Originally the Wesleyans went to their parish church for the purpose of celebrating it, and it was not till after Wesley's death that the body received the Sacrament in their own chapels, and from their own ministers.
That Consistory was formed in 1802 by Napoleon, who selected for that purpose the twelve persons most wealthy.
For this purpose they exalt the power of the Church, and depreciate that of the ministry.
They meet every Sunday for worship, and for the purpose of celebrating the Lord's Supper, and have, besides, occasional meetings for the exposition and study of Scripture.
Perfitt, a layman, resolved upon renting South Place Chapel, Finsbury Square, for the purpose of delivering lectures and discourses upon various religious topics.
The Prayer-book was carefully revised, an improved ritual was drawn up by blending the beautiful portions of the Portuguese and German Liturgies, a choir was formed for the purpose of inspiring devotional feeling by means of solemn song.
It is the purpose of instruction to give the right direction to their thoughts and impulses, to incline these toward the morally good and true.
There comes a time, therefore, when argument is in place, provided its purpose is to clarify the pupil's insight into prudence or duty.
Mention of former activity, such as migrations and wars, is made simply for the purpose of adding life to the conception of a stationary surface.
The term virtue expresses the whole purposeof education.
For our present purpose we need only to remind ourselves that the determinateness of the will, which is called character, depends not only on willing, but also on not willing.
It has been pointed out[3] what the content of the word virtue must be, if this word is to be an adequate expression for the ultimate purpose of instruction.
The child must be given as much freedom as circumstances will permit, one purpose being to induce frank self-expression, and to obtain data for a study of his individuality.
The purpose of the "rousing word" is to stimulate the mind to exercise its dynamic force to moral ends.
That which has been given them for a certain purpose is to be used for that purpose alone, and must be taken care of with that purpose in view.
It must be the purpose of the annotation to point out the social implications.
But here innumerable differences in kind and in degree demand our observation, particularly in view of the purpose of linking instruction to the stage of growth.
The purpose of an examination is to ascertain the actual state of knowledge, whatever it may prove to be; reviews are conducted for the purpose of increasing and deepening knowledge.
The labor implied in the study of the ancient languages now pays only where talent combines with the earnest purpose to achieve the most complete scholarship.
For that purpose I use my bell, and, if the Minister does not obey, I must have my hat brought me.
It shews to what good purpose Bismarck used the confidence which, by his conduct in the previous negotiations, the King of Bavaria had been led to place in him.
But the natural power of a story is diminished when the uppermostpurpose in the writer seems to be to recommend something else, viz Religion.
Did you see a sonnet to this purpose in the Examiner?
I send out a character every now and then, on purpose to exercise the ingenuity of my friends.
When she returns, we purpose seeing her to Epping on her journey.
It can not be presumed that every pupil has at hand all the works of reference necessary for the proper preparation of each lesson; hence all the aids that seem requisite to this purpose have been given.
Those leaves which do not sting are used by some for food, and from the stalk others get a stringy bark, which answers the purpose of flax.
Fred had given up a great deal of what boys hold dear, for the purpose of helping his mother, coasting and skating being just at this time in perfection.
You are not simply to be kind and helpful to others; but, whatever you do, give honest, earnest purpose to it.
Flat'ter-ies, praises for the purpose of gratifying vanity or gaining favor.
Well, let us think of something more to the purpose than rectifying a mere mistaken opinion.
It would be foreign to our purpose here were we to stop and seek to what social causes this new sect owes existence.
Maria Clements found herself one morning strong enough to execute a purpose she had long most anxiously designed.
Enduring listener, will the following serve our purpose in striving worthily to apostrophize THE WIFE.
It seems anteriorly probable that one at least of the Persons in the Godhead should for this purpose assume a visibility; and should hold His court of adoration in some central world, such as now we call indefinitely Heaven.
This would serve the twofold purpose of outwitting any further attempt to drown them, and of making for themselves a proud name upon the earth.
Strontium nitrate communicates a crimson coloration to the flame of burning substances, and is therefore frequently used for Bengal fire, fireworks, and signal lights, for which purpose the salts of lithium are still better fitted.
For thispurpose a V-shaped tube is taken; one of its ends is open and the other fused up.
The importance of the spectroscope for the purpose of chemical research was already shown by Gladstone in 1856, but it did not become an accessory to the laboratory until after the discoveries of Kirchhoff and Bunsen.
For this purpose the boiling points of water at different pressures are given in Chapter I.
Either chlorine water or aqua regia may be employed for this purposeinstead of gaseous chlorine.
This red alkali is evaporated and air is blown through it, which oxidises the impurities (for this purposesometimes sodium nitrate is added, or bleaching powder, &c.
For this purpose a portion of the soft part of the leaves of the Tradescantis discolor, for instance, is cut away and moistened with the solution of a given salt and of a given strength.
The distillation of the magnesium is necessary, because the undistilled metal is not homogeneous[14] and burns unevenly: the metal is prepared for the purpose of illumination.
We are bending all our energies now to the purpose of winning on the western front, and it would, in the judgment of the Government of the United States, be most unwise to divide or dissipate our forces.
This body was empowered to order a registration of the remaining man power of the nation, for the purpose of bringing about a coordination of the various industries with a view to army requirements.
A genuine association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity of great and small states alike.
The 16th Canadian Scottish were ordered to make a flanking movement on this position, advancing for this purpose through an old German communicating trench.
For that reason the force detached by General Pershing for this purpose was believed not to have exceeded a brigade of infantry at most.
And because this is the keynote of the whole fabric, we have pledged our every purpose to it, as we have to every item of the fabric.
For this purpose an extensive and a somewhat complicated administrative machinery was required.
We have assembled here for the purpose of doing very much more than making the present settlements that are necessary.
Later Menoher's Rainbow Division, the 42d, relieved the 1st Division, and with a tenacity of purpose in keeping with its veteran reputation continued attacking until its magnificent persistence had its reward.
His purpose was to arrest the German reenforcements headed for Lens, and afford the British a chance to capture Aubers Ridge, which they had failed to do at Neuve Chapelle.
George walked with Elizabeth, being out of humour, and thinking very properly that his sister was created for the especial purpose of cheering him under the influence of that complaint.
Yes," retorted Blanche, "it is likely I should go on a pilgrimage to Cork for the purpose of making George Gage an offer.
No more the result of deliberate purpose than any other change that had come about in his life, than the flight of years and the vanishment of youth.
This might be for the purpose of despatching a reply.
It seemed that Harvey had no purpose in life, save that of enjoying himself.
Best of all, she was undoubtedly devoting herself to the work with all the powers of her mind, making it the sole and sufficient purpose of her life.
We begins to perceive through it that our own incarnations mean something, and that our task is to discover what they do mean--what part in the world purpose we are designed to play here.
But isn't a conviction that the good is predominant, that there is a purpose in the universe, a long way from the positive assertions in the Creeds?
You have somehow regained a conviction that the good is predominant, that there is some purpose in the universe.
In other words, the purpose which Christ revealed always existed.
With this consolatory remark on his lips, the master walked slowly forward, continuing his orders to repair the damages with a singleness of purpose that rendered him, however uncouth as a friend, an invaluable man in his station.
For this purpose every vessel is furnished with a "spun-yarn winch"; which is very simple, consisting of a wheel and spindle.
He then attempted to leave the ship, for which purpose he got into the boat; but with many threats they obliged him to return.
To the west lay the land, along which the Alacrity was urging her way industriously, with the double purpose of keeping her consort abeam, and of avoiding a dangerous proximity to their powerful enemy.
As the receding wave swept back with a hoarse roar, it seemed to scoop out deep caves in the beach, as if its purpose were to undermine the earth.
This when completed received a heavy chain for the purposeof securing the head.
While the vocal cords serve the purpose of the reed, the resonator forms the body of the vocal instrument.
All about Stockton, they stood gaunt and skeleton-like against the sky, like a cordon of ghostly sentinels; but they seemed to serve their purpose admirably well, and this was the main thing.
However, the larger acequias may have been used only as receiving reservoirs, to husband the spring freshets, and for thispurpose they might soon be utilized again.
His honesty of purpose showed itself in all his efforts to win her hand.
After you and I had once been at the residence, did you not go and take me all the way to Lexington and back for no other purpose but to get to see her again on our return on that evening to take a trip for that express object?
A glance at this novel period in his life may not be out of keeping with the purpose of this book.
The purpose of these volumes is to narrate facts, avoiding as much as possible any expression of opinion, and leaving the reader to form his own conclusions.
Thus he explained to Anne the purpose of his journey--a story with some remarkable features, all of which she fully believed.
It is not my purpose to enter into a detailed account of legislation at this period or to rehearse the history of the political conditions.
She was a great social entertainer, and one day arranged a gathering at her house for the express purpose of bringing these two people together.
Britton, a trustworthy man, and one whom the Lord made on purpose for such business.
He told me that a new man had just come into the State from Washington, who, he thought, would answer our purpose exactly, and said he would get him for me if possible.
It was then mutually agreed that we should adjourn to Springfield, and there procrastinate the matter, for the purpose of effecting the secret arrangement between him and myself.
He had come to Viamede with a purpose entirely unsuspected by her or her apparently vigilant guardian.
But a man may say that Scripture is given us for the very purpose of making the knowledge of our duty easy to us;--what is meant by a revelation, if it does not reveal?
Since infants are to be brought to Christ, we must have invented a rite, if Baptism did not answer the purposeof a dedication.
In His mediatorial prayer for them to the Almighty Father, before His passion, He expressed His purpose that they should be one.
The old woollen-mill built by Gershom Holt in the early days of the settlement had served a good purpose in the country for a good many years.
The big house on the hill answered the purpose of a parsonage now.
And indeed he felt that he might have little to say to the purpose should his confidence be spontaneously given.
But even to himself this was never acknowledged; all he could do was to wait and see whether some sudden turn of events might not serve to bring about his purpose better than severity could do.
They went together over the ground which Jacob had so long coveted, and Mr Langden saw the advantages which the locality offered for the purpose proposed.
Indeed, it seemed to be a general business, for Mr Burnet was shaking hands with Mr Maxwell, and so was the old squire, and John McNider clambered up on the stand on purpose to do the same thing, and so did several other people.
Then there was something about knowing and loving each other at some future time, and something more about a common work and a common purpose in life, and something about "the tie that binds," and that was all.
I will be silent, and that will answer every purpose of forgetfulness, or ignorance, will it not?
And afterwards the young man reverted to the Saccos, to the little Signora Sacco in particular, in order to tell Pierre of the heroic efforts which she had made to open a /salon/ for the purpose of assisting her husband's ambition.
Your Eminence is aware that I am in Rome for the purpose of defending a book of mine, and I should be grateful if your Eminence would help and guide me.
A correspondent writes:-- "In my own overcoat I find an ingenious arrangement excellently suited for the purpose of carrying a season ticket, so that it shall be at once secure and easily accessible.
Finally, in a spasm of heroic self-sacrifice, he takes poison with the alleged purpose of saving the heroine's life.
So saying, he touched his horse's flank with his heel and rode on, while the boys continued their play.
On sending in his name to Turenne, Hector was at once shown into his room.
All those who had known Captain Campbell were greatly pleased with the news, and there was not a dissenting voice when the colonel proposed that there should be a general subscription of two days' pay.
All this wild guessing arises from ignorance of the essential character and purpose of the apocalyptical writings.
Indeed he quotes from them several times for the express purpose of repudiating their doctrines and repealing their legislation.
They are the record, as no other book in the world is a record, of that increasing purpose of God which runs through the ages.
It is part of the purpose of this study to look difficulties of this kind fairly in the face; it is treason to the spirit of all truth to refuse to do so.
His wrath against Mordecai being still further inflamed, he erects a gallows fifty cubits high, with the purpose of hanging thereon the testy Israelite.
I have shown, perhaps, in these hasty notices, something of the nature and purpose of five of these prophetic books.
And the testimony of Papias to its authorship, and to the spirit and purpose of the author, is significant and memorable.
The first journey of Tischendorf to the Sinaitic peninsula was undertaken in 1844, for the express purpose of searching in the old monasteries of this neighborhood for ancient copies of the Scriptures that might be preserved in them.
The case is not absolutely clear; perhaps it was left somewhat obscure for the very purpose of stimulating study.
For this purpose they chose some manuscript copy of the Scriptures, doubtless the one which seemed to them most accurate, and made that the standard; all the copies made since that time have been religiously conformed to that.
I approached them, and, greeting them with a salutation of peace, respectfully asked them, "For what purpose are you here below?