The dearth of geomyines in the Miocene is counterbalanced by the relatively abundant and highly differentiated gophers of the subfamily Entoptychinae.
Rexroad local fauna referred to Geomys quinni and larger than specimens referred to Zygogeomys cf.
In animals with dolichocephalic skulls the principal movements of the mandible in the masticatory process are anteroposterior.
Basitemporal Fossa The name basitemporal fossa is suggested here to denote the deep pit that lies between the lingual base of the coronoid process and the third lower molar.
The type and paratype of Nerterogeomys from the Benson local fauna of Arizona have no indication of enamel reduction.
The base of the angular processes is preserved, and suggests that the process was short and decidedly smaller than in living examples of the tribe.
Geomys garbanii is of medium size (approximately the size of one of the larger subspecies of G.
The Hudspeth fossils were probably deposited during the Aftonian interglacial.
Which Verses are these: Ecce sub aspectujam contemplaberis uno O Princeps populi sola columna tui!
But the Bipont editors, observing that inopi was not quite consistent with quaerere servos, altered the passage to Ad hoc, populo Romano jam à principio reipublicae melius visum, etc.
What he had achieved, however, was but a small part of what he meant to achieve.
The return of Halley's comet in 1835 was looked forward to as an opportunity for testing the truth of floating cometary theories, and did not altogether disappoint expectation.
Arago at Perpignan noticed considerable irregularities in the divergent rays.
One observer described the general coloration as resembling the lees of wine, but human faces showed pale olive or greenish.
The idea that these enigmatical disturbances were due to the attraction of an unknown exterior body was a tolerably obvious one; and we accordingly find it suggested in many different quarters.
The "lines" and "bands" so frequently spoken of are seen as such for no other reason than because the light forming them is admitted through a narrow, straight opening.