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Example sentences for "till they"

  • So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, till they came to a narrow and dark hole.

  • They went on, and they went on, and they went on, till they came to a castle.

  • Whereupon they set off in pursuit, but the cunning Partridge played a thousand tricks, till they became so excited over the chase that they put their bundles on the ground in order to pursue it more nimbly.

  • The three sons went then, and they caught their horses, and put on their bridles, and they set out, and went on till they came to three crossroads.

  • The Fairy drove him a long distance round, till they reached a village which lay at the bottom of the mill.

  • The little Tailor willingly consented to do this, and following his friend they went on till they reached a cave where several other giants were sitting round a fire, each holding a roast sheep in his hand, of which he was eating.

  • A little before daybreak, they set out, and Hasan with them, and fared on till they came to their camp, where they dispersed each to her tent, and Hasan followed one of them and lo!

  • So they dragged Shawahi along, yellow with fright and with side-muscles quivering, till they came to her house, where she went in to Hasan, who rose to her and kissed her hands and saluted her.

  • So he went in, rejoicing and assured of the winning of his wish, and the old man took him by the hand and leading him into the cavern, fared on with him half a day's journey, till they reached an arched doorway with a door of steel.

  • They ceased not faring on till they came to the foothills of that mountain where they halted; and Hasan saw thereon a palace and asked Bahram, "What be yonder palace?

  • Then they went down the hill again, till they came to the mouth of the cave.

  • As for themselves, they had travelled night and day, till they reached a certain secret and almost inaccessible place in the great Quathlamba Mountains, in which people had lived whom Chaka wiped out, and there hidden themselves.

  • Well; the horses at least are not eaten--they live, like landlords, till they die.

  • Till they came to the inn, and there they stood at rest.

  • The two men wandered through the trees in the dusk, till they came to a bank on the farther edge of the wood.

  • So on till they landed in Prato station: and there they sat.

  • They won't believe it till they hear it spoken in plain English.

  • Thus they went on, till they came to about the middle of the Valley, and then Christiana said, Methinks I see something yonder upon the road before us, a thing of such a shape such as I have not seen.

  • So they went on together, reiterating their former discourses, till they came to go down the hill.

  • I beheld, then, that they all went on till they came to the foot of the Hill Difficulty; at the bottom of which was a spring.

  • So they fared on, till they came to the city wherein the man dwelt for whom she had paid a thousand dirhems, to deliver him from torment, and found him about to travel to her, by reason of a sickness that had betided him.

  • Then the old queen and her daughter and son-in-law embarked in the ship and setting sail, fared on till they came to the land of Mekran.

  • The carriage again moved slowly on; Michael following the peasants up the lane, which Emily had just quitted, till they came to the moon-light glade.

  • The sounds rolled along the wind, and were repeated in faint and fainter reverberation, till they sunk in sullen murmurs.

  • This the Indians grind on Stones and other things, till they make it current, but the Drilling is the most difficult to the English-men, which the Indians manage with a Nail stuck in a Cane or Reed.

  • And he ceased not to press him till he consented to him; whereat Aboulhusn rejoiced and going on before him, gave not over talking with him till they came to his [house and he carried the Khalif into the] saloon.

  • Then he carried the youth to his dwelling and dressed his wound, and he abode with him some days, till he was rested; when he took him and two beasts and all that he needed, and they fared on till they came to a precipitous mountain.

  • And I have seen them kill their own souls, too, and enter into strong delusions, till they believe a lie, and many lies, from which one had hoped that the Bible would have delivered any and every man.

  • Thus they sailed over the sea till they came to Malea, to straits that are by the sea.

  • So they rode, they and the Greeks, till they came to the valley of which they had been told; and there they found the captives.

  • Then they went on till they came up to two large beasts of prey.

  • So they went on, and Ignorance trod in their steps a short way from them, till they saw a road branch off from the one they were in, and they knew not which of the two to take.

  • I saw then that they all went on till they came to the foot of the Hill of Difficulty, where there was a spring.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "till they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    billion dollars; considerable number; during which; favourite haunt; fell asleep; hard winter; honest industry; much liked; near relative; nest among the reeds; pay him; till after; till half; till late; till noon; till now; till suddenly; till the; till then; till they reached the; till thou; till when; till you; tomorrow night; weak point; you perceive