Re the so-called Ganser symptom, Hesnard has dealt especially with the value of what he calls the symptom of “absurd answers,” finding the differential diagnosis between dementia praecox and simulation particularly difficult.
I remember a great concussion and finding myself on the ground, and a soldier dragged me up and we ran for the trench.
A somewhat curious somatic complication in a case of Shell-shock hysteria was the finding of a needle in the left upper arm, which was then extracted.
He was led to the dressing station by two comrades, opening his eyes to see where he was going but finding everything blurred except immediately after opening his eyes.
Then, findinglegs unreliable, he reported sick and was sent home as “Shell-shock.
Babinski, however, made the diagnosis of psychic paralysis, finding the muscles reacting perfectly to percussion.
The picture was of unilateral increase of tendon reflexes, accelerated pulse, disorder in the intake of ideas, difficulty in finding words and delayed associations.
Rivers’ psychotherapeutic plan offinding a redeeming feature in the experience, upon which the patient might concentrate, failed because there was no redeeming feature.
He regained consciousness only in the middle of the night, finding himself half covered with water.
The captain was of middle height, well developed but poorly nourished, of a dejected and preoccupied appearance, looking to one side in conversation, and finding difficulty in the expression of his thoughts.
Babinski and Froment have tried thermotherapy and diathermy in these cases, finding that the paralysis diminishes and becomes partial if the limb is warm, although it is important that it should not become too warm.
He was depressed on finding that he had lice, but after losing them became happy and childlike again.
King lays special emphasis upon dementia praecox, finding that more than one-half of the army admissions for mental disease belong to this group.
The two older ones are finding sweethearts easily enough," Veikko said, "but I don't see how I can off here in the forest.
She was always finding fault with the old people and with her husband and for that matter with everybody else as well.
This obstacle, however, was soon removed, by his finding that they would subsist very well upon earth-worms chopped, and upon the soft ends or roots of feathers.
Felix finding among the ruins, between two houses, an old well half dry, hid himself in it for six months; and received during that time wherewithal to subsist by means of a devout Christian woman.
The Roach then finding itself in danger of being drowned, quickly pushed out backward, and as quickly delivered the poor Swede from his pain and fears.
Hence the discomfort of a Singhalese on finding a beetle in his house after sunset, and his anxiety to expel but not kill it.
An old story is, that a Scorpion surrounded with live coals, finding no method of escaping, grows desperate from its situation, and stings itself to death.
Mrs. Browning found herself rapidly recovering strength, and their comfort was further extended by finding a library in Siena, where, for three francs a month, they had access to the limited store of books which seem so luxurious in Italy.
Finding this surmise to be true, he became greatly attached to him.
In the October of that year both the Brownings and the Storys returned to Rome, the poets finding a new apartment in the Via Felice.
It appears that Symmonds has just thought it worth while to translate the work, and he was six months finding a copy to translate from!
I look forward with all confidence and such delight to finding us all together again in the autumn.
Finding him extremely reluctant to go, he put them in prison some days previous, lest they should make an attempt to escape.
Finding that his protestations had no effect with the Marylanders, he ran with all speed to Isaac T.
His master finding him so intractable, gave up the case as hopeless.
Finding it was all to no purpose, she rode up to the block and rolled off from her horse again.
They tried to starve him into submission; but findinghe was not to be subdued in that way, they sent for Friend Hopper, as they were accustomed to do in all such difficult emergencies.
He employed him to post up his account-books, and finding that he did it in a very perfect manner, he induced several of his friends to employ him in a similar way.
Not finding the object of their pursuit, they jumped out of a back window, and began to search some buildings in the rear.
Finding that he could not gain his object by deception, he forgot to sustain the quiet character he had assumed, but gave vent to his anger in a great deal of violent and profane language.
This was probably a serious version of his pleasantry with the Dutchman about finding his goods by calculating the age of the moon.
After spending several days without finding any track of them, the master called upon Isaac T.
When he had relinquished all hopes of finding her, he called on Isaac T.
Finding that his employer abhorred slavery, and was very friendly to colored people, he ventured to open his heart to him; and Isaac T.
Finding they could not break his resolution, they tied his hands behind his back, and dragged him to a tavern kept by Peter Fritz, in Sassafras-street.
Finding him in such a humane mood, Friend Hopper urged him to bring Ben to the magistrate's office a short time before the hour appointed for the trial.
People who chanced to come driving over glanced in at the cosey, lamp-lighted table, caught a whiff of the savory odors, and then the moment they were off the draw urged on their horses in elusive hope of finding something as inviting at home.
Then, looking up to Big Bob, she said gratefully, "Thank you very much for finding out for me.
He was vague as to the finding of carriage or donkeys, but if they would accommodate themselves until after supper there would be a diligence along which would take them back to Valedolmo.
Miss Hazel hurried indoors to make ready for dinner; Mr. Wilder followed in her wake, muttering something about finding the change to pay Tony.
Could I be cast where thou art not, That were indeed a dreadful lot; But regions none remote I call, Secure of finding God in all.
In solemn moments like these there is unspeakable satisfaction infinding a woman without hypocrisy.
My only desire is to keep him from ever finding out that he has a malady.
His face had been in her mind for months--just as she was seeing it now; she had lived in the horror of finding him cold in death.
I had the same means as you of finding out whose child she was.
Connell scattered his men and they stole carefully into the fastnesses, finding on all sides evidences of hasty departure.
There had been tremendous opposition on the part of the Harbins, but in the end, finding her unalterably determined, the colonel permitted her to go out in the service.
David likes the West and I'll go anywhere on earth, if it will keep him from finding out.
Time and again he went home at unusual hours, fearing all the while that he might incur the pain of finding Bansemer there.
He also tried to learn the language of the Ubiches, but, finding the harsh pronunciation of certain words quite unattainable, he agreed with his guide to pass for deaf and dumb during his stay in the country.
The enemy, finding the garrison on their guard, retired after a short skirmish.
Knowing this, and finding him incorruptible, it were not surprising if certain unscrupulous persons at Madrid sought other means of removing him from the scene.
Surely there is something wonderful in the faculty of finding pleasure in the elephantine manoeuvres of the romaika, or in the still more clumsy gyrations of a palicari's performance.
Fitzjaw can hardly complain, but he will be very furious at finding his refusal to accommodate a friend appended to the supplicating letter.
The officers of the army of Caucasus take the strongest interest in the contest between French and Arabs, finding in it, doubtless, points of similitude with the war in which they themselves are engaged.
His curiosity had been excited by his father's change of front towards the objectionable stranger, and he counted on finding out the reason for it.
He owned several claims, and had no difficulty in findingthem employment.
The continual thick weather spoilt our chance of finding the musk-ox, and we were now too far away from the woods to have much chance of reaching them without meat.
Fort Good Hope, on the Lower Mackenzie, would be another good spot to make headquarters; but there is less certainty offinding the caribou in that neighbourhood, and without the caribou there is little chance of reaching the musk-ox.
Christmas Day brought rather better weather, although snow was still falling quietly, and, finding open water in the river with shore-ice on which the snow was not so deep as usual, there was a great improvement in our case.
This rule had evidently been broken lately, as we found signs of a recent encampment, and King considered that this amply accounted for our not finding the caribou before we reached the Lac du Rocher.
These men were a half-breed and an Indian, supposed to be gifted with that extraordinary instinct of findingtheir way in all circumstances which is denied to the white man.
Illustration: Old Hudson Bay Post at Edmonton] Finding that I had no time to spare if I wished to catch the steamer down the Athabasca river, I left again the same evening, after buying a small supply of flour and bacon.
We were a long time in finding them, as the fog had settled down again, but at last made out a band of sixty on a high ridge between two small lakes in a very easy place to approach.
The next day we passed a couple of Cree lodges, and finding moose-meat plentiful made the most of our opportunity, as a gale of wind sprang up right ahead and prevented travel.
I dared not sit still, lest a sun-stroke should be added, and there was no resource but to hop or crawl down the rugged path, in the hope of finding a forked sapling from which I could extemporize a crutch.
Am I in the habit of findingfault with anybody, Miss Nina?
They moved away in friendly, schoolgirl fashion, arm in arm, intent only onfinding as much enjoyment as possible in every moment of this ocean voyage.
It was not the almost miraculous finding of what she had come to seek that overwhelmed her.
I was unable to obtain any trustworthy account of the finding of these marbles, but they were all fresh discoveries, especially the Medusa head, which had been only lately brought to the museum, when we were first at Argos.
I feel much fortified in my judgment of Greek character by finding that a very smart, though too sarcastic, observer, M.
About the same time Lord Elgin had turned his attention to the Treasury, and had made excavations about the place, finding several fragments of very old engraved basalt and limestone, which had been employed to ornament the entrance.
The entry on Geographic coordinates may be helpful in finding some smaller countries.
I therefore merely examined my pile very carefully, and congratulated myself at finding that three out of the fifteen were genuine.
Giacinta was the first one on her legs, and after picking up the caro Giacomo, alias Caper, and finding he was not hurt, she then good-naturedly helped Nina to arrange her tumbled garments.
Whenever you think you have a chance of finding him in good authentic State papers, he gives you the slip; and if his existence were not vouched for by Horace Walpole, I should incline to deem him as Betsy Prig thought of Mrs. Harris.
The Marabout quickly put his hand in his waist belt, to assure himself of the truth, and was quite stupefied at finding the five- franc piece.
Finding the message on the upper surface of a middle slate, where but a moment before there was nothing, seems to be truly a marvel.
The way I succeeded in finding out the number of the stall was this: I knew beforehand that in all theaters where the stalls are divided down the center by a passage, the uneven numbers are on the right, and the even on the left.
But what caused me the greatest difficulty was in finding out the contents of parcels, often tied with a string, or even sealed up.
Finding persuasion, argument, and remonstrance alike useless, the great mechanical genius packed his satchel in preparation for the journey.
He was finding Wally more overpowering every moment.
I got nipped," said Jill, who was finding a certain amount of humor in the situation, "in Amalgamated Dyes.
Jill, left alone in the lobby, was finding the moments pass quite pleasantly.
He extended his case to Derek, who helped himself in sombre silence, finding his boyhood's friend's exuberance hard to bear.
He had never had any doubt when he had started, that the only difficult part of his expedition to America would be the finding of Jill.
What's the matter with my popping over to America and finding Jill?
He barked tentatively, then, finding that nothing disastrous ensued, pushed his nose between two of the bars and barked again.
Finding himself at the police-station penniless with the exception of a little loose change, he had sent that message to Derek, imploring assistance, as the only alternative to spending the night in a cell, with Jill in another.
He was finding Freddie, in the capacity of inquisitor, as trying as he had found him in the role of exuberant fiancé.
Like Mr Pilkington, he had never before come into contact with Mr Goble as stage-director, and, accustomed to the suaver methods of his native land, he was finding the experience trying.
It is not long before the Enemy makes an attempt to get around to his rear, by that road; but, finding it both obstructed and picketed, retires again.
In findingthee are all things round us found; In losing thee are all things lost beside; Ears have we, but in vain strange voices sound; And to our eyes the vision is denied.