In the case of such bundles as rugs from infected countries, where any single rug may become the medium of infection, it is requisite to thoroughly sterilize all parts of the bundle.
It appeared that this family infected the bottles left at their house, and since the milkman failed to sterilize the bottles before re-filling them, the infection was passed on to others also taking milk in pint bottles.
It is far safer to send a mattress to the cleaner to be steamed than to try to sterilize such bulky objects at home.
Such vessels have the mass of a large asteroid, and one of them can sterilize a planet; two or three can take it apart.
Only the Eridanian law says if I go over my quota, if I have one more, they'll sterilize me!
You keep on hand a bath of boiling water in which you sterilize at frequent intervals all the usual playthings--nipples, rubber rings, rattles, etc.
It was bad enough for themselves, though they could sterilize their drinking water and pasteurize their milk, and exercise many other of their wonted precautions; but when it came to the baby, they were almost powerless.
Unless the milk is perfectly fresh, and has been handled with great care, it is safer to sterilize or pasteurize it.
Another object is tosterilize or kill any germs which may exist and to make it more palatable.
It is a good plan to wrap each dish separately in paper to retain the lid securely, then sterilize as for potato tubes, and leave plates wrapped until wanted.
The boiling is done at this point because the medium must later be heated to sterilize it and it is best to get rid of the coagulable proteins at once.
Exposure to the open flame is largely a laboratory procedure to sterilize small metallic instruments and even small pieces of glassware.
It is employed to sterilize water for drinking purposes on a large scale and to disinfect sewage plant effluents.
To sterilize milk, place the sealed bottles on a wire rack or a perforated pie tin in a deep vessel, as for the pasteurizing of milk, and pour cold water into the vessel until it nearly covers the bottles.
If vessels in which milk is placed are washed in such water, it is necessary to sterilize them by boiling or steaming before milk is put into them, in order to kill the germs that come from the water.
Spoiling used to be the bane of a housekeeper, for five times out of ten things would sour, and she could not tell what was the matter; but sterilize the cans, and you will be all right.
Then sterilize your cans, and you won't have a bit of trouble.
The combination would sterilize and even partly eat away his spacesuit, after which the chlorine and steam should be bled out to space, and air from the ship let into the lock.
And you can actually sterilize a lot of other useful materials!
We always sterilizeour lips now before we kiss him--it's so much safer, you know.
As if I could sterilize everything, and keep him from getting hold of germs somewhere!
It is these spore forms that make it so difficult to thoroughly sterilize milk.
For this purpose sterilize some fresh skim-milk in a covered can that has previously been well steamed.
While a momentary exposure will not suffice to completely sterilize such a vessel, yet many bacteria are killed in even a short exposure, and the cans dry more thoroughly and quickly when heated by steam.
Failure to properly sterilize cans, and particularly strainer cloths, is frequently responsible for a continuance of trouble of this sort.
Nay, more, in all probability, he does not know that such a power exists to us as can sterilize his lairs, so that he cannot use them as of old.
Already all of his lairs but one be sterilize as for him.
We must sterilize this earth, so sacred of holy memories, that he has brought from a far distant land for such fell use.
We must sterilize all the imported earth between sunrise and sunset.
And so we have this day to hunt out all his lairs and sterilize them.
This may be carried out in ordinary garden soil, although it is wise to sterilize it before use.
This is really a very simple undertaking, and almost always meets with success if the precaution is taken to sterilize the soil used by baking it in an oven.
Nay more, in all probability he does not know that such a power exists to us as can sterilize his lairs, so that he cannot use them as of old.
Already all of his lairs but one be sterilize as for him; and before the sunset this shall be so.
These machines are effective, if not run at too rapid a rate, so that the bottles are not exposed for a sufficiently long period of time to sterilize them.
It is necessary to remove the sand daily and thoroughly wash and sterilize the same.
Sterilize the jars in every part; dip them in boiling water, or place them on a rest (folded paper or wooden slats) in a kettle, to prevent the jars from touching the bottom.
Wash and sterilize the soiled clothing once a week.
When using a steam pressure canner instead of the hot-water bath, sterilize for 10 minutes with 5 pounds of steam pressure.
When the breakfast trays were ready, I used to disinfect my hands and sterilize the scissors, and then make swabs for next day's dressings.
Then there are instruments to sterilize and lotions to mix.
When the jars are in place, put the tight-fitting cover on the sterilizer and allow the water to boil and thus cook and sterilize the food in the jars.
Pour into bottles or jars, seal, and sterilize in a water bath for about 5 minutes.
Select bottles or jars that may be tightly closed, sterilize them, fill them with the boiling juice, and seal them.
Adjust the covers and proceed to sterilize and cook the jars of food.
Adjust the jar tops next, and proceed to sterilize and cook the jars of carrots according to the method selected.
Pour into jars or bottles, seal, and sterilize by cooking for about 5 minutes in hot water that nearly covers the bottles.
Then adjust the jar lids, and proceed to sterilize and cook the jars of food.
Then adjust the jar tops and proceed to sterilize and cook the jars of beets according to the directions for any preferred method.
When the jars are thus packed, adjust the covers and proceed tosterilize and cook the greens according to the directions previously given.
Proceed next to sterilize and cook it according to the method selected.
Then keep up a temperature that will allow the food to boil quietly for a period long enough to cook it soft and sterilize it.
Adjust the covers and proceed tosterilize and cook them.
Then place the rubbers, adjust the jar tops, and proceed to sterilize and cook the cans of fruit.
It shouldsterilize the used air going into Kathy's part of the compartment, and it should sterilize the used air pushed out by the supplied fresh air.
The latter will completely sterilize a thread dipped in a pure culture of the diphtheria bacillus.
The proof of causation may be found in the fact that the most effective cure now practiced for such suppuration is to sterilize them by the actual cautery.
Place jars on false bottom of water bath and sterilize for required time.
Loosely seal and sterilize two hours in boiling water.
As it may happen through accident or carelessness that water supplies have been contaminated, it is the rule to sterilize all water used for drinking purposes, either by boiling, by the use of bisulphate of soda, or by chlorine.
Small tablets of hypochlorite of lime, each one sufficient to sterilize a pail of water, were also ordered and issued to the first Canadian division, and proved useful.
The old straw in the barns and the billets is sure to be infected with lice, and it is very difficult to sterilize the men's blankets.
This was particularly useful in the trenches where it was possible to accurately sterilize a pail or a barrel of water if necessary.
To Sterilize Butter= Boil butter in a generous amount of water thoroughly.
I always wash and sterilize mine when I empty them.
It would be distinctly immoral to sterilize healthy women, who become possessed with the old Roman passion for a childless life, or who simply wish to limit their families for any selfish or personal reason.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sterilize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: boil; castrate; cleanse; emasculate; enervate; exhaust; fumigate; sterilize; unman; unnerve