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Example sentences for "ream"

Lexicographically close words:
realmes; realms; reals; realty; realy; reame; reamed; reamer; reaming; reams
  1. If the parliament have a right to lay a duty of four shillings and eight pence on a hundred weight of glass, or a ream of paper, they have a right to lay a duty of any other sum on either.

  2. Ream after ream she had written on the once so fully discussed subjects: What to do with the Cold Mutton; and, How to Keep a Husband's Affection Warm.

  3. Vinnie Ream was by no means a Scott heroine, however, but a genuine American, and doubly remarkable to me as being the first specimen of a young woman from the United States with whom I became acquainted.

  4. Next evening I wrote: Vinnie Ream leaves to-morrow morning; I said good-bye to her this evening.

  5. The most striking aspect of Electron's room was the ream after ream of dot matrix computer print-out which littered the floor.

  6. You come to the wrong shop if you think you can steal a horse from this regiment," and he roughly took the ream out of my hand.

  7. A ream of this paper, royal size, would cost five francs at the most," he added, while Eve handled the specimens with almost childish surprise.

  8. A pound of pulp costs five sous, even supposing that the raw material is grown on good soil with special culture; three francs' worth of sized pulp will make a ream of paper, at twelve pounds to the ream.

  9. Detailed descriptions of the forest vegetation were presented by Ohmann and Ream (1969).

  10. Well, you must know that as soon as I reached home, and had set the family pendulum swinging again, I trotted out and bought a ream of foolscap on which to write my book.

  11. They were not at all tired of this world, and were determined to stay in it; so here I am tied hand and foot to my nursery; and as to my book, there is nothing to show for it but that ream of paper; and that does look like business.

  12. Give me a ream of paper: we'll have a kingdom of gold for't.

  13. Footnote 157: give me a ream of paper: we'll have a kingdom of gold for't: A quibble.

  14. In my last epistle to you I stated that I had been asked 100 roubles per ream for such paper as we wanted.

  15. You may easily guess that I was somewhat startled at this piece of information, for upon making a calculation I found that one ream of paper would be little more than sufficient for two copies of the entire Mandchou New Testament.

  16. It is therefore now time for the Committee to come to a decision respecting the number of copies to be printed, and I wish it to be borne in mind that the price of the paper per ream in some degree depends upon the quantity required.

  17. Pinkerton's expenses to be referred to, for the purpose of ascertaining how much he paid per ream for this kind of paper.

  18. I leant my head on the ream of foolscap, and tried to compose myself before I composed anything else.

  19. The thinner covers are usually designated by their ream weight, though frequently quoted, as are the heavy-weight covers, the blanks and cardboards, in price by the hundred sheets.

  20. The most common kind gives, directly, the ream weight from weighing a single sheet, and is of such convenience that almost all paper-users could well afford to have one.

  21. Armstrong was out on business for the day, and in the drowsy afternoon Paul laid an old press blanket on the office floor, took a ream of printing-paper for a pillow, and slept like a top.

  22. With a ream of writing-paper, a pint of ink, and sixpennyworth of pens, he is professionally provisioned for half a year.

  23. Then the foreigners purchased ream after ream of certificates to control Erie, and to-day their stock is declared not worth a row of pins, owing to the piles of money swallowed by the afflictive suits on the stamped certificates.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ream" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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