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Example sentences for "engrave"

Lexicographically close words:
engraft; engrafted; engrafting; engrailed; engrained; engraved; engraven; engraver; engravers; engraves
  1. And she was displeased at it; because she saw only pieces of dark clay: and no porphyry, nor marble, nor any fair stone that men might engrave the figures of the gods upon.

  2. To engrave by means of dots, in distinction from engraving in lines.

  3. To engrave in mezzotint; to represent by mezzotint.

  4. To grave or carve between; to engrave in the alternate sections.

  5. And he is so pleased with it that he takes the trouble to take a pointed implement and engrave a few lines of it on one of the stones of the Fairies' Dolmen.

  6. The Superhun wrote it down on ten different pages of his note-book, so that he might wear it ten times next to his skin and engrave it in the very substance of his being.

  7. Engrave well upon your discreet remembrance the unmentionable Line of Tripe and Trotter.

  8. The latter made happy the last few years of his life by a commission to engrave a set of plates after water-colour drawings, already executed, illustrating the Book of Job.

  9. Then Anna, walking backward in order to see him still, and to engrave his image deeply on her heart, crossed the threshold as the jailer hastily closed the door behind her.

  10. It would be well to engrave over the entrance to the Capitol the Psalmist's words: "He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not.

  11. Callender, of course, would not have begun to engrave much before Hurd’s death; indeed, the preponderance of the Ribbon and Wreath style in his designs goes to show that his work dated towards the close of the century.

  12. He is (probably inaccurately) claimed to be the first person who undertook to engrave on copper in the United States.

  13. Very little is known about him, but he is reported to have acquired the plates of Peter Pelham, who was presumably the first to engrave on copper in America, and to have destroyed them.

  14. In spite of his advanced opinions, he continued to engrave his Prince Louis--"A rogue who is trying to juggle us out of a Republic.

  15. Now I think of it, Desmahis, engrave me a portrait of Charlotte Corday, will you?

  16. Behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

  17. Behold I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

  18. I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts.

  19. The business generally pays well by jobs, and I see no reason why females may not engrave as successfully as males with the same application.

  20. In classes of wood engraving in the schools of design in England, the students are required to produce the drawing as well as to engrave it.

  21. The work they turn out, he added, is not good; it will not wear, because women have not sufficient strength in the wrist to engrave as deeply as a man.

  22. Boys practise on copper, and do not work on anything valuable until they are able to engrave well.

  23. In Bohemia, whole families engrave glass; and women do so in other parts of Europe also.

  24. A person that can engrave watches could easily engrave coarser work.

  25. A general engraver told me he thought women could very well engrave jewelry, silver, and card plates.

  26. What possible caprice could have tempted him to engrave occasional letters upside down?

  27. Marc Antonio consented to engrave them, and Pietro Aretino helped still further to degrade the undertaking by composing an explanatory sonnet to be printed opposite to each plate.

  28. Afterwards he went to Paris, and placed himself under the most famous masters of the day, by whose aid he was soon introduced to Lebrun, and at once commissioned to engrave one of Raphael's compositions.

  29. Some years later he went to Rome, where Raphael, on the recommendation of Giulio Romano, allowed him to engrave one of his own designs, the "Lucretia.

  30. At this time Blake was making designs for Blair's Grave, which he intended himself to engrave and publish.

  31. He proposed that Blake should engrave his design, and he would push it.

  32. It was fitting that in 1794, when Blake uttered his prophecy of things to come in Europe, he should also gather together his Songs of Experience, and engrave them for the joy of posterity.

  33. To engrave after another is irksome, and there was further irritation when he found that Hayley was as ready to instruct him how to engrave as to paint miniatures.

  34. The services of Sharpe and Bartolozzi were enlisted, and Blake was asked to engrave Adam and Eve observed by Satan.

  35. To engrave after Stothard was to set a lion to speak in a monstrous little voice.

  36. See if you can engrave or carve an ornament on some weapon you have made.

  37. See if you can engrave some animal upon wood or soft stone.

  38. I will engrave the graving thereof' is somewhat obscure.

  39. For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.

  40. Whilst waiting for supplies to come from England, they commissioned a local watchmaker to engrave two dies, one for a penny and one for a twopenny stamp.

  41. Different nations adopted other modes in their preparation of surfaces to engrave on.

  42. As another example, take the following: suppose it were required to engrave a cylinder of 4 inches diameter--or 12.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engrave" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assemble; bead; bed; blaze; blemish; blotch; book; brand; calendar; calibrate; canal; carve; cast; catalog; chalk; channel; character; chase; check; chisel; chronicle; confirm; crack; crease; crimp; cut; dado; dash; define; delimit; demarcate; depress; dike; dimple; dint; discolor; ditch; docket; dot; embed; engrave; enroll; enter; entrench; establish; etch; feather; figure; file; filigree; fix; flag; flounce; flower; flute; found; freckle; furrow; garland; gash; gem; gouge; grave; groove; ground; gully; hatch; illuminate; imbed; impact; impanel; implant; impress; imprint; incise; inculcate; indent; index; infix; ingrain; inscribe; insert; instill; issue; jam; jewel; jot; line; list; lithograph; lodge; log; mark; mimeograph; minute; model; mold; mottle; nick; notch; note; pack; paint; pencil; pepper; pit; plant; pleat; plow; plume; pock; point; poll; post; prick; print; proof; prove; publish; pull; punch; punctuate; puncture; rabbet; recess; record; register; reissue; reprint; ribbon; riddle; rifle; root; run; rut; scar; scarify; score; scrape; scratch; scribe; sculpture; seal; seam; seat; settle; slit; solder; spangle; speck; splotch; spot; stain; stamp; stereotype; stigmatize; stipple; streak; striate; strike; stripe; tabulate; tamp; tape; tattoo; tick; tinsel; tool; trace; trench; trough; underline; underscore; wedge; weld; wreathe; wrinkle; write

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    engraved portrait; engraved title