In 1484 he was sent to rebuild the bridge of Buonconvento, broken by a flood of the Ombrone, and in the same year, with Francesco di Giorgio, and on equal terms with him, restored the bridge of Macereto.
He lived to know, and to rebuildhis knowledge in a shape as durable and as magnificent as a Greek temple.
He was going to be wealthy perhaps; marry and rebuild his chapel; do many things for the glory of God.
Step by step he could rebuild it once he had the means of procuring the parts, and it would work even though he had not the foggiest notion (now) of what the various parts did.
Thus, to give but a few examples: St. Ambrose confidently asserted that the death of Maximus was a consequence of the crime he had committed in compelling the Christians to rebuild a Jewish synagogue they had destroyed.
He issued a proclamation restoring them to liberty, permitting them to rebuild their churches, and asking their prayers for his recovery.
When we measure ourselves by the golden reed of consciousness, we find by the signs of ourself and our environment if our city of self is right, and if it is not we can rebuild it in finer architectural fashioning.
On the 16th of September, orders came for the regiment to proceed to Monocacy and rebuild the bridge destroyed by the rebels.
The men were detailed to rebuild the railroad; trees were cut and ties made, the men working with a will.
The amount annually required for repairs and ultimately to rebuild the house, is not profit.
He wished to conquer the Holy Land of their fathers for them, and, a second Cyrus, to rebuild their Temple.
When the Jews returned from exile and began to rebuild the temple, the Samaritans begged to be allowed to share in the work.
But to rebuild the Temple they destroyed in crucifying the Lord was beyond them.
Alarmed at this incident, they immediately unfurnished their shops, determined to remove into the government square, of consequence they undertook to rebuild the barracks, and considerably augmented the number of them.
He has it in contemplation also to rebuild the church, which is a wretched edifice, and almost in ruins.
Busching had unheard-of difficulty torebuild the old Gymnasium at Berlin into a new.
We should call upon the genius of private industry and the most advanced technology to helprebuild our great cities.
I recommend to you a program to rebuild completely, on a scale never before attempted, entire central and slum areas of several of our cities in America.
We have set out to rebuild our cities on a scale that has never been attempted before.
This year I urge the Congress to honor my request for model cities funds to rebuild the centers of American cities by granting us the full amount that you in the Congress authorized--$1 billion.
The emerging spirit of confidence is precisely what we hoped to achieve when we went to work a generation ago to put our shoulder to the wheel and try to help rebuild Europe.
Chesnaie came to the aid of a good number of his fellow-citizens, and helped them with his money to rebuild their houses.
When the first Tabernacle was consumed by fire my utterances were criticised and my enthusiasm to rebuild it was misconstrued.
With saddened hearts, but undismayed, and with faith in God unshaken and undisturbed, the trustees of the Brooklyn Tabernacle have unanimously resolved to rebuild the Tabernacle.
Our chief fault lies in the fact that we rebuildfor profit rather than for beauty of character or moral strength.
Since we will have to rebuild our stocks of vital goods, our practical men will see to it that we get as well as give; we may send food to Greece and get rubber from Java, but on the books we will not be doing too badly.
Whoever among you of all his people wishes to return, may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, in Judah, and rebuild the temple of Jehovah, the God of Israel.
So I prayed to the God of heaven and said to the king, "If it please the king and if your servant has won your favor, then send me to Judah, to the city where my fathers lie buried, that I may rebuild it.
Come and let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be in disgrace.
And Jehovah commanded them, through Haggai, the prophet, "Go up to the mountains and bring wood and rebuild the temple, then I will be pleased with it and I will show my glory.
Temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself and come down from the cross!
I shall urge that the United States government owe it as a duty to the State of Mississippi to repair her levees; her people are so impoverished by the war that they cannot stand the taxation necessary to rebuild them.
I left it as it is--in case you care to rebuild or redecorate.
Baartock knew they had been talking about how much stone would be needed to rebuild the bridge.
His father was going to rebuild the bridge the right way, the troll way, with stone and not concrete.
To lose your coat, you will have to rebuild your fortune lost through being over-confident in speculations.
If you read the Hebrew inscription on a synagogue, you will meet disaster, but will eventually rebuild your fortunes with renewed splendor.
Having ordered these to advance as far as they could, when now, from the time of day, he conjectured they had come to an encampment, he began to rebuild the bridge on the same piles, the lower part of which remained entire.
Dry thine eyes; rebuild thine house: the queen and council, I venture to promise thee, will make ample amends for every evil thou hast sustained.
The seditious prelate was condemned, by the magistrate of the province, either to rebuild the synagogue, or to repay the damage; and this moderate sentence was confirmed by the emperor.