Inez, who had been a model sailor on the Pacific, kept much to her stateroom on the gray Atlantic, though the voyage was unusually placid.
Captain Foster, and it was now definitely known that these two had both served under Foster in the --th Cavalry, although both now protested they always considered him a model officer and a perfect gentleman.
Howe's second model was an improvement on the first.
Alfred Ely Beach made a model for a typewriter as early as 1847, but neglected it for other things, and his next effort in printing machines was a device for embossing letters for the blind.
By 1891 Langley had a model light enough to fly, but proper balancing had not been attained.
The primary difficulty lay in making the model light enough and sufficiently strong to support its power," he says.
Lowell had not been able to obtain either drawings or model in Great Britain, but he had nevertheless designed a loom and had completed a model which seemed to work.
Next year, they returned with a much larger machine; and in 1902 they continued their experiments with a model still further improved from their first design.
In this same year Fulton built a model and tested different means of propulsion, giving "the preference to a wheel on each side of the model.
It was in 1763, when he was twenty-eight and had the appointment of mathematical-instrument maker to the University of Glasgow, that a model of Newcomen's steam pumping engine was brought into his shop for repairs.
In November Langley launched another model which flew for three-quarters of a mile at a speed of thirty miles an hour.
Now Cromwell is just one of those characters which, as a rule, a child accepts as a model of rigid virtue and public spirit.
He would have merely wondered why people could not hold their tongues and mind their business: and yet he is a model citizen, and would be deeply annoyed if he were told he were not a sincere Christian.
And yet she has a model before her eyes," said the abbe.
Such as she was, she was taken as a model by a number of young ladies, who stabbed the skies with their glances, and posed as angels.
His plan of placing the pyramid or apex with the horse and his rider on the four pillars of Verona marble is very striking; while the perfect way in which these shafts bear the weight laid on them is a model of skill and of beauty.
The fourth altar is built on the lines of the Arco de' Gavi, and is of interest and service as setting before us, with very slight deviations, a model of that famous arch as it once stood close to Castel Vecchio.
In one of the rooms is a beautifully-executed model of the celebrated Tatch in Agra; several sculptures and bas-reliefs were lying around.
Or could a model of the universe, such as is called an orrery, be presented before him and put in motion, his mind would arrive at the same idea.
So little did the Osmanli state modelitself on the earlier caliphial empires and so naturally did it lean towards the Roman or Byzantine imperial type.
The Church triumphant had swiftly perfected its organisation on the model of the Imperial bureaucracy.
I understand what you are driving at, and I know what a model must feel when she is being painted.
If I want to live an interior life, I must model it on the life of JESUS hidden in the womb of His Mother.
He will bear all the humiliations because He wants to be my Model and to teach me that there is only one way of learning humility.
I know that Thou hadst no need of any of these gifts; they rested on Thee because Thou art my Model and Thou wouldst show me how to use them.
The dome served Brunelleschi as a model for the cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore.
Its interior, which is well preserved, is said to have been taken by Filippo Brunelleschi as the model for San Lorenzo and Santo Spirito.
In a picture by some other follower of Verrocchio's in the Uffizi he is seen offering up a model of his city to the Blessed Virgin.
Vasari, indeed, states that it was taken from Arnolfo's modelin wood.
It has indeed been recently urged that it is essentially a genuine Roman work of the fourth century, very analogous in structure to the Pantheon at Rome, on the model of which it was probably built.
The Venus and Cupid (1108) is a later work; the goddess is the likeness of a model who very frequently appears in the works of Titian and Palma.
When Frederick the Great, the model and exemplar of all German royalties; died in 1786, he disposed of the Kingdom of Prussia in his will as if it had been one of his horses.
Nearly all the members of Hungarian noble families speak English perfectly and model their clothes, sports and country life, as far as possible, after the English.
This Count and his charming wife had travelled much and evidently desired to model their country life on that of England.
While the said door was making, Andrea made not only the other works aforesaid but also many others, and in particular the model of the Church of S.
And before he departed from Pistoia, although the work had not up to then been begun, he made the model of the Campanile of S.
He made, likewise, the model of that church and of a great part of the convent.
In short, the architecture of this church is such that Filippo di Ser Brunellesco did not disdain to avail himself of it as a model in building the Church of S.
Who but a savage, for example, would include the keeping and killing of pigs as a feature of a model homestead?
When the model is finished, it must be coloured correctly, and varnished with white varnish, or left plain.
We will suppose that the modelis to represent the Temple of Theseus at Athens, which was built by Cimon, the son of Miltiades.
After breakfast, went to rehearsal, and then walked with my father to see a very pretty model of what is to be the town-hall.
The stork should be taken as a model in two respects.
God commanded the angel who has charge over the embryos, to give them form and shape, that he fashion Isaac precisely according to the model of Abraham, so that all seeing Isaac might exclaim, "Abraham begot Isaac.
The yacht has since been sold to an English gentleman,--to be a model for British naval architects.
Mr. Producer explained that he had had the model rushed through to make it possible for them to "get down to brass tacks" at once.
Smoothness and Blending A monologue--like the thin-model watch mentioned--is made up of many parts.
K'd it and Mr. Scenic Artist bowed himself out, promising to have a model ready the next day.
A tiny paper model of the mimic room in which the act was to be played stood upon the desk.
A firm independence of character, truthful, devoted to duty, with deified earnestness and simplicity, he was a model of old Prussian official honour.
The tactics and strategy of the Prussian army were, for almost half a century, the pattern and model for all the armies of Europe.
Model for Illustrating the Properties of the Ether.
Fairly full bow lines are the best for fast boats of this class, but in such a model the big bow wave is very noticeable.
I have also here a model of that famous ship the Captain, which was wrecked off Cape Finisterre.
A very interesting exhibit was the model for illustrating the electromagnetic and luminiferous properties of the ether, of which a detailed description is almost necessary.
The model consists of a series of wheels, rotating on axes fixed perpendicularly in a plane board, and connected together by India-rubber bands.
I cannot think that such a character, appearing now, would seem to my friend a perfect model of a man.
In truth, I cannot see theModel Man in his rebuke.
Not only did he enjoy much personal popularity, but as he was known to be completely in Lord Lyons's confidence, he was the recipient of much confidential information, and generally believed to be a model of discretion.