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Example sentences for "lance"

Lexicographically close words:
lamps; lampshade; lampstand; lampstands; lams; lanced; lancelet; lancelike; lanceolata; lanceolate
  1. The fatal lance is, at length, given; the blood gushes from the nostrils of the unfortunate animal in a thick, black stream, which stains the clear blue water of the ocean to a considerable distance around the scene of the affray.

  2. In the still light of the dying day, the old spire of the parish church loomed like a gigantic lance across the rich meadows, and through the stillness I heard the sound of the chimes.

  3. We saw nothing but white fields which lay glittering in the sunshine, and the spire of the parish church to the west, which shone like a lance under the clear sky.

  4. Beside it the most perfect lance looks like a handsaw.

  5. Working through the groove, and projecting from the centre of the angle of the fork, is a lance of perfect form, sharpened with a fine bevel.

  6. On either side of this lance two saws are arranged, with the points fine and sharp, and the teeth well-defined and keen.

  7. With that he put his lance in rest and dashed towards Beaumains, expecting an easy victory.

  8. I put my lance in rest and spurred towards him, and we came together with so great an onset that I was carried far beyond the crupper of my horse.

  9. Then Sir Geraint took the lance and thanked the old earl, and looked back to where stood Enid.

  10. Great was the mourning of the barons and the people of Cornwall when it was known how deep and wide was the wound which Tristram had received from the lance of Sir Marhaus.

  11. Then they set spurs to their horses and met together so furiously that the lance of either bore a great hole in the other's armour, and both were borne backwards off their horses, sorely wounded.

  12. Many of the younger men that had despite against Lancelot for his greater prowess at the sword and the lance thought that now, indeed, they would be ridded of him, for they deemed Sir Caradoc would slay him.

  13. Sir Tristram was impatient to be in the saddle again, with lance in rest and his great charger leaping beneath him.

  14. All the knights cried out upon Sir Caradoc for a foul knight, and for shame he threw down his lance and alighted, and rushed at Sir Lancelot full fiercely, in order to slay him instantly.

  15. Thereafter Earl Owen defended the fountain with lance and sword against all who ventured to challenge him in his earldom.

  16. At that they saw Sir Persaunt array himself in his armour and mount his horse, and now he came rushing across the field at utmost speed, his lance in rest.

  17. By ill hap, the spear of Sir Bors pierced through his cousin's shield into his side, and the head of the lance broke off and remained in the wound.

  18. With that he levelled his lance and ran furiously upon the knight.

  19. With my lance I struck the cup, and instantly there was a great peal of thunder, so that I trembled for fear.

  20. Persons suspected of crime are forced to eat the seeds of the plumlike fruit, and criminals are put to death by being pricked with a lance dipped in the juice of the seeds.

  21. A ring fitted upon the head of a lance to prevent wounding an adversary in tilting.

  22. The largest field for the free-lance photographer I have left until last; that is, the magazines.

  23. That is the biggest advantage of the free-lance photographer with the newspapers.

  24. The kinds of subjects bought by newspapers from free-lance photographers are those of local interest, brought to the office while the interest in them is still keen.

  25. The free-lance photographer should see possibilities in many subjects: A public building burns.

  26. A day is coming, and it is not far off, when a lance shall pierce this body, and open, towards the heart, an easy passage to the thought of salvation.

  27. A breech clout was a thundering sight more comfortable in the summer than steel armor, and I don't know that killing a man with a lance was any more deserving of adoration than killing one with a bow and arrow.

  28. Between me and my horse we have nine and twenty lance thrusts; the horse has nine and I the rest.

  29. At a prancing gallop he cast his lance aloft and caught it again, at the same time saluting the people gracefully and mildly.

  30. The perpetual jousts of the knights, charging with the lance and then drawing the sword, are exactly parallel to the endless throwing of the spear and leaping from the chariot in the Iliad.

  31. By rushes with lance and sword and rifle they were able, at last, to drive David's men back upon their old defences with loss.

  32. My bourka was slightly touched, and the shaft of the Cossack's lance was cut in two.

  33. Very often when I perceived nothing but a point barely visible on the horizon, they clearly made out a horseman armed with his lance and gun.

  34. Do you dare to turn my drawing room into lists wherein to break your lance in personal quarrels?

  35. His body was riddled with wounds, till his own mother would not have known him; he had received twenty lance thrusts; and his head was smashed to atoms with tomahawks.

  36. Pedro Gutierrez and a young cavalier from the Nina deigned to show lance play, and Vicente Pinzon who had served against the Moors took a great sword and with it carved calabashes and severed green boughs.

  37. Besides these were fifty of the plainer sort, and there lacked not crossbow, lance and arquebus.

  38. LE BRET (who had gone up to pass a loaf on the end of a lance to the sentry on the rampart): De Guiche!

  39. They come down, Cyrano brandishing the lance to which is attached Roxane's handkerchief): Float there!

  40. There is wisdom as well as humour in his remark, that "the best manner of treating a revolutionary movement in Central America is to treat it as a boil; let it come to a head, and then lance it, letting all the bad matter out at once.

  41. High on his horse then Hrothgar's retainer Turned him to coastward, mightily brandished His lance in his hands, questioned with boldness.

  42. Somewhere not rarely, when the ruler has fallen, The life-taking lance relaxeth its fury For a brief breathing-spell, though the bride be charming!

  43. And when a bill is pending to which that amendment is appropriate, and his attention is called to it, if he flinches, if he goes back, who shall we hope for to come hereafter who will break a lance in such a cause?

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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