Susannah Watts' book the Prologue is stated to be written by "A Gentleman", but there is no clue to the name of the author.
BOOK I I When May was unfolding the whitethorn blossom Ulenspiegel, son of Claes, was born at Damme in Flanders.
On the table lay the grocery book with a pencil attached.
I got the book and the costumes down on Market street.
Beneath the shade of this tree I reposed myself a little, read some of Milton, and made a note in my memorandum-book that I would remember this tree, which had so charitably and hospitably received under its shade a weary traveller.
Yet I have sometimes seen some members draw a kind of memorandum-book out of their pockets, like a candidate who is at a loss in his sermon.
We followed him, and he again mounted the pulpit, where he drew from his pocket a written paper, or book of notes, and delivered in all probability those very words which he had just before composed in our presence at the coffee-house.
In what estimation our German literature is held in England, I was enabled to judge, in some degree, by the printed proposals of a book which I saw.
Even on this account alone the bookwould not have been uninteresting to me.
It is almost impossible for anyone, who has this book always at hand, to omit anything worthy of notice in or about London; or not to learn all that is most material to know of the state and situation of the kingdom in general.
I have had a very agreeable visit this afternoon from Mr. Hansen, one of the assistants to the "Zollner book for all ranks of men" who brought me a letter from the Rev.
The moderate price of this book deserves also to be noticed; as by such means books in England come more within the reach of the people; and of course are more generally distributed among them.
This valuable book has already been of uncommon service to me, and I cannot but recommend it to everyone who goes to England.
The great charm of this book is its unconscious expression of the writer's character.
For this purpose I borrowed a prayer-book of my host.
She threw her book at the opposite wall with such vigor that the book bounced back and landed on the floor with a dull thud.
Her studies were forgotten, the open text bookon her desk did not exist.
He waved me to a desk, bidding me wait until he had made out his morning book of assignments; and with such scant ceremony was I finally introduced to Newspaper Row, that had been to me like an enchanted land.
As a result, to-day every schoolboy learns and understands the fact within a very few days after his first opening of a text book on geography.
But this book will find its way into the hands of many whose own vocational problems cry out for solution.
But it is better than peddling books, I know,' "He poked over the book in my hand and read the title.
Soon after we got settled in some manner in our new cabin in West Virginia, I induced my mother to get hold of a book for me.
Shan't I bring you the book and let you look it up yourself?
This book analyzes clearly the Vocational Problem, and suggests a practical and effective solution.
You might even undertake a position as salesman in a book store or an art store while preparing or waiting for an opening in one of the other lines suggested.
Thus saying, he drew from his pocket a book which he often carried in his walks: It was a volume of Goethe, containing the admirable treatise on the "Metamorphosis of Plants.
Had I not seen her put away the blotting-book which he used when he came to Compiegne, with the paper and envelopes that were in it at his last visit?
He keeps his log- book very accurately, pompously registers all the shipwrecks, and as these spectacles transport him with admiration, he is indignant to find that he alone is moved by them.
My stepfather was reclining in a deep armchair at the far side of the fireplace, and occupied in cutting the pages of a new book with a dagger.
I felt myself born to decipher the great book of nature, and to wring from it her secrets.
Do tell me," added he in a coaxing, childish tone, "what is the book that you press to your heart with so much tenderness.
She had surprised me much by asking me to bring back a book of my father's which I had never thought of taking away.
By the way, be good enough to tell me what book that is which never leaves you for a moment and which you ponder over with such intensity.
Suppose that in the night all the dimensions of the universe become a thousand times greater: the world will have remained similar to itself, giving to the word similitude the same meaning as in Euclid, Book VI.
Halsted, who has been so good as to present my book to American readers in a translation, clear and faithful.
If he had explained this idea at the beginning of his book instead of relegating it to an obscure part of the second volume, it would not have escaped the majority of readers.
These, then, are a few hints relating to the significance of our author's discussion, and a few reasons for hoping that our own students will profit by the reading of the book as those of other nations have already done.
Readers of my little book 'Science and Hypothesis' already know what I think about the question.
Poincaré in thisbook has analyzed in the case of geometry.
The Latest Efforts of the Logisticians 472 BOOK III.
All this Maxwell and Boltzmann have explained; but the one who has seen it most clearly, in a book too little read because it is a little difficult to read, is Gibbs, in his `Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics.
Such also are the definitions found in a book justly admired and greatly honored, the Foundations of Geometry by Hilbert.
He seeks to condense much experience and much thought into a slender volume; and that is why a little book on physics contains so many past experiences and a thousand times as many possible experiences whose result is known beforehand.
Poincaré's book is in presence, then, of a great special investigator who is also a philosopher.
The result of the book is a substantial justification of the scientific utility of theoretical construction--an abandonment of dogma, but a vindication of the rights of the constructive reason.
This book deals with lively times on the Mexican border.
Log Cabin to White House Series [Illustration: Book Cover] A famous series of books, formerly sold at $2.
George always does his work well," Mr. Hobby would say, exhibiting his writing-book to the school.
A neat small prayer-book bound as above, with "John Parke Custis," as above.
I predict that many men will live who will be glad to consult this book to help them out of difficulties.
In another copy-book George displayed a talent for sketching and drawing, which elicited Mr. Williams' commendation.
After his escape and the close of the war, he published a small book detailing the sufferings of its occupants.
Another manuscript volume of his which has been preserved is a book of arithmetical problems.
This book has been carefully preserved, and may be seen to-day at Mount Vernon.
I know that what I am copying into that book will be of use to me in manhood, because men use these forms.
Especially interesting and timely is this book which introduces the reader with its heroes, Ned and Herc, to the great ships of modern warfare and to the intimate life and surprising adventures of Uncle Sam's sailors.
Why not a Domesday Book in which are shown A certain country's tenures spiritual?
Thought must be free--unless your thought objects To such dominion, and to literal faith In an old book that never had a place Except beside the Koran, Zarathustra.
But to return To Elenor Murray, I have made a book Called Domesday Book, a census spiritual Taken of our America, or in part Taken, not wholly taken, it may be.
I have a book to send you, show that way How much I value your good citizenship, Your work as coroner.
A word now on the Domesday bookof old: Remember not a book of doom, but a book Of houses; domus, house, so domus book.
How strange the hour Whose separate place finds Merival with a book, And Elenor with death, brings them together, And for result blends book and death!
My cousin was reclining not far from me; her book had fallen from her listless hand, her bright searching eyes, so restless in their intelligent activity when open, were closed, her flushed face shewed she slept.
Look, my knowing littlebook says the leaves are enclosed in cases, which serve for shoes, and this is the exact description of these tall fellows.
The dooms they were all to meet with, if once he got them into his power, would have done for Foxe's book of Martyrs.
Jenny had got some sand for scouring her floors and kettles, also she said she had got a plant that looked like one in an old book she had, from which they made soap.
As if they could not order a much better dinner than is mentioned in this French phrase book, and all that trumpery poetry; and their geography book is the stupidest I ever saw, as if they did not all know what an island is.
When we look into the Holy Book of God, at every page we read something that does us good; that is, if our hearts are rightly turned towards God, so that we wish to do His will and not our own.
You may imagine my surprise, Madam, when I found the book gone, he had it not.
You and I will always be together, and you shall talk to me, and Madame may ruralize on that green terrace with her book and big parasol; depend upon it we shall be happy.
Dreamily, Honora slipped on the new dressing-gown Aunt Mary had made for her, and took a book out of the bookcase.
If printing had then been invented, undoubtedly there would have been a book instead of an apple in the third chapter of Genesis.
And sometimes when she sat reading of an evening under the maple, her book would fall to her lap and the advent of this personage become so real a thing that she bounded when the gate slammed--to find that it was only Peter.
She wrote for a book on solitaire, but after a while the sight of cards became distasteful.
And by the way, if I am interfering with any engagement--" "My book is not so full as all that.
Miss Rossiter, a maiden lady of somewhat romantic tendencies, was librarian of the Book Club that year.
They discussed literature--but the bookhad fallen to the floor.
She spent hours in the big library preparing for Chiltern's coming, with volumes in her lap and a note-book by her side.
Presently he closed the book abruptly and returned it to the safe.
He was trying to read, but every once in a while would lay down his book and gaze protractedly at the house, stroking his mustache.
But between her eyes and the book was the little woman's smile.
A Pocket-Book of Useful Formulae and Memoranda for Civil and Mechanical Engineers.
A Text-Book of Tanning, embracing the Preparation of all kinds of Leather.
Spons' Architects' and Builders' Pocket-Book of Prices and Memoranda.
It is no disparagement to the many excellent publications we refer to, to say that in our opinion this little pocket-book of Hurst's is the very best of them all, without any exception.
Painting and Painters' Manual: a Book of Facts for Painters and those who Use or Deal in Paint Materials.
Friar Hennepin's adventures have been told in his own book of marvels, half truth, half lies.
She explains in herbook how these people were absolutely poverty-stricken when they left Iceland.
Strange, strange," murmured Denis Keen, putting his book down on the night table beside his elbow.
His uncle preferred reading a long-neglected book in the cabin until bedtime.
A book of inestimable value when used in connection with the studies of History and Geography.
She put the Book and her knitting away and got up, and folded Enoch to her breast.
I have been up there, and she had her book open and was reading it.
The presence of that open Book upon her lap called for all the reverence he was capable of.
His mother had been knitting when he came in, and the Book lay in front of her, open, on her knee.
The illustrations beginning with the famous 'snuff-box' portrait are capital, and the book is a dignified adjunct to modern study of a redoubtable giant.
The young readers will find in this book a high ideal of a boy's devotion to his mother, and will learn how manly courage and a brave heart will overcome great difficulties, and lead to success and honor.
It seems to me that by the time that schooner got under way to drop down the bay would have been a good season to have followed her up," said she, picking up the book again.
Lessons in regard to etiquette taught by this little book will be remembered long on account of the charming manner in which they are presented.