He believed in his heart that her decision would be favorable to him; but he was watching her where she sat with Masters and knew that his belief in what she would decide was not strong enough to make him altogether happy.
The decision of the Council gave to the Northwest its first prohibitory law; and the commandant was not more willing to enforce the order than his successors have been to carry out similar laws.
So strong was their hostility that Louis XIV, in 1694, referred to the Sorbonne for decision the question of allowing French brandy to be shipped to Michilimackinac.
Hence, you perceive, argues the crafty commandant, "that this Father passes boldly on all matters of state, and will not even submit to the decision of the pope.
He wrote a day or two later to announce his decision to join the Church of Rome.
As long as those employed and taught by the Association, or receiving any benefit whatsoever therefrom, shall be admitted by the decision of the Committee, or by some one deputed by themselves, and not by the votes of the subscribers.
The decision of the parents, however, went against her, and she had her one small grievance.
This remarkable decision they seem to have induced her to abandon, for the title-page is of the ordinary kind.
Patricia realised the impossibility of conveying to Mr. Triggs that her decision was irrevocable.
Purpose and decision were to Miss Brent what wings and tail are to the swallow: they propelled and directed her.
Patricia started at the decision in Miss Brent's tone.
Henceforth the socialists must make a decision and take one horn of the dilemma or the other.
So it is when that which was before the opinion of the judge only becomes by his decision a rule enforceable by courts of justice.
He saw some military service during the Scanian War, distinguishing himself at the siege of Venersborg, and by his swift decision at the critical moment materially contributing to his brother Niels's naval victory in the Bay of Kjoge.
It is a misconception of the analysis to suppose that it involves a difference in juridical character between custom not yet recognized by any judicial decision and custom after such recognition.
A lawyer before any such decision was given would nevertheless pronounce the custom to be law--with more or less hesitation according as the marks of a legal custom were obvious or not.
If there ever came to be a decision between them and--well, call the man you--I should decide for them.
Jack rode slowly back to the Grange, and long before he got there had come to the decision that it would be best for all if he left home and went up to the big city.
Jumping up on the table he called to the Boer, and as soon as he bad approached near enough told him the decision of the little garrison.
He had made hisdecision to-night, and his heart was full of serene, assured content.
Your decision in a matter of ethics and, no doubt, on the points of equity, ability and professional probity should be of value.
Yes, I guess I can get the decision over this ginger cake commonwealth at the end of any round I choose.
When the envoys arrived in Mexico with the decision of the court, they were received with universal rejoicing.
With the decision which marked his character, he that very night, though the vessels were not prepared for sea, and the complement of men was not yet mustered, resolved secretly to weigh anchor.
And only you--only you can make the decision to help raise your children.
Instead, I propose that we make the historic decision to invest the surplus to save Social Security.
The New Covenant way should shift these resources and decision making from bureaucrats to citizens, injecting choice and competition and individual responsibility into national policy.
When such judges are on hand, a player may appeal any decision of the referee directly to the judges.
The decision of the judges shall be announced promptly by the referee.
Only if both judges disagree with the referee will the referee's decision be reversed.
A let point decision can only be made when a referee is officiating.
His decision is final, except when there are judges present as described in Rule 11(b).
If in the opinion of a player he is entitled to a let point, he should at once appeal to the referee whose decision shall be final, except when judges are present, as described in Rule 11(b).
On these subjects, which have been so hotly discussed both inside and outside law courts, without any definite decision that I have ever heard, I refuse to pass judgment.
The decision of this question by Congress would involve not merely the construction of existing law, but the public policy of maintaining in circulation United States notes, either with or without the legal tender clause.
If the members lawfully elected could be convened, they alone could decide the question of who was governor, without the intervention of troops, and their decision could be supported, if necessary, by the general government.
He would not recognize Packard as governor, but I know, what is now an open secret, the strong bent of his mind, and at one time his decision was to withdraw the troops, to recognize Nichols and thus end this dangerous contest.
I would be very glad to get the hearty cordial support of the Ohio delegation, and that being granted I am perfectly willing to abide the decision of the national convention, and will be ready to support anyone who is nominated.
In the next tariff bill I hope this decision will be reversed.
This decision of the House of Representatives against an impeachment on the charges then made was entirely justified.
His decision was carefully withheld until the election was over and was then announced.
This question was left to the decision of my uncle, Judge Parker, husband of my father's only sister.
Justices McLean and Curtis dissented from the decision of the court, and in elaborate opinions refuted, as I think, every position of the Chief Justice.
As I said before, I have no fears as to the decision for the right.
This discussion of my name continued until the decision of the national convention, but I took no part or lot in it, made no requests of anyone to support my nomination, and took no steps, directly or indirectly, to promote it.
It was a partisan committee organized to stir up the controversy that had been settled by the decision of the electoral commission.
These declarations were in no sense necessary to the decision of the case before the court, as it was held that Dred Scott was a resident of Missouri and subject as a slave to the laws of that state.
To that tribunal I humbly and cheerfully refer the decision of the question that would be matter of dispute between us, from which decision there will be no appeal, and to which there will be no liberty to reply.
All that he meant was that the decision at the tribunal of God would be final.
In point of fact, I believe the decision of the courts to have been a just one for no one person or group of persons should control the waterways of the country.
A difficult question arises, when a decision is to be made, as to the causes that have produced the formation of the fissures that were afterward filled.
And so, when the Madame had explained his apparently total collapse, our decision was speedily reached.
From their decisionno court, as such, can give relief.