No knowledge of history is needed for either him or the Martian to conclude that while they use different names to designate this part or that, {22} they are speaking always of one people and one civilization.
Designate the terminal at 'star' destination the Extractor and the terminal that remains on the solar rim, the Collector.
Group Three (Logistics Depot) Mission Construct a space station to specification above Coldfield and designate it 'Slingshot Logistics Depot'.
You are talking about the present military rifle--will you designate it?
May I ask--the job that Oswald had, how did you designate it?
Whether he intended to designate these two artists as his future models matters not; but that he did not follow them is evidenced in his works.
Congressman Carnahan: "The legislation does not designate the interest rate.
Mr. Carnahan: "The legislation does not designate the length of the loans.
About Maria there is an air of self-command-a calmness and intelligence of manner, and a truthfulness in her devotion to Tom, that we can only designate with the word "nobleness.
You may think of it and designate it as you please.
After a fatiguing journey of one month, he beheld at length that Philadelphia, so well known in the present day, and whose future grandeur Penn appeared to designate when he laid the first stone of its foundation.
Lafayette, and which we designate under the names of Manuscript, No.
We shall now have to avail ourselves of all the principles of art hitherto considered, in order to find our way through the labyrinth, as we must designate the origin of Greek tragedy.
Such considerations as these serve to account for the exercise and certain of the fruits of the religious imagination, and to designate the general criterion governing its propriety.
In taking this interest he has accepted as a field for investigation that which he would designate as the totality of interests or the inclusive experience.
As Siberia has produced some very fine amethysts, the term "Siberian amethyst" would be a good one todesignate any especially fine gem.
As was explained under garnet, jewelers frequently use the term "olivine" to designate demantoid garnet.
They are not enclosures, nor can we with propriety designate them as mounds, according to the technical application of the term in this work.
I thought it best to designate that church, because it was that of the saint to whom St. Francis Xavier, when he was living, felt most devotion and love.
The consuls-designate agreed, and all the consulars did likewise, until it was Pompeius Collega's turn to speak.
The two consuls-designate thereupon expressed their opinions as to the sentence and disagreed with one another.
On the space between its upper stone beams is placed a great blue tablet with gold letters that designate the sacred posthumous name of Iyeyas[)u].
Tanners designate as a "pack" each lot of hides or skins they work through, irrespective of the quantity.
The river itself, which we supposed to be the Red river of Natchitoches, is a permanent landmark; but it is a line and not a point; and aids us only in one direction, in our attempts to designate locality.
The last thing served upon the table was something which the family had learned to designate by the name of 'tea' in English.
The idea of forming a republic and even of adopting the titles appropriate to a republic to designate the functionaries of a Malay despotism was an afterthought.
Tsigani; a word by which Slavic people designate the gypsies, who are supposed by them to have come from India in the time of Tamerlane.
Giaours; a term of reproach by which the Turks designate the unbelievers in Mahomet, especially Christians.
Storrs, I herebydesignate and appoint you, Andrew H.
In speaking of the enemy the term right flank or left flank is used to designate the flank that would be so designated by him.
Whenever it becomes necessary for the noncommissioned officer to leave his guard, he will designate a member of it to take charge and assume his responsibility during his absence.
Should the corporal whose relief is on post be called away from the guardhouse, the sergeant of the guard will designate a noncommissioned officer to take the corporal's place until his return.
The guide of the squad habitually follows the leader at 3 yards distance, but the leader may designate a greater distance, in which case the guide marches accordingly.
Whenever it becomes necessary for the corporal to leave his post near the entrance of the guardhouse, he will notify the sergeant of the guard, who will at once take his place, or designate another noncommissioned officer to do so.
The captain's commands should include an indication of the objective, unless the latter is obvious, designate the elements of the attack, and state any special mission that is assigned to any element.
To designate a target the commander announces, for example: =Reference point, that clump of trees on hill crest.
Any such satellite carriers, distributors, and copyright owners may at any time negotiate and agree to the royalty fee, and may designate common agents to negotiate, agree to, or pay such fees.
After some correspondence and an acknowledgment of his error the Bishop-designate was consecrated, and two years later he was elevated to the archbishopric of Bourges.
Bishop-designate of Moulins practically established as the priest ministering to his countrymen in captivity, and living on the income derived from the British Government.
The priest in whose mission the Baptism took place and who made the entry, gave the Christian and family names of the Bishop-designate of Moulins, but not the episcopal title, as in the second entry.
Stephen John Baptist Lewis de Galois de la Tours (the Bishop-designate of Moulins), took up the work.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "designate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.