A new edition, brought down to the Present Time, and printed from entirely new stereotype plates.
The new edition, being printed from entirely new stereotype plates, is a great improvement upon former editions.
An identicalstereotype of the Negro fixed itself on the white mind throughout the entire country.
However, Elkins postulates that a slave type must have existed as the result of the attempt to control mass behavior, and he believes that this type probably bore a marked resemblance to the literary stereotype of "Sambo.
Whenever blacks were depicted in cartoons or photographs, thestereotype presented them as having thick lips, flat noses, big ears, big feet, and kinky woolly hair.
This contributed to the development of the stereotype of the criminal Negro.
If the Northerner hated this stereotype somewhat less than did the Southerner, it was only because the number of Negroes in the North was considerably smaller.
In part, he, had been the product of a guilt-ridden whitestereotype which found this myth comforting.
To be sure there is a touch of stereotype in the chords and even in the pinch and clash of hostile motives.
Compared with his followers the quality of stereotype in Franck is merely general; there is no excessive use of one device.
The strange part of this rebellion is that it is always marked by the quality of stereotype which it seeks to avoid.
Steel plates may be duplicated by means of electrotyping, or by the process of transfer to soft steel, but these duplicates cannot be made so cheaply as typographic stereotype plates, nor so promptly as transfers by lithography.
A page of movable types can be used for a mould, from which can be made a stereotypeplate of immovable letters.
His blocks, like modernstereotype plates, were always ready for use.
The stereotype plate has all the advantages pertaining to an engraving on a lithographic stone, and it is more durable and portable.
So treated, the composed types were made as solid as a xylographic block or a stereotype plate.
The melted metal poured in this mould, not only makes the body of the type, but at the same time solders itself to the stereotype [nested in the matrix] which makes the face of the type.
One of the firm of the Boston Stereotype Foundry writes: "We employ but three young ladies to read proof, and pay from $3 to $5 per week.
The same book might be printed and stereotype plates cast at 85 cents a volume.
They might be instructed, not merely to compose and distribute, but to correct, make up, impose forms, and prepare the type completely for the press or stereotype foundery.
His father had acquired a set of stereotype plates of Drinkwater’s “Siege of Gibraltar,†and had a portrait of its author engraved for the frontispiece.
Longman they fixed, unasked, a certain number of years after which the copyright and stereotype plates were to revert to me, and a certain number of copies after the sale of which I should receive half of any further profit.
Wood Engraving and the Stereotype In any event, wood engraving did not really flourish until a practical stereotyping process was perfected.
The regular mode of producing stereotype plates, from plaster of Paris moulds, took so much time, that they could not then be used for newspaper printing.
The principal feature of this invention consisted in the curving or bending of stereotype plates for the purpose of being printed in that form.
There is no correcting thestereotype after it is once made," replied Mr. Hawley.
Of course the compositors have to be very sure before the forms go to the stereotype casting room that there are no mistakes in them, I suppose," Paul ventured thoughtfully.
It is from this metal stereotype that the paper is printed.
After being cast, the sections of stereotype were put into the machine indicated and moved quickly along, being planed off as they went; when they emerged the wrong side of them was smooth and even.
No one was so delighted to notice the oddities which habit and tradition stereotype in particular classes of men.
The following extracts, describing the outline of the stereotype process, are taken from Milner's notebook: 1.
A little more than a year after this appointment Cambridge received another offer of a secret for the process of stereotype printing.
Apart from the various stereotype editions of the bible and prayer-book no books of great importance seem to have been printed by Watts.
Thus there was nothing in the way of my making stereotype plates (which I did not know by this name at that time), except a few minor appliances and a small stock of types.
When only a small edition of a book is wanted the printing is generally done direct from the types, but when a large number of copies is required or frequent editions are expected, stereotype or electrotype plates are made.
Stereotype plates are cakes of white metal carrying merely the face of the types, and were formerly made by taking from the types a mould of plaster of Paris.
On a former occasion I stated to you the agency which Franklin had in bringing forward stereotype plates, as projected by Dr.
If I print the thing, we shall surely take in America again; either by stereotype or in some other way.
Before now, you must have one or two notes of mine touching the stereotype plates: a proposition superseded by your new plan.
On the way back to the office Uncle Francis showed Jimmie a stereotype plate which he could study at close range.
The mold is curved to fit the cylinders before the molten metal is poured in, so that the stereotype plate, as the page of fixed type is called, can be clamped tight on the big cylinder.
Perkins, formerly associated with Phillips, Sampson and Company, who, after their failure, had become possessed of some stereotype plates.