Therefore the genera are known to you, but when you are to employ them the questions themselves will instruct you.
I wish, my father, to hear from you in Latin the rules which you have already given me in Greek, concerning the principles of speaking, if at least you have leisure and inclination to instruct me in them.
Instruct masters to give unto their servants that which is just and equal.
Instruct servants to love and obey their masters, to serve them freely and cheerfully--without murmuring or repining--and to be content with their lot.
It was to instruct masters and servants in their relative duties; well knowing, that obedience on their part, would remove the evils of slavery, and make both masters and servants better and happier.
From this island, then, and the fraternity of these monks, Aidan was sent to instruct the English nation in Christ, having received the dignity of a bishop.
The disease increasing, when the king came again to visit and instruct him, he cried out straightway with a lamentable voice, "What will you now?
And having received four priests, who by reason of their learning and good life were deemed proper to instruct and baptize his nation, he returned home with much joy.
From what serene heights do they instruct the inexperienced beginners!
At the first reading of a booke I seeke for good and solid reasons that may instruct me how to sustaine their assaults.
I have no authoritie to purchase beliefe, neither do I desire it; knowing well that I am not sufficiently taught to instruct others.
And the Lord said unto Nathan the Prophet, David's faithful friend, "Go thou and instruct and counsel him.
But Sokrates (says Xenophon) far from seeking to fence with the question, retorted it in such a way as to baffle the questioner, and at the same time to improve and instruct the by-standers.
He proposed that General Toussaint should meet him in the centre of the canton of Henneri, and instruct him concerning the better distribution of the troops.
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
Why did God instruct His people to build a sanctuary?
This was a way the professor had of showing his credentials--it was his unwritten diploma proving his efficiency to instruct in the noble art.
For some persons are so constituted that when you seek to instruct them in Greek, they take an intense interest in mathematics, if treated upon within their hearing, and vice versa.
The very presence of these teachers is looked upon as an implication that the Japanese are not competent to instruct themselves in religious matters, and this is much resented.
He must look after the regular worship of the church, must develop in his people a church-going sentiment, and must instruct them in the observance of all Christian duties.
I will instruct them myself, Madam," and William slapped the calf of the leg he was caressing.
Instruct me exactly as to the place where the articles you speak of are placed.
I will remain here," said I, "and I will instruct the old portress to admit to me any one who seeks audience with you.
But why should he not send to his pupil some learned adept, well versed in mystic lore who, in sylvan solitude would further instruct the neophyte?
The example of Boaz should instructin this matter.
I would instruct it by my words, and animate it by my example.
Fulbert desired me to instruct her in philosophy; by this means I found opportunities of being in private with her and yet I was sure of all men the most timorous in declaring my passion.
He was willing, therefore, she should have masters to instruct her in what she had a mind to learn: but he loved his money, and this kept him from providing for her education so well as she desired.
But after all, in most lodging-houses surely it must be possible to be called early, and to instruct the caller to show no mercy at the chamber door.
We also hear of spirits which instruct men in medical magic.
In Spain, the bishops had a special charge to keep continual watch over the administration of justice, and were summoned on all great occasions to instruct the judges to act with piety and justice.
After attempting to instruct him for some time without effect, he sent this message to his father: "Your son has no capacity, and has almost distracted me.
The third man, on reaching home, told his wife to get him a splendid robe, and to instruct all the servants to admit no one into his presence without first obtaining his permission.
I have yielded: Instruct my daughter how she shall persever, That time and place, with this deceit so lawful, May prove coherent.
She must be thoroughly educated, and competent to instruct a boy of twelve.
I soon received information of her safe arrival at her destination, and the warm thanks of Preston for having sent him so agreeable a person, and one so well fitted to instruct his children.
Upon the aforegoing agreed facts, the plaintiff prayed the court to instruct the jury that they ought to find for the plaintiff, and upon the refusal of the instruction thus prayed for, the plaintiff excepted to the court's opinion.
That is at all events a piece of practical philosophy worth knowing; and I shall accordingly instructmy operator, Jerry Styles, upon this point,” observed the vicar.
As soon as the officers I am awaiting from Wadelai come here, I shall appoint one of them to take charge of these goods, and I shall at the same time instruct him to give you formal receipt for them.