Let us imagine anything that might leave some dominant Power supreme in London and reduce us for the sixth or seventh time to the position of a subject race.
New categories were added in successive strata, as it were, and juristic science sought afterward to reduce them to system and logical consistency.
They sought to reduce the standard of reasonable care to a set of hard and fast rules.
For if you reduce usury to one low rate, it will ease the common borrower, but the merchant will be to seek for money.
Whether or not the master of the steamer received the information volunteered by Flower, the two girls saw the triangle of lamps get narrow at its base, reduce themselves to two in a vertical line, then to one, then to darkness.
Little effort is made to bring the broken ends of the bones into their proper positions or to reduce dislocations.
Cleophon demands a passing notice, because we learn from Aristotle[97] that he tried to reduce tragedy to the plain level of common life by using every-day language and not attempting to idealize his characters.
It was Herbart who used the philosophical psychology of his day as a guiding principle to reduce pedagogic rules to a system.
In such a case it is necessary not only to offer orderly external surroundings, but to reduce the chaotic internal world of the child to order, and, after this, to observe him for a considerable time.
No, my dear--half the world are in that predicament; but would it mend our condition to reduce our parties to quakers' silent meetings?
But the Turks found it a more difficult matter to reduce the castle of the Goletta and the fort raised by the brave engineer Cerbelloni, now well advanced, though not entirely completed.
It was resolved, therefore, to abandon the present plan of operations, and to reduce the place by the slower but surer way of blockade.
What machinery of hell has been at work toreduce you to this?
Reduce it to writing, and it can be understood; it will, besides, prevent misconceptions in future.
They became a garrison without wholesome occupation; yet at worst such advance as Ireland did make was wholly due to them, and every step which was taken to reduce their power brought back the old symptoms.
His deep and pious spirit recoiled with disgust and horror from lax chance medley maxims that would, in their consequence, reduce men to the level of brutes.
Though it would be a great wrong to reduce the European to a condition of servitude, it does not follow that it would be equally wrong to enslave the African.
It might be dangerous to disband such an army, and reduce them with the habits of soldiers, to their former condition of laborers.
That is to say, If I have the right to a slave, now that I have got him, then I may rightfully use all necessary means to reduce other men to slavery!
It is not in the power of man to reduce to bondage those who serve God, in all the service they render their fellow-men.
He may work it into a house or into a piece of furniture, or he may lay it on the fire, and reduce it to ashes.
We have already seen that the abolitionist argues the question of slavery as if Southerners were proposing to catch freemen and reduce them to bondage.
One of their own Senators has declared in the United States Senate, "that the repeal of the Tariff would reduce New England to a howling wilderness.
He does not imagine that it is ever right to shoot, burn, or corrupt, in order to reduce any portion of the enlightened universe to a state of servitude.
Nothing can be done there, as it is filling up with English emigrants who will not toil, under a burning sun, in the cotton fields; and they can not be permitted to reduce the natives again to slavery.
The powers of this immortal spirit, he concludes, "reduce to insignificance all outward distinctions.
These relations, indeed, and only these relations, made it possible to reduce *ad absurdum* any possible existence of a machine as the actual basis of what we had studied.
But an indirect *proof* must reduce to *absurdity* all the possibilities except one, in order to be a proof.
A movement to reduce the number of entrance examinations and to secure uniformity in their standard was set on foot in 1901.
The hygienic conditions should be such as to reducethe strain to a minimum.
My first idea was merely to build something that would reduce the necessary supervisory force to one or two humans.
Again, ozone can be kept in the solid state under the pressure of two atmospheres; reduce this pressure, and it will begin to evaporate.
Hydrogen is the lightest gas known; you cannotreduce its weight.
The boss has just told the hands that he'll split the difference and reduce the wages five instead of ten per cent.
He was going to reduce their wages, he was deliberately going to cause privation, and even suffering where there were large families.
It has been his mixture of firmness, good nature, and good judgment that has enabled him to control these bold, warlike savages, and even to reduce the warfare between them and the Parecis.
Universal education would reduce the natural inequality of talents, and break down the barriers of class, so that men, retaining still the desire to be instructed by others, would no longer need to be controlled by their superiors.
To reduce ourselves to this abstract quintessential man might be euthanasia.
The coal barons decide to advance the price of coal and reduce production.
The unfledged but intense vitality of the one may sap the slow-running current of the other, and reduce it to the lower level--to second childhood.
Man should not cut timber to such an extent as to reduce a necessary rainfall.
In exceptional cases the People’s Commissariat of Labor may reduce the subsidy to the minimum of living expenses as determined for the respective district.
In exceptional cases the People’s Commissariat of Labor may reduce the unemployed subsidy to the minimum of living expenses as determined for the district in question.
Thus, it was proposed, by means of the above-mentioned decree, to reduce an enormous part of the state budget to the mere calculation of interdepartmental accounts, income on one side and expenditures on the other.
In fact, art was very much in the way to which some good people of the present day would reduce it, and represented nothing save in a partial and symbolical manner.
Since the publication of that list extraordinary efforts have been made in all countries to reduce the risk of fires in public entertainments.