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Example sentences for "purchase"

Lexicographically close words:
pur; pura; purblind; purchace; purchasable; purchased; purchaser; purchasers; purchases; purchasing
  1. We had concluded to purchase the land on which one of our refineries was built and which was held on a lease from John Irwin, whom we both knew well.

  2. However, in view of what seems to be your present feeling, I now offer to restore to you the purchase made by us, you simply returning the amount of money which we have invested, and leaving us as though no purchase has been made.

  3. Mr. Irwin drew the contract for the purchase of this land on the back of a large manila envelope that he picked up in the office.

  4. The sale was consummated, as we supposed, to the entire satisfaction of Mrs. Backus, and the purchase price which had been agreed upon was paid.

  5. The negotiations which led to this purchase extended over several weeks, being conducted on behalf of Mrs. Backus, as the principal stockholder, by Mr. Charles H.

  6. Late in 1871, we began the purchase of some of the more important of the refinery interests of Cleveland.

  7. The novelty of being able to purchase anything one wants soon passes, because what people most seek cannot be bought with money.

  8. I lived with my brother's family, was at the house the day you called to talk the matter of the then proposed purchase of the property with Mrs. Backus by her request, as she told Mr. Jennings that she wanted to deal through you.

  9. And when the said offer of purchase by said Jennings upon the terms aforesaid was conveyed to her by affiant, she expressed herself as entirely satisfied therewith.

  10. If my father were a jackass, I would sell him to purchase Ghalia!

  11. Near the Amazon the traveler Castelnau saw an enormous Coati monkey belonging to an Indian woman and tried to purchase it; though he offered a large sum, the woman only laughed.

  12. I would suggest that you permit the subject of the artificial hatching of fish to engage your attention, and that you appropriate several dollars to purchase whale's eggs, vegetable oysters and mock turtle seeds.

  13. The mayor that winked at the purchase of the stone crusher was defeated, and there was trouble.

  14. At that moment dangers and sufferings were all forgotten: was it possible to purchase too dearly the proud felicity of being able to say during the rest of life, "I belonged to the army of Moscow!

  15. My neighbor Lallier here is ready to pay two hundred thousand livres, if I add as much again, for the purchase of a fine estate entailed on the heirs male, which we will hand over to you.

  16. The most deeply rooted purpose in the good man's heart was to spend half his own fortune and half of Lallier's in the purchase of a lordly estate, a long and difficult matter in those days.

  17. In the first place, where would you find ten thousand crowns a year in landed estate, which a Councillor must show, and from whom could you purchase a connection?

  18. Well," his father went on, "I have definitely applied for permission for you to purchase a legal business in Bearn.

  19. Our successful nurserymen purchase large quantities of stable and other manures from the cities, drawing it as fast as it is made, and putting it in piles until wanted.

  20. In the neighborhood of large cities, and wherever land commands a high price, we must keep our farms in a high state of fertility by the purchase of manures or cattle foods.

  21. It is clear from these facts that any earth-closet manure a farmer would be likely to purchase in the city has not a very high value.

  22. It contains 46½ per cent of potash, and on soils, or for crops where potash is needed, we may sometimes be able to purchase saltpetre to advantage.

  23. It may be that we can purchase this ammonia and other plant-food cheaper than we can get it by using lime.

  24. They depart as far as possible from the smoke of manufactures and the bickerings of middle class cliques, purchase estates, send their sons to the universities, and in a few years subside into country squires.

  25. So fond were they of bear baiting, that in 1621, by a unanimous vote, they transferred the money intended for a bible to the purchase of a bear.

  26. Even very fashionable gun-makers find it worth their while to purchase goods in the rough state from Birmingham manufacturers on whom they can depend, and finish them themselves.

  27. Originally the line was to have ended at Camden Town, but a favourable opportunity led to the purchase of fifteen acres, which has turned out most convenient for the public and the proprietors.

  28. In 1755, the present Halls were erected, and in them the merchants purchase the half manufactured article from the country manufacturers.

  29. These "factors" purchase what they need for their wholesale customers from the manufacturers.

  30. The corporation have recently obtained power to establish water works, and to purchase up the plant of an existing company.

  31. He resolved to purchase a clipper-brig that was lying at that time useless in the harbour, and embark in the coasting trade of California.

  32. They contented themselves with washing out enough to purchase a few articles of luxury, in the shape of cast-off apparel, from the white men.

  33. When stores began to be erected here and there throughout the country, they visited them to purchase fresh provisions and articles of dress, of which latter they soon became passionately fond.

  34. About the time this event occurred, Ned received a letter from Tom Collins, desiring him to purchase a farm for him as near to his own as possible.

  35. Ah-wow and Ko-sing being inveterately lazy, contented themselves with digging just enough gold to enable them to purchase a sufficiency of the necessaries of life.

  36. Thus it is a general maxim that Government can purchase any article at a cheaper rate than that at which they can manufacture it themselves.

  37. Wherever the workmen are paid in goods, or are compelled to purchase at the master's shop, much injustice is done to them, and great misery results from it.

  38. This must needs be a grateful undertaking to your whole party; especially to those who have not been so happy as to purchase the original.

  39. Thy genius calls thee not to purchase fame In keen Iambics, but mild Anagram.

  40. Nor is he only by afflictions shown To conquer other realms, but rule his own: Recovering hardly what he lost before, His right endears it much; his purchase more.

  41. Let us leave this purchase of her birth to the serpent, which eats itself out of the womb of its mother.

  42. A man may as well say that it is unlawful for him who has made a fair and honest purchase to have tenants, as for a government that has made a just progress and enlargement of itself to have provinces.

  43. The money is promised to the purchaser of Gurlitz, and he is to pay the purchase money day after to-morrow.

  44. Miss Vanstone's resources stretch easily enough to the limits of our personal wants; including piano-forte hire for practice, and the purchase and making of the necessary dresses.

  45. You can't absolutely keep your bed, and we must purchase the girl's discretion when she answers the door, without taking her into our confidence, of course.

  46. He went down when the messenger came, and sent him first to purchase pen, ink, and paper.

  47. The Queen Anne knee-hole table is becoming rarer, and the writers would certainly recommend its purchase should opportunity arise.

  48. We knew an enthusiastic collector who resisted the purchase of old examples with the greatest difficulty.

  49. To purchase a number of chairs of identical form sufficient to compose a set is a far more expensive method than to collect more or less odd chairs, singly or in pairs, and to make up a set for oneself.

  50. To this he added, soon after, another purchase of fourteen thousand acres, making thirty thousand in all.

  51. Parts of this estate now lie within the corporate limits of Buffalo; and though they sold out and removed to the West before the land attained its present value, the purchase was a most fortunate one for them.

  52. For such things as are not raised in Economy, there is a store provided, from which the members, with the knowledge of the directors, may purchase what is necessary, and the people of the vicinity may do the same.

  53. One of the families is in debt, through an imprudent purchase of land made by a trustee, without the general knowledge of the society.

  54. Trustees may purchase any thing they believe may be admissible, and present the same for the inspection of the leaders.

  55. I was still messing with Major Brown, with whom I went into the village to purchase a supply of provisions for our mess; but unfortunately we were in too jolly a mood to fool away money on "grub.

  56. During our stay in the place they treated us very kindly, and continued to try to purchase Little Gray.

  57. Footnote 14: The agents of congress had the address to purchase all the powder on the coast of Africa, and that within the British forts, without attracting notice; and to seize the magazine in the island of Bermuda.

  58. General Howe would not permit the purchase of those articles in Philadelphia; and they were not attainable elsewhere.

  59. Purchase Art for itself alone, and in the main for yourself alone.

  60. It pays well to spend a little more on purchase price if, thereby, repair bills and maintenance costs are kept down.

  61. In other words, do not bind yourself to the purchase until you are sure of what you are paying for, and that you can finance it.

  62. If you make a purchase offer with a cash deposit, include a statement as to whether window shades, stoves, and other movable property are included.

  63. As the lawyers have the deed of transfer, and the purchase money has been paid, we're only here on sufferance, and must soon yield possession.

  64. But he came not empty from the Old, having brought with him sufficient cash to purchase a large tract of land, as also sufficient of horses and horned cattle to stock it.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purchase" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    purchase slaves; purchase them