This must synchronize with the final conflict, (symbolized in Rev.
Consequently it must synchronize with that of: The Marriage of the Lamb.
They have come out of all their tribulations, and evidently synchronize with the palm-bearing multitude (Rev.
The condition of Babylon, at the time of her fall, indicates that the separation must take place in near connection with that event; and the cry must synchronize with that of the third angel in Rev.
Its heads and horns synchronize with those of the dragonic monster, which had preceded it, and disappeared from the view of the revelator.
The probable date of this monarch has already been shown to synchronize closely with the time assigned by Berosus to the connnencement of his sixth Babylonian dynasty, and by Herodotus to the beginning of his Assyrian Empire.
Its commencement should therefore synchronizewith the foundation of an Assyrian Empire.
Its initial operations were providentially made tosynchronize with the final years of a century that witnessed the birth and rise of a Faith of which it is the direct consequence.
To cause to agree in time; as, to synchronize the movements of different machines; to synchronize clocks.
To assign to the same date or period of time; as, to synchronize two events of Greek and Roman history.
They can also be used to synchronize various input devices which occur at random times (see Input-Output, Typewriter Input).
This is used exclusively to synchronize the flow of information between a tape unit and the computer.
Meanwhile Ewell, whose attack against the right was tosynchronize with Longstreet's against the left, was delayed by Longstreet till the afternoon, when he carried Culp's Hill.
The idea had been to synchronize three coöperating movements against Meade's whole position.
Like the waves of sound just adverted to, the waves of ether select those atoms whose periods of vibration synchronize with their own periods of recurrence, and to such atoms deliver up their motion.
The answer I hold to be that, by the act of chemical combination, the vibrations of the constituent atoms of the molecules are rendered so sluggish as to synchronize with the motions of the longer waves.
It would be the final signal to synchronize and activate the collective controls of the Extractor and Collector.
Each utility maneuvered to synchronizeaxis and align portals.
Again, the fast varies partly, in different years, in the date of its inception; and partly it does not synchronize with the beginning of the ecclesiastical fast.
Fred has a telemagneto recorder there that he can synchronize with this outfit easily enough.
They can't, without my knowing it, and I'll cut off the second anybody tries to synchronize with my beam.
Fred has a telemagneto recorder there that he can synchronize with this camera outfit easily enough.
Frequently in so large a Corps as this, two such inter-divisional reliefs would synchronize or overlap, and the danger of congestion and the Staff work necessary to avoid it would be thereby more than doubled.
The plan was that from the moment of the opening of the battle, this road repair work was to commence, and its advance was to synchronize with the advance of the Artillery barrage and Infantry skirmishing line.
But these simple methods had great disadvantages; it was impossible to entirely synchronize the pressure on every hat, and it was extremely lengthy and tedious.
It is then “dry sponged” to clear the surface, and the operator carefully arranges the rows to synchronize with the edges of the block and with each other.