And I'll see if I can wring out a fiver for you to enclose in your letter.
As they pushed themselves back they naturally sent the Fiver flying forward, and an instant later they heard a crashing of ice and saw the ice-boat topple over into the water and disappear from view!
However, they took hold willingly enough, and soon the whole party were moving slowly through the snowstorm, shoving the Fiver in front of them.
It'll be worth a fiver to you if you work it well, Durfy.
Never mind what it is; you must get it somehow, and you'll get a fiver for it.
So I'll jump into a hansom and I'll raise the fiver to redeem your bag if I have to drive all over the City of London for it!
Besides, there'll be a fiver over, thanks to old Bacchus here.
Wire solicitors pay me fiver by five o'clock or I shall never see six.
However, I had raised a breath of wind since I saw you last, and I had a fiver left, so I thought we'd make sure of our little spree.
If you don't blue that fiver you may never have another to blue, and I'm hanged if you deserve one!
Never count the odds in the day of battle, and blue your last fiver for luck!
Pat Jones happened to have been sent to my ship as one of the quarter-masters, and he was just as delighted as I was, and I tried to make him share the fiver with me, but he wouldn't.
I knew, too, how frightfully delighted they would be at home, and the very next mail brought a fiver from my Pater.
You gather up all the pebbles in the bed of the fiver and we'll make a big wail on the bank to defend you.
After a while said Gilly of the Goatskin, "The night's coming on and the fivershows no sign of turning back.