This happened so much that by and by a very wise 'Possum, named Smoothe, said that if they would keep him in chickens of a youthful and tender sort he would fix up a light, so they could see and know what they were doing.
Then they'd bring them in and fix them to suit themselves, and have them all on the big table down stairs, nice and comfortable, where they could sit and talk as long as they pleased.
I don't suppose you'll ever know just how bad Mr. Crow did feel, unless you get into a fix like that some time yourself.
Cut out some little pointed strips of card or paper, and, after bringing the wings into position with the setting needle, fix each one by a pinned strip.
Some will fix themselves on their own food plant, and there remain till they finally emerge in the perfect state, suspending themselves from a silken carpet, hiding themselves in a rolled leaf, or constructing a cocoon of some kind.
A little coaguline applied to the claspers will fix them very firmly on these twigs or leaves, which are then secured in the cabinet by means of one or two small pins.
When at rest they usually fixthemselves by their claspers only, their pointed 'tails' being directed slightly upward, and all the front segments being also elevated.
Then fix it firmly on the setting board, its body lying neatly in the groove of the cork.
If magnesia has been employed as an absorbent, you have simply to blow or lightly brush off the loose powder that clings to the body, and then fix it in its place with coaguline.
Next fix the skin on the fine end of the blowpipe, by thrusting the point of the latter into the opening, and allowing the spring to press gently on its edge.
Many species, when at rest, fix themselves by means of their claspers to a small twig or leaf stalk, or on the midrib of the leaf itself.
I need hardly say that these generally fix themselves on the under side of the leaves and stalks, thus securing themselves against the attacks of the feathered foes above.
They feed on till the leaves are falling, and then fixthemselves by their claspers to a silken carpet which they construct on a twig.
A new-born infant will hang at any breast, or evenfix to a glass nipple, and these people only retain their infantine nature.
We can't leave an unfortunate fellow-creature in such a fix as that.
Whatever you and Mrs Forrester fix upon, will be quite right, I'm sure.
My dear, if they fix on that way of speaking, you must just let me practice a little on you first, for I shall feel so foolish and hot saying it the first time to Lady Glenmire.
Have you not seen the anxious look (almost mesmeric) which such persons fix on the article?
Him will they fix on you, Him who hath ne'er transgressed?
But we may fix it probably at about the year 1405.
This enables us to fixthe date within certain limits.
To do this you must advance or present your Breast, and stretch yourself firm in your Stirrups; this is the only Way to fix and unite yourself entirely to the Animal who carries you.
The list of his achievements thus given further enables us to fix the year of its redaction as after the fortieth year of the reign.
In this case instanced, in the absence of all documentary evidence, by its frequency of occurrence, by its adaptation to local circumstance or other local appropriateness, we also fix the locality of its origin.
The usual view is that the institution of slavery is long anterior among the Israelites to the Book of the Covenant, whose regulations introduce no new regulations, only fix customary usages.
A purely commercial spirit would have estimated the yearly average value of the slave's work above his keep and clothing, and then would fix the term of service at such a length as would suffice to work off the debt and its interest.
All that the judge does is to fix the period of probation.
This fix we be in wants a power of careful thought and management, and we've got to go slow.
No," she said, "money like that be nought in such a fix as you find yourself.
I knowed they would fix Red sure if I did, and he told me not to tell about the gold if they did pinch us.
Wonder the Gophertown outfit didn't find him and fix him.