In waiting upon the educated people who frequented the shop she had caught, with the aptness of an American girl, a very fair power of expressing herself in speech.
The first year of her training passed uneventfully away, she bringing to her tasks genuine sympathy for suffering, and unusual aptness and ability.
Plenty of stories, illustrating Page's quickness and aptness in retort, have gathered about his name in England.
The mention of the Archbishop suggests another of Page's talents--the aptness of his letters of introduction.
As we climbed towards the Gap, I recalled with strange aptness a quaint saying of my father's that Kaintuckee was the Garden of Eden, and that men were being justly punished with blood for their presumption.
I found myself listening to Monsieur de St. Gre with gravity, and I did not dare to reply that I had had evidence of Mademoiselle's aptness of retort.
The Queen considered the aptness of their application, and the singular felicity of transferring the inordinate ambition of Philip of Macedon to Philip of Spain.
It had been coined by the Negroes in 1867 to express their view of the situation, but its aptness had been recognized by all.
But the old stagers admit that the colored brethren have a wonderful aptness at legislative proceedings.
I pray no more, Sir, if I may perswade you, your only aptness to do this is recompence, and more than I expected.
The universal aptnessof a religious system for all stages of civilisation, and for all sorts and conditions of men, well befits its claim of divine origin.
This extraordinary animal evinced great aptness for learning, and afterwards great enthusiasm in the sport; showing symptoms of pleasure at the sight of a gun, or when called upon to accompany a party to the field.
The indifference of her voice, and the aptness of her words to his own thoughts, roused the Lala's rage.
He had often heard of this reed wall, which, following the old river bed, divides village from village as effectually as when the stream ran fast and deep; but its curious aptness to his thoughts startled him.
Even a female, though not permitted to speak in the Church, had often this aptnessfor teaching.
Here the aptness to teach refers apparently to a talent for winning over gainsayers by means of instruction communicated in private conversation.
Indeed, she exultingly told him of the aptness of her pupil, of her intention to persevere in teaching me, and of the duty which she felt it to teach me at least to read the Bible.
Malice is badness of disposition, the aptness to envy and hatred, which apart from any special occasion is always ready to break out in bitterness and wrath.
The quick imagination and the social instincts of the Ionian Greeks, the aptness for speech and song native to the land of Homer and Sappho, were gifts not to be repressed but sanctified.
Before the emperor Nero, or the slave Onesimus, he will be able with the same aptness and dignity and self-command to declare his message and to vindicate his Master's name.
Since the admission of their children to the public schools, a fair proportion of them have shown themselves to be fully equal to white children in their aptness to learn.
And he often has delighted and astonished his hearers by the brilliancy of his rhetoric, and the surpassing beauty of his imagery, and aptness of his illustrations.
In other treatises of the same philosopher, intended for the average comprehensions of men, I have been delighted with the masterly good sense, with the perspicuity of the language, and the aptness of the inductions.
But apart from books his sallies of wit, theaptness of his stories and allusions quite dazzled me.
I was with him, watching his methods, marveling at his physical resources, his exhaustless oratory, the aptness and quickness of his logic.