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Example sentences for "school"

Lexicographically close words:
scholler; schollers; schon; schone; schooil; schoolbook; schoolbooks; schoolboy; schoolboys; schoolchildren
  1. Besides the milking I did, before I went to school every morning, for which I had to prepare myself and the younger children, and to which we had to walk two miles.

  2. I had left school then, and my mother and father and I spent the days in lifting our cows.

  3. The calm air of ownership with which Harold drew near annoyed me, or, as Sunday-school teachers would explain it, Satan got hold of me.

  4. My school life had been dull and uneventful.

  5. After school I had to mend clothes, sew, set the table again, take a turn at nursing the baby, and on washing-day iron.

  6. Bundle the nippers off to school as quickly as possible, of course," said my father.

  7. I am sorry I could not give you more notice; but he wants his children to commence school as soon as possible, and he deserves every consideration in the matter.

  8. On returning from school in the afternoon, often in a state of exhaustion from walking in the blazing sun, I had the same duties over again, and in addition boots to clean and home lessons to prepare for the morrow.

  9. The school was situated on a wild scrubby hill, and the teacher boarded with a resident a mile from it.

  10. Also my other brothers and sisters are quickly getting finishedwards; but that is the only school any of us have seen or known.

  11. She proposed a governess now and a good boarding-school later on.

  12. Send the youngsters to school down here for the present.

  13. Persons who have never been to school tend to turn into German all Latin and Greek expressions.

  14. We have very little general knowledge about it, and hence, are much indebted to the contemporary attempts of public-school teachers to supply

    the information.

  15. But it is forgotten that the total examination in which the public school pupil presents his hastily crammed Latin and Greek, never implies a careful training in his most impressionable period of life.

  16. Bolton: The Growth of Memory in School Children.

  17. The upshot had been that he had called up Chicago and talked for a long time with Professor Clark, a former classmate of ours who was now in the technology school of the university out there.

  18. They are the latest scientific school of criminals who use the most potent, quickest-acting stupefying drugs.

  19. I took some lessons in it at Bertillon's school when I was in Paris.

  20. All those Celtic heroes are more complete atheists than ever were bred in the school of Epicurus.

  21. The mission of that school was indeed rather to break down than to build up--to find out and eradicate the mischief that had been done by empiric legislation; not to attempt new arrangements.

  22. Stevenson put him to a grammar school in Edinburgh.

  23. The political course which he afterwards adopted, however, was not precisely of this soaring cast, but savoured more of the school of practical expedients founded by Sir Robert Walpole.

  24. Mr. Hale's school and to the society and companionship of his pupils?

  25. He neglected his work, absented himself from the school and from the settlement, and, by rendering grossly false returns of the number of children attending the school, he obtained money not due to him for capitation.

  26. The Government had for several years been making efforts to establish schools in Native districts for the education of Maori children, and in 1877 Taiwhanga was appointed master of such a school at his native settlement Kaikohe.

  27. His remuneration was a capitation allowance; but his conduct in this position was so bad that the school had to be broken up.

  28. Chet explained it all satisfactorily, and I am rather glad to know that Ted Dorrance and a group of the older high school boys and girls will be there.

  29. The program was not so different from that of the meetings which Betty had attended in the little school at home, when there was a general gathering in honor of athletics, but oh, how much bigger everything was.

  30. What do you think, Carolyn, would it be polite for me to sing with you our school songs or do any rooting for Lyon High when my friend from our rivals' school is sitting right by me?

  31. Betty had not known Sue as intimately as Janet, but she had always liked her and Sue belonged to her Sunday school class as well as to her class in school.

  32. Lou has a lot to do with one of the school clubs and is always looking for good material," joked Ted.

  33. Freshmen had nearly completed their first year of high school and had changed by contact with the older classes and with their own new ambitions.

  34. I'm in a Sunday school class, but I haven't had time to go to anything besides just Sunday morning, for there are too many lessons and school things that take my time.

  35. Well, Mr. Franklin, I'm not going to stay in school if any one thinks I'm that kind of a girl!

  36. But Betty's sleep was troubled that night and it was with many an inward qualm that she started to school the next morning.

  37. Now the yell leader performed, leading the school in different yells for the team and school.

  38. But dear sakes," said Betty, "we'll be in school and have to study!

  39. Writing was not hard for Betty, which was fortunate and would make her entire school life easier for her.

  40. Most anybody that attends our high school would be all right," answered Dotty, "because girls that live in other parts of town would go to other high schools.

  41. I will meet you at the witching hour of school time, tomorrow morning!

  42. And her eyes filled with tears, for since she had left school she had experienced only a sense of retreating within herself, but so long as she was allowed to live within herself she was satisfied.

  43. I thought when we came home from school the last time that we would be better friends; but, do you know what I think: Alice is a bit sulky.

  44. I only came home from school last summer, and at school we never read anything.

  45. At school nothing made her so angry as when anyone else was praised; and you may be sure that jealousy brought her here.

  46. I have been so long at school that I know nobody--I have been anxious to see her.

  47. She had been away at school for nearly ten years, coming home for rare holidays, and was, therefore, without any real knowledge of her parents.

  48. Milord did not, however, neglect her; he made suitable remarks concerning her school successes, and asked appropriate questions anent her little play of King Cophetua.

  49. During the course of the Thirteenth Century Montpelier developed into a full-fledged university though the medical school still continued to be the most important faculty.

  50. Montpelier had, for over a century before the beginning of the thirteenth, rejoiced in a medical school which was the most important rival of that at Salernum.

  51. The famous Barbizon School of French Painters is a still more striking example.

  52. During the Twelfth Century, Bologna had had a famous school of law which attracted students from all over Europe.

  53. By it we can fix the high-water mark of Thirteenth Century thought, for it contains the lectures of a doctor second to none in the great school of thought then flourishing--the University of Paris.

  54. The school of St. Albans survived indeed till a far later time, but the writers dwindle into mere annalists whose view is bounded by the Abbey precincts, and whose work is as colorless as it is jejune.

  55. It is not surprising, then, to find that the next school of world-wide reputation was that of law at Bologna which became the nucleus of a great university.

  56. Shakespeare was educated, and the reestablishment by Edward was only in response to the many complaints which arose because of the absence of the school after its suppression by {386} Henry VIII.

  57. Dean and Professor of the History of Medicine and of Nervous Diseases at Fordham University School of Medicine, New York.

  58. He told me that, on the night of the grand success of his School for Scandal, he was knocked down and put into the watch-house for making a row in the street, and being found intoxicated by the watchmen.

  59. There are now 200 pupils in the day school at San Quentin, and three rooms of thirty each in the night school.

  60. Wigmore of the Northwestern School of Law at Chicago, author of Wigmore on Evidence, made sharp reply to this contention.

  61. Wigmore of the Northwestern School of Law at Chicago, author of Wigmore on Evidence, (See footnote 283.

  62. Ruef graduated from the University of California and from the University of California law school with exceptional honors.

  63. Bavoux's professorship was suspended and the school of law closed.

  64. They formed a school and produced pupils who were destined to surpass their preceptors.

  65. Fifteen pupils were expelled on the 12th of April, and next day the school was dissolved by the king.

  66. His grandson had perceived that to admit, as a matter of right, children from eight to thirteen years of age would fill the military school with youths who had no fitness for the military career.

  67. This patient had a twisted neck, and had come over to place himself under the treatment of the once-famous school of Montpelier.

  68. The School of Gentlemen Cadets, the military cradle of the future Emperor, was not precisely the school which Louis XV.

  69. Without constituting themselves into an order, the students of the School of Maps have, by their conscientious and disinterested labours, done much to throw light on the history and literature of ancient France.

  70. The great musical academy had its origin in a school of singing and declamation established in 1784 in order to prepare singers for the Opéra.

  71. A concrete High School smote across the vision of the seer, and the cloud-stepper's feet trod but the hard sidewalk again.

  72. Miss Wing, I'm petitioning the Board to invite you back to the High School at once," he would say.

  73. And as they so chatted of Lee Grammar School and its unfavorable location, he, the authority, was eyeing Mary Wing askance, unmistakably reacting.

  74. The Doctor's work out at the Medical School yielded almost nothing; the weather enjoyed but a brief and fitful run.

  75. She said that the School had been buzzing with it.

  76. Yet, if Charles remembered aright, the Medical School had counted this gentleman a distinct acquisition.

  77. That, by the way," said the school teacher, "is probably the very definition you are looking for.

  78. Hence, while she lay withdrawn from the battle of life with bronchitis, the helper had been elaborately at work on new lines: stalking School Board members for Mary, in fine, with great cunning.

  79. Such an excess of scrupulosity could only appear, to one trained in the school to which La Bastide was accustomed, as merely assumed.

  80. I am leaving you here," said Mary to the three natives, "to begin a school and hold church services for the people of Itu.

  81. Mary's real job was to teach the children in the school on Mission Hill.

  82. Now, children, I want to be sure you know your memory verse for Sunday school tomorrow.

  83. Mary also wanted to build a church and school at Ifako.

  84. I also want to start a school where trades and skills can be taught.

  85. Mary started a school and a small congregation.

  86. At last she was able to come again to Itu and to visit the school and the church services.

  87. She left the native Christians to carry on the work of the school and church.

  88. She read many books from the Sunday school library.

  89. There, off we go to Sunday school and church.

  90. This school taught the boys and girls of Calabar many trades.

  91. One of the young men she had taught in school said, "I will pray for you, but remember you are asking for death when you go to that wild country.

  92. She started a day school for the children.

  93. She showed her the school where the little black children were taught to read and write and told of the dear Saviour who had died for them, too, that they might be saved from sin and Hell and go to Heaven.

  94. After school she would take long walks with them into the bush.

  95. The Russian school are the chief believers of this.

  96. The children of such as are inhabitants of the settlement, attend the school diligently, and of them we have the best hopes.

  97. In Tahiti, a school of native Christian Missionaries.

  98. The vicar's wife on one side, and my Sunday School girls on the other.

  99. Can you imagine me gaining a Sunday School prize?

  100. Can you imagine me a small, curled darling in a Sunday School class?

  101. These clothes have come to them through the mission-school which adjoins the village.

  102. Most of the stories in this book a boy of eight or nine can read for himself, and these are the years of his school life when he is being taught something of our colonial history and of the myths and legends of primitive man.

  103. His son has not been brought up like other young men, at school and college.

  104. Having been many days away from the Girls' Scripture Class, it seemed to be possible that going back to the school and the teaching might help me to escape from myself.

  105. It's the only factory around, and everybody who works there went to school with everybody else, and so did our fathers, and we know one another!

  106. I don't know anything about machinery, but I've wasted an awful lot of time at school and otherwise if I don't know something about human beings!

  107. The French essential poetry seems to me to flow out into prose works, into their school of romances, and to be least poetical when dyked up into rhythm.

  108. And the Lombard school generally was delightful after Bologna and those soulless Caracci!

  109. But you would rather have this place a school house than a boarding-house?

  110. A soft fog had earlier enveloped it; it was rising now; every hour showed more of the encircling brown hills; by noon the school children would rush into a sunshiny world.

  111. The bill for pavements, the bill for sewerage, the bill for street lights, the high school bill, found in him an enemy as the years went by.

  112. May and Ida Parker and Florence Frost had gone to Miss Bell's Private School when they were little, and then to Miss Spencer's School in New York.

  113. Wifehood, motherhood, honour and delight to one school girl; gnawing, restless uselessness to the next.

  114. The new High School on the old Monroe place; you'll admit there's a great difference?

  115. The children had their closing exercises at school this morning," Lydia contributed, "and afterward Sally and I walked down town, with all the children.

  116. Martie, with a faded pink gingham dress spread across her lap, would be eight again, trotting off to school with Sally, and promising Ma to hold Len's hand when they crossed Main Street.

  117. Martie showed him the school gate, with "Girls" lettered over it, where she had entered for so many years.

  118. She emerged from the hard school in which she had been stumbling and blundering so long; she was a person, an individuality, she was alive and she loved life.

  119. Why, to have the Monroe High School on the old Monroe site!

  120. These friendly, chattering women were Sally's world, these problems of school and rent and food were Sally's problems.

  121. Time was always moving, under it all; in a few weeks the Clifford Frosts would be home again; in a few months the High School would stand on the ground where little Sally and Martie Monroe had played dolls' house a few years ago.

  122. There are several facts connected with his school days at Edgeworthstown that are very interesting.

  123. Standing on this remarkable old gray bridge, my companion exhibited a trait of delicate and genuine feeling, which no man of the most polished education in the school of politeness could have surpassed.

  124. But his grand accomplishment was the narration of his adventures, which was commonly exercised in the ale-house; at the same time that, when not in a particular humor for teaching, he would edify his boys in the school with one of his stories.

  125. Mr. Griffin, of Elphin, master of the school once taught by his grandfather.

  126. The noble heart of the boy rebelled against this sacrifice of truth to interest, and, I believe, at every school to which he went, showed a firm resolve never to bend to it.

  127. One of his earliest favorite books was Homer; and at Twyford school he wrote a satire on the master, for which he was severely castigated.

  128. At the school of Paddy Byrne he made little progress, as was to be expected, except in a growing attachment to the marvelous.

  129. The school-house is still pointed out, but it is unfortunate for its identity that no school-house was built then, school being taught in the master's cottage.

  130. George, and, when he left school in 1734, entered a pensioner at Peterhouse, in Cambridge.

  131. Scott was a very dignified old political radical when he addressed my high school in Massachusetts in 1961 and inspired me to dream of country living.

  132. This shallow box--about two feet wide by four feet long--resided under a worktable in the tiny storeroom/greenhouse adjacent to our grade school science class.

  133. Containers and Other Similar Methods In my days of youthful indiscretions I thought I could improve life on Earth by civilizing high school youth through engendering in them an understanding of history.

  134. In the collection of Bible-boxes the novice must carefully learn the exact limitations of the school of woodworkers in this minor field.

  135. Picked walnut, especially exhibiting a fine feathered figure, was used as veneer, and with these and other glorious creations of the walnut school of cabinet-workers the age of walnut may be said to have been in full swing.

  136. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "school" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    school again; school attendance; school boards; school books; school children; school class; school days; school district; school education; school girl; school hours; school house; school instruction; school libraries; school library; school life; school superintendent; school system; school teacher; school teachers; school together; school work; schools were