He remembered the fate of the young man who was found in citizen's clothes in the autumn.
He soon found himself unobserved, and reaching the shadow of a line of huts, and keeping well in it, he came to the edge of the camp.
He struck the main road, and was running down it as fast as his legs could carry him, when he suddenly found himself almost on a group of dark objects who were standing in the road just in front of him.
He must be found and not allowed to escape," he said in closing.
The Major found and selected a boy's sword handsomely ornamented, and the most beautiful doll, over whose eyes stole the whitest of roseleaf eyelids, and which could talk as dolls talk, and do other wonderful things.
He knew that his father could not escape, and if he were found dressed in citizen's clothes he felt that he could have but one fate.
A self cooling circular saw is found in patent to Jenks, No.
The full list of metals discovered since 1800 may be found under "Chemistry.
The greater the number of prisms the wider is the dispersion of the rays and the longer is the spectrum, and the more easily studied are the peculiar lines which Wollaston and Fraunhofer found crossing it.
Pyroxiline, xyloidine, and celluloid are allied products, which have found endless applications in toilet articles and for other uses, as a substitute for hard rubber.
Representative motor carriages of this type are to be found in the United States in the Duryea and the Winton.
This had two features which were not found in the Hussey patent, viz.
Food and drink were to be foundas nature's free gifts, but clothing had to be made, and its manufacture constituted probably the oldest of all the living arts.
In more recent years the tinning of iron has become an important industry, and machines have been made for automatically coating the plates and dispensing with hand labor, examples of which are found in patents No.
The earliest artificial skating rink is to be found in the British patent to Newton, No.
A form of band saw is found as early as 1808, in British patent No.
A late illustration isfound in patent to Popp et al.
He went on foot to Rome to beg the Pope's Absolution for his Sins, and obtain'd it on condition that he wou'd cause a Church to be built, and found a Monastery in his Dominions.
Gentleman went that Morning, as usual, into his Chamber to awake him, he was found dead in his Bed.
Twas at this Seat that I found the Count of Hanau.
Roth shewed me the Fortifications, which I found in a very bad State.
Infirmities when he found the Mitre, and is very like to out-live many of his Electors.
Vauban to draw a Model of it, and to compute the Cost, which he found would amount to several Millions of Livres.
At the top of the Mountain there's a Castle, where a Garison of fifteen Men is kept, with a Commanding Officer, whom I foundat the House of Entertainment where I alighted.
I found in them all that Furniture with which they were adorn'd for the Reception of the Archduchess Mary-Elizabeth, when that Princess came to Wurtzbourg in her way to the Government of the Netherlands.
The Air here is much softer than in the rest of Tirol, and I found Trees here in full Verdure while in the Country they were but just budded.
Moreover, in searching his Pockets a Razor wasfound on him, with a Penknife, Scissars, and the like Instruments.
At my Lodging I found a Gentleman from the Duke, who said to me, 'That as he was passing by he saw my Men packing up my things, and that therefore he came in purely to wish me a good Journey.
Up and spent most of the morning upon my measuring Ruler and with great pleasure I have found out some things myself of great dispatch, more than my book teaches me, which pleases me mightily.
But I am ashamed to think what a course I did take by lying to see whether my wife did wear drawers to-day as she used to do, and other things to raise my suspicion of her, but I found no true cause of doing it.
So home to dinner alone, and there I found that my boy had got out of doors, and came in for his hat and band, and so is gone away to his brother; but I do resolve even to let him go away for good and all.
After dinner I left them and walked to Redriffe, and thence to White Hall, and at my Lord's lodgings found my wife, and thence carried her to see my Lady Jemimah, but she was not within.
He had driven to the next village to sell some grain, so she could search unseen for the vanished emblem of domestic felicity, and soon she found it, in the ditch by the public road, already withered in the hot sun.
Beehives were once found in every garden; bee-skepes they were called when made of straw.
A dislike of the scent of Field Poppies is often foundamong English folk.
Year," is the beautiful and suggestive legend on an old vessel found in the Catacombs.
The Empress of Austria at the Swiss hotel where she lodged just before she was murdered, found the rooms decorated with China Asters.
So when they found it, they broke down every slender stalk and rolled in it till the ground was tamped down as hard as if one of our lazy road-menders had been at it.
I found the loveliest blue Asphodel I ever saw in my life in the fields beyond Monte Mario--a spire two feet high, of more than two hundred stars, the stalks of them all deep blue as well as the flowers.
In those wild princesses were found every tone of that lilac-rose from the faint blush like the clouds of a warm sunset, to a glow on the lip of the Arethusa, like the crimson glow of Mullein Pink.
I have spoken of the Prince Nurseries in Flushing; the old nurserymen left a more lasting mark than their Nurseries, in the rare trees and plants nowfound on the roads, and in the fields and gardens for many miles around Flushing.
The dialler sent for a motto to place under the dial, as he had been instructed by the Benchers; when the man arrived at the Library, he found but one surly old gentleman poring over a musty book.
I found Don Francesco very busy over a furnace, examining some substance in a glass vial.
The attempt failed, and they hung him from the window of the Palazzo della Signoria, just as they found him, in his episcopal robes.
I will not affirm that he hated Isabella, but he chafed impatiently under the tie, and even more impatiently when he found that he could not free himself from it, and strengthened it irrevocably by a fatal knot.
Marforio is a recumbent colossal statue of the ocean, found in the Forum of Mars, whence it derives its name.
Now that we are, as it were, en famille, confess whether you would ever have had the time and patience requisite to gather it from the folio and quarto volumes in which I found it?
I followed the inspiration, as I have always found it best to do, and began to listen carefully.
They walked some distance in silence, and found a carriage waiting for them near the corner of the Giglio, behind St. Lorenzo; they entered it, and drove towards the gate San Frediano.
Returning suddenly and unexpectedly, I found you had gone to Florida, to the home of Rex Lyon.
No wonder she flew from her bondage when she found the cage-door open!
Eve Glenn, followed by Birdie, found her out at once in the study.
Even Stanwick's persecution found an excuse in her innocent, unsuspecting little heart.
I found Basil had learned to despise even more fiercely than he had ever loved me.
She had been too much startled and dismayed when she found it was Rex to make herself known.
When Lester Stanwick returned to the cottage he foundthat quite an unexpected turn of events had transpired.
All unconscious of the strange manner in which these two men's lives had crossed each other, I found Basil Hurlhurst had engaged my own husband, and your father, John Brooks, for his overseer.
No clew could be found as to who the beautiful young stranger was.
But you found the theory did not work very well in real life, and your little romance came near costing you your life--eh, Miss Daisy?
Do you know what I would have done, Pluma, if I had found you his wife and false to your trust?
It was an established fact that no tender billets-doux found their way from the academy; the argus-eyed madame was too watchful for that.
My surprise knew no bounds when I found it was given out the child had died, and was buried with its young mother.
I found at dinner only the overseer and the young son of Madam P----, the Colonel and the lady being still at the cabin of the dying boy.
A few more miles of sandy road took us to the mansion, where we found dinner in waiting.
Hurriedly performing my toilet, I descended to the drawing-room, where I found the family assembled.
When she did not appear at work, Sam went to her cabin to learn the cause, and found the door open, and her bed undisturbed.
Retracing my steps in the direction of the steamboat landing, I found the streets nearly deserted, although it was the hour when the business of the day is usually transacted.
The negro then conducted me to the breakfast-room, where I found the family assembled.
Sum ob de hands found him dead one mornin' in de hut whar he lib'd, and buried him dar.
A few minutes put me on a footing of friendly familiarity with him and his family, and I soon found myself in a circle of daughters and grandchildren, and as much at home as if I had been a long-expected guest.
When auntie arrived upon the scene, she found her small niece sitting up, howling vigorously, and rubbing a very big bump on her forehead.
He had found a beautiful place where he could put a water-wheel, and he was as busy as he could be planning and making one.
Why, auntie gave them the jolliest toboggan you ever saw, and the children found out that she had meant to do so all along, and that was why she had refused to give them one when they first asked for it.
Harold gave her a brotherly hug, for he really was glad Dulcie had come to this decision, for he had found her new accomplishment a little trying at times.
Then the boys found it a capital place for playing at soldiers and leap-frog, and other things.
They thought there must be a rat about, but when they moved the hay they found a poor little creature with a brown plush coat and no eyes!
They raked and tossed and gathered it into heaps, and then they grew dreadfully hungry, so they sat under the hedge and ate bread and cheese, which they found was quite the correct lunch for haymakers.
I shall have plenty of good company, and I have found a very good place to make my home!
In a few minutes she had found three sticks, pointed the ends with her pocket-knife, and driven them in with the gardener's mallet on the lower lawn.
People write about the pleasures of solitude, but they arefound only in books.
We have found that man is the only source of political power, and that the governed should govern.
They found that being born under a particular planet had nothing to do with the fortunes of men.
Upon the report of the committee she was foundguilty and actually executed.
They found themselves abhorred and deserted--charged with a crime that they could not disprove.
If there could be found an absolute specific for that disease, it would be the hardest blow the church has ever received.
Man has found that he must give liberty to others in order to have it himself.
After a time, so many facts were found to be inconsistent with the Hebrew idea that it began to fall into disrepute, and other languages began to compete for the honor of being the original.
The moment the physician found a cure, the priest became an extravagance.
They did not understand what liberty meant--what religious liberty, what political liberty, was; but they found out in a few years.
They found that the earth had swept through the constellations for millions of ages.
Men found that the real was the useful; that what a man knows is better than what a ghost says; that an event is more valuable than a prophecy.
Just as soon as a specific is found for a disease, that disease will be left out of the list of prayer.
In one pocket alone, which fell to the lot of Leigh, twelve pounds of gold was found and taken out in less than as many minutes, the bed of the river being a regular Tom Tiddler's ground.
Looking at his watch, Grenville found that his party had now had a start of just one hour; but he felt that to be on the safe side they ought to have another thirty minutes.
Careful watch was kept all night, but at dawn not a living soul was to be seen, and ascending the rock Grenville soon found that the entire party had gone clean away, leaving only their dead and their shame.
Words cannot describe poor Leigh's distress when he found that his cousin had no intention of accompanying them to the Old Country.
Gliding back to his friends, he found them ready for a start, and after seeing all outside in a safe place well on the leeside of the rock, he again crept into the tunnel.
When Grenville regained his senses, he found himself pinioned hand and foot, and lying in a great hall, which was thickly packed with Mormons of both sexes.
He found the train perfect, and was about to leave the place, when a low horrified exclamation caused him to turn, and find himself confronted by several Mormons.
He commenced a mighty and useless struggle against the resistless current, but found himself borne along like a feather.
He speedily found himself high in the air over the Irish Sea, and swooping through the empyrean at a rate unequalled by the fastest aeroplane.
We regret to say, however, that no such interesting Act is to be found in the Statute books.
Scattered throughout the length and breadth of the land there are to be found persons whom the country-folk credit with the power of performing various extraordinary actions.
If found guilty (and we can have little doubt but that she was), she would have been sentenced to death in pursuance of the Elizabethan Statute, section 1.
The Devil arrived to claim his victim, and found him sitting in his house reading his Bible by the light of a candle, whereupon he directed him to come along with him.
Young Illingworth and I found that we could talk of things on the moor that we should never have dreamt of discussing elsewhere.
He is usually to be found at the County Club, of which he is the leading spirit.
The sin seems to lie, not in the action, but in being found out.
I suppose if the Head Master foundout I should be ignominiously "sacked.
He was always indefatigable, though how he found time both to teach and to write I don't know.
What he did set out to do was to show how the feckless, unappreciated lout may realize that he has a soul, and how easily he stands alone without love of women or any other sentimental prop when he has found it.
I ate pounds and pounds of cream and was growing fat and lazy, when I suddenly found myself called away to Chesterfield to coach a boy for the London Matriculation at the rate of ten guineas for ten days.
I always found some partners who fitted my steps exactly: I endured agonies with some tall and unresponsive creatures, who obviously were only giving me a "duty" dance, but with small girls like Ruth Harding I got on famously.
Of course one can refuse all aid: most men do lest they should be found ignorant of some department of school study.
Besides this, a keener fox-hunter than this odd old bachelor was not to be found in all the Old Dominion; and, for the full enjoyment of this sport, he always kept a pack of hounds of the purest English blood.
Arrived here, Washington found assembled the first talent, wisdom, and virtue of the land.
Cooling down a little, however, he thought it would be better, before throwing his stones, to try what virtue might be found in grass.
But on an evening, when he returned from a day of sport, he found his cabin burnt, his wife and children murdered.
In him we foundthe father and the friend: In life how lov'd!
Of these examples may be found in the Indian, Ethiopian and Neotropical regions.
Meanwhile the cyclic chorus of the Dorians hadfound its way into Attica and Athens, ever since the Athenians had recognized the authority of the great centre of the Apolline religion at Delphi.
Dolerites have a very wide distribution, as they are found wherever basalts occur in any number.
The fact need not be more than arrival in the territory of the new domicile if there be the necessary intention, while any number of years' continuance there will not found a domicile if the necessary intention is absent.
The greatest altitudes arefound in the highlands of the north, where many points exceed 1300 ft.
Dogs which kill game when found for them--the English greyhound.
Fragments of this early edition are extant, the title page being sometimes found bound up with Lydgate's book.
Well, I really found so little doing in town that I thought I might be here as well as anywhere else.
I found myself in the street and, without a thought of how I came there, was hurrying toward Geraldine's house; with reckless speed I ran headlong full-tilt into a lady of my acquaintance.
I was so wrought up by this time that in spite of my fatigue I jumped to my feet, and in another second I found myself by her side.
He suddenly found himself dowered with an unwonted ability to reason, to see, to read beneath the surface.
With a cry of pain and rage, his other hand dropped down toward the lost slipper, and this time a bullet from a fourth rifle found his heart.
As soon as the lieutenant found voice he protested.
After a long pursuit and a gallant endeavor the French captain found himself under the Centaur's guns.
The violent current of his thoughts, the acuteness of the mental struggle in which he found himself involved, together with his low physical condition, had worn him out.
No feeling of pity, no intention to spare his rival, found even a momentary lodgment in his heart.
Besides, Kirke and the generals he served under always gave that body of hard riders plenty to do, so that they found an easy vent for their superfluous energies in legitimate fighting,--if any can be so called.
And when the devil came to him, under the guise of good to be accomplished, he found a place ready, swept and garnished for him.
He had found them that morning on the shore by the landing, where they had fallen from the pocket of Revere's coat the night before.
He found the woman sitting quite white and still where he had left her, and the revolver was empty!
But few of these titles have ever been published in low-priced editions, many of them are copyright titles which will not be found in any other publisher's list.
There she found Ruth and Jean engaged in argument.
Nevertheless Frieda found her first conclusion had been right.
There shefound their new friend just in the act of leaving.
But in a few moments they were persuaded to stop, and the Ranch party found the Princess Colonna, to say good-night.
I found Goldilocks asleep in my bed just as the little bear did in the old fairy story.
For in spite of her winter of study Ruth found herself becoming dreadfully confused.
Why puzzle to decide whether she should leave her large fortune to the Harmons, as she had so long promised, or give it to the newly found granddaughter?
And I meant never to get up until you came and found me, even if I starved!
The Rainbow Ranch party had found seats at a table not far from the small cafe in the center of the gardens.
Finally when the news reached the Ranch party that Frieda was positively not to be found on the steamer, for the first time in her career Ruth Drew collapsed.
However, in Ruth's stateroom, which the girls had chosen as being specially attractive, Jean and her new friend found Jacqueline Ralston waiting alone.
As is well known, the books in this series are copyrighted, and consequently none of them will be found in any other publisher's list.
Not knowing how to pass the time, I went to the old, framed pictures upon the sides, andfound them to be panels fitted to the ship's plank, and framed so as to form as much a part of the structure as the carving on her stern would be.
Twas a ghostly radiance to behold the men in, but I found nerve now to survey them.
Most of the crew continued to hang about the forecastle, which rescued the deck from the extreme loneliness I had found in it ere the report of the fatal musket startled all hands into wakefulness and movement.
However, to my surprise, I found that he maintained a very earnest posture of mind in this matter.
There was no one to be seen, but, as I afterwards found out, that was because the crew were at breakfast below.
I went to work nimbly, observing that Captain Vanderdecken waited for me, and was soon shifted, but not before I had viewed the cabin, which I found to be spacious enough.
Then, but all very quickly, concluding that the explosion had happened aboard and might betoken mischief, I ran along the deck where, close against the wheel, I found a number of seamen talking hurriedly and in alarmed voices.
At this place was found a subterranean stone aqueduct, of great solidity and durability, which in its course passes beneath the largest building.
There are certain powers, privileges, and blessings, pertaining to the kingdom of God, which are found in no other kingdom, nor enjoyed by any other people.
Ether lived to witness their entire destruction, and deposited his record where it was afterwards found by a colony of Israelites, who came from Jerusalem six hundred years before Christ, and re-peopled America.
With the records was found a curious instrument, called by the ancients the Urim and Thummim, which consisted of two transparent stones, clear as crystal, set in the two rims of a bow.
Some have found fault with it for being so much like the Bible, and agreeing with it; and others have condemned it for not being sufficiently like the Bible, and for disagreeing with it.
He afterwards found it thrown out at the door, and again conveyed it to the box.
On the banks of White River, in Arkansas Territory, have been found ruins erected no doubt by an enlightened population, of the most extraordinary character, on account of their dimensions, and the materials of which they were erected.
He found the halliard and let it go, and scrambling aft as the head of the sail swung down, helped his companion, who was struggling with a rope, while he jammed the tiller over with his shoulder.
He grabbed his logging handspike, and found a sport abusing another for missing in the bush.
Jake followed them to the stable, where they found the horse looking rather jaded, but except for that very little the worse.
That was all Frank noticed, for he found it difficult to keep himself on his feet, and his sight seemed hazy.
Though they had once or twice had a difference of opinion, this was the first time that Harry had been insulting, and Frank found it impossible to pass over what he had said.
In the end, a relative, who said that a young man with any grit and snap had better chances in the West, found him a position with a big milling company in Minneapolis.
Flinging the old clothes about they came upon the keg and found that the head was lying loose.
Frank examined one, and found it difficult to believe that this coarse, greasy, and nastily smelling hair was the material out of which the beautiful glossy furs were made.
With some difficulty he at last found the letters, though this necessitated his spreading out most of the rest and the groceries on the wet soil.
They awoke a little later than usual, and going down found Mr. Oliver standing at one side of the kitchen table rather grave of face, with Jake, who also looked thoughtful, opposite him.
Once or twice Frank held his breath as a threatening mass of water heaved up ahead, but in each case she lurched across it safely, and presently they found smoother water under another crag.
Frank found it hard enough work, for the sea was almost ahead and the canoe lurched viciously, pitching her bows out.
They found Jake rather breathless and very red in face, holding the end of a chain fastened to the collar of the dog, who crouched close by watching him with wicked eyes and white fangs bared.
Then he hauled up the iron, which was still attached to the rope, though it was not upon the bottom, and found a paddle.
I found this stuck up on the stable door," said Jake, pushing the strip of paper across toward them.
They found it fair and the breeze only a little stronger when they had left the woods behind, and Frank sat at the tiller while the sloop glided rapidly through the smooth blue water with no more than a drowsy gurgle beneath her bows.
When next day the monarch stepped out on to his balcony, he saw a beautiful green wood in place of the clearings with which on the previous evening he had found fault.
The same evening he sent full instructions to the lieutenant-general of police, and two days afterwards the nocturnal vendor of pamphlets found himself caught in a trap.
An accomplished monarch, to greet whom the Queen of Sheba would have come from the uttermost ends of the earth, has deemed me worthy of his entertainment, and has found amusement in my society.
Colbert, who owed everything to the King, entrusted Madame Colbert with the education of the new prince and princess; they were brought up under the eyes of this statesman, who for everything found time and obligingness.
This bookseller, used to a good square meal at home, found it impossible to tolerate the Bastille fare much longer.
Such retention of sons would lead to the elimination of one of the greatest past elements of disorder--that band of exiled young males, which we found as a constantly menacing adjunct of the Cyclopean family, would cease to exist.
The customs of so-called 'avoidance' between near relations will have the principal interest for us, although primitive marriage and inheritance will be found of corroborative value.
Footnote 23: The whole passage will befound in the work cited.
This odious inheritance was the habit of incest between father and daughter, which we have found to be common to all the mammalia as a dominant domestic feature.
In such a tribe, a group of women in many cases formed the pivotal centre, and capture was often found only as a form in survival.
The real significance of the circumstance of such conjunction will, however, be found to lie in the character of its consequences as entailing further progress.
I regret that it has been found impossible to wait for the publication of a new book by Mr. A.
The only legal conveyers of the blood right within him are females in whose veins is to be found that same blood, i.
Neither can he marry into the section to which his mother belongs, although a woman might be found in either case, who was in no way connected with him.
Such right would in itself accrue naturally as with other animals, from the fact that superior strength isfound with greater age.
Illustration] By reference to the code the arrangement of the dots on the clock will be found to spell the time indicated by the hands, i.
He found that they were made according to a certain rule and proportion, and it was these he worked out in making his Alphabet.
The mass of extortions were found to exceed in reality any previous estimate.
On recovering from my fright, I found myself at the edge of a dry ditch, where the poor shivering postilion sat lamenting his martyrdom.
In the dungeons of Marienanski, in Warsaw, was found a victim of the Russian police, who had been kept in solitary confinement for ten years, and whose fate was entirely unknown to his friends and relatives.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "found" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.