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Example sentences for "clinch"

Lexicographically close words:
climbeth; climbing; climbs; clime; climes; clinched; clincher; clinches; clinching; cline
  1. From Chattanooga I took one of the little steamers previously spoken of as having been built there, and, putting my horses aboard, went up to the junction of the Clinch with the Tennessee.

  2. The manufacturers of aspirin are about to launch an extensive advertising campaign to clinch the market as far as possible before the expiration of their patent rights next year.

  3. Illustration: Then my arm must have slipped--and the side clinch wa'n't disturbed.

  4. They had gone to a close clinch and was sobbin' affectionate on each other's shoulders.

  5. To clinch anti-scientific ideas more firmly into German Protestant teaching, Rector Hensel wrote a text-book for schools entitled The Restored Mosaic System of the World, which showed the Copernican astronomy to be unscriptural.

  6. The happy substitution of actor Clinch for actor Lee, however, saved the piece and made Sheridan the most popular author in London.

  7. As if to clinch the hold on California already secured by the friends of free soil, there came in 1848 the sudden discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in the Sacramento Valley.

  8. Lad that I was, I would mark with pain the blush on Mrs. Manners's cheek, and clinch my fists as she tried to pass this off as a joke of her husband's.

  9. Clinch of Barnet' [2] has a nightly Meeting, and shows to every one that will come in and pay; but then he is the only Actor.

  10. No boy wants to talk to a disappointed boy, and I had to clinch my teeth hard to keep back the tears.

  11. It is the centre of a domain comprising eight thousand acres of land, which covers a multitude of hills that are all thrown in shadow at the sunset hour by the Clinch Mountains.

  12. Saltville is located at the head of a valley near the base of the Clinch Mountains, and about one mile from the Holston river.

  13. Before closing this letter, I wish to inform my readers of a natural curiosity lying between the Clinch and Cumberland Mountains, and distant from this place only about a day's journey.

  14. If I have to travel this old State over its hundred and fifty-six thousand square miles, before I clinch that falsehood, I'll clinch it, if I live.

  15. Chassenee endeavours to clinch his argument as usual by quoting biblical texts and adducing incidents from legendary literature.

  16. I'm sorry not to be able to clinch the story, but the man recovered and is now a successful stockbroker in Drapers Gardens.

  17. A lamp was lit, and by its light the two men continued to tighten screws, clinch rivets, and make the last preparations for their experiment.

  18. Clinch the nails upon the under side of the shovel and drive their ends well into the wood.

  19. Fasten the platform boards together with battens, using nails long enough to clinch on top of the upper face, and nail the two boards C and D to the edges, mitring the edges as in the figure.

  20. They are like the stolen apples that clinch the fact of a bad boy's playing truant.

  21. To clinch everything, one travelled member of the community rose in his place and said: "Why, I've been to Simla.

  22. Perhaps they knew, as well as we, that Clinch was advancing, and were desirous of making terms before his arrival.

  23. Fortunate it was for Clinch and his army that our guides possessed so little skill.

  24. But for this mistake of the guides, the army of General Clinch might have been called upon to repeat on a larger scale the drama so lately enacted by Dade and his companions.

  25. There were wiser heads than his upon the ground, who saw this: the sagacious veteran Clinch and the crafty Ringgolds saw it.

  26. His only apprehension was, that the enemy should retreat, before Clinch could get forward upon the field.

  27. His hurried words to Clinch reached my ears--for I stood close to the general, and could not help overhearing them.

  28. True," replied Clinch in a reflective tone; "but how about the government, eh?

  29. I heard Clinch issue some hurried orders to an officer who stood near.

  30. Independent of his military command, General Clinch was a citizen of Florida--a proprietor and planter upon a large scale.

  31. In the exchange Jerry profited, for Clancy, lunging with his right and missing, fell into a clinch where Jerry gave his ribs a fearful beating.

  32. He swayed a little, but rose and fell into a clinch which saved him.

  33. Berry Foster is in fine trim, and I don't like cutting it so fine as to leave the last two events to clinch things.

  34. We can't expect to win every event, but we've just got to get five out of the eight to clinch the championship.

  35. He felt the Battler's strength in that clinch and he realized it was more than his.

  36. He tried to wrestle himself out of the clinch into which the Mexican had thrown himself.

  37. Pulling himself out of the clinch as the "basher's" hold weakened when the elbow pressed against his neck, John whirled and stopped with his back against the wall.

  38. That's it, clinch your fist and raise it up as though you were going to hit someone.

  39. We crossed the Clinch range, the descent from which on the south side was dreadfully steep.

  40. Two days' march brought us to the Clinch River, which we forded.

  41. One hundred and fifty Indians and fifty negroes volunteered to go with Osceola and Alligator to intercept General Clinch and his six hundred soldiers.

  42. Scarcely had the interview begun when General Clinch arrived and seeing a crowd of Indians at the entrance of the camp fired on them.

  43. Their supplies were too low to justify an attempt to pursue them, and General Gaines returned to Tampa and General Clinch to Fort Drane without accomplishing anything.

  44. On the morning of the last day of the year, General Clinch advanced towards the hammock.

  45. The scouts brought word that General Clinch and two hundred of his men had already crossed the river.

  46. General Clinch was already in the field quartered at Fort Drane, not far from the village of Micanopy.

  47. In the confusion that followed, General Clinch threatened to order in the soldiers if the Indians did not sign the compact to leave Florida, without further parley.

  48. He had ordered General Clinch to meet him in this neighborhood, and he sent out expresses to see what prospect there was of his arrival.

  49. He told the chiefs that General Clinch had left Fort Drane with two hundred regulars and four hundred Florida volunteers, and was already far advanced into the Indian country.

  50. With a small band of Indians and negroes he had engaged the forces of General Clinch for more than an hour, inflicting heavy loss.

  51. At about noon General Clinch charged up the hill.

  52. The Indians were gathering in large numbers, and he believed that if General Clinch arrived in time their combined forces could surround them and crush them.

  53. Though General Clinch had not attempted to follow the Indians, Osceola and his warriors lost no time in finding his stronghold.

  54. The ironical clinch to his sorrow was given by the thought that the intimacy between his cousin and the schoolmaster had been brought about entirely by himself.

  55. During the interval before the issuing of the certificate Sue, in her housekeeping errands, sometimes walked past the office, and furtively glancing in saw affixed to the wall the notice of the purposed clinch to their union.

  56. And I am going to clinch that faith," opening the door into the hall.

  57. Even this slight movement caused me to clinch my teeth in agony, and she cried out, "You are hurt?

  58. She took a deep breath, and I heard Miles clinch and unclinch his hands.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clinch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acquire; adhere; affix; anchor; ankle; annex; articulation; ascertain; assure; attach; belay; bite; boundary; bunch; butt; button; cement; certify; cervix; cinch; claim; clamp; clasp; cleave; clench; clinch; cling; clip; close; closure; clot; cluster; clutch; coagulate; cohere; communicate; confirm; congeal; conglomerate; connect; connection; converge; coupling; cramp; decide; demonstrate; determine; dovetail; drain; elbow; embrace; enfold; ensure; establish; fasten; fastener; finish; fix; follow; foothold; footing; get; girth; graft; grapple; grasp; grip; gripe; hinge; hip; hold; hug; instrument; insure; interface; join; joining; joint; juncture; knee; knit; knot; knuckle; lacing; link; mass; meet; merge; miter; moor; mortise; nail; neck; nip; palm; partake; persist; pivot; pocket; possess; press; prove; purchase; rabbet; ratify; reassure; receive; satisfy; scarf; seal; seam; secure; see; seizure; settle; shoulder; show; solidify; squeeze; stay; steal; stick; stitch; suture; take; tenure; tie; tighten; toggle; tool; trim; union; unite; verify; weld; wrist