The custom of exercising those sweetest graces, will habituate your souls to it, and in time wear out the sadder impression.
Some are habituate vices, and the whole nature is more desperately depraved than in others.
Habituate yourself to show at seasonable times the punchinello which makes children run after you without knowing the distance they run.
An habituate periodically becomes bilious under the best regulations; frequently so where large quantities are taken, and the system is kept clogged with the drug.
Captive Parrots will habituate themselves, if permitted, to the use of wine; it produces the same effect on them as on the human family, viz.
These Passerines readily habituate themselves to confinement, and in a short time become as tame as Starlings.
They have the same habits and characteristics, and easily habituatethemselves to servitude.
These birds are naturally stupid, and cannot habituate themselves to captivity.
It is very shy in its nature, and cannot habituate itself to captivity.
This point of view must be constantly kept in mind throughout the training, and every effort be made to habituate the men to work up to it.
Especial attention is to be directed to habituate the men to carry in their minds verbal messages for a considerable period, and then to repeat them clearly and concisely.
My method, on the contrary, is, by the study of history, and by the familiarity acquired in writing, to habituate my memory to receive and retain images of the best and worthiest characters.
In order, however, tohabituate them to a passive obedience, an ostensible purpose had to be held out.
Mrs. Shortman pursed her lips; she found it impossible to habituate herself to Gregory's habit of joking.
In one of his sermons there occurred this passage: "We should habituate ourselves to hold our appetites in check.
It may teach him a range, but not to hunt where he is ordered; nor will it habituate him to vary the breadth of the parallels on which he works, according as his master may judge it to be a good or bad scenting day.
By working them thus alternately, while they are fresh and full of spirits, you will habituate them to implicit obedience.
When exercising young spaniels it is a good plan to habituate them, even as puppies, never to stray further from you than about twenty yards.
And people may habituate themselves to anything, even to the very worst things.
You must habituate yourself to look at the moral and religious aspects and relations of all that you see and hear.
If, on the other hand, he habituatehimself to impetuosity of mind, and show it also in his way of doing things, is he not then over-impetuous?
But also habituate their young souls to be awake to and to entertain a horror for oppression and iniquity.
Habituate your children to the thought that some day they may have to suffer, to struggle and perhaps to die in the defense of their rights.
The bevy of pretty women did not have, as Marphise, the advantage of the necessary leisure secretly to habituate their minds to the thought, and to philosophise over their discovery.
Such drills are in the nature of disciplinary exercises and should be frequent, thorough, and exact in order to habituatemen to the firm control of their leaders.
To illustrate the necessity for deliberation, and to habituate men to combat conditions, small and comparatively indistinct targets are designated.
Yes, I understand that; and how would you habituate yourself, for instance, or rather, how did you habituate yourself to it?
Like everything else, we must habituate the senses to a fresh impression, gentle or violent, sad or joyous.
And you really believe the result would be still more sure with us than in the East, and in the midst of our fogs and rains a man would habituate himself more easily than in a warm latitude to this progressive absorption of poison?
To cause to become like the Europeans in manners or character; to habituate or accustom to European usages.
Constant practice, with attention to the pitch, will habituate your eye to lengths, and enable you to decide in a moment how to play.
Let it be moderate and not excessive, either wasting time in vain, or tending to habituate the mind of the speakers or hearers to levity, or to estrange them from things that should be preferred.
The directions that I shall give you, are, some of them to habituate the mind to an obediential frame, and some of them, also, practically to further the exercise of obedience in particular acts.
There are so many different creeds, each a little more thorough-going than the last, that he may pass through, that he has time to habituate his spirit to the truth before being obliged to profess it in its simplicity.
This will in turn habituate the child to taking the necessary time for reflection between "the acting of a thing and the first purpose.
For the player to habituate his hands to fingering the violin is very important, because this is a case where such constant conditions are to be met.
To habituate ourselves to some narrow automatic line of action and follow it even under varying circumstances, therefore, might prevent the mind from properly weighing these varying conditions, and thus deaden initiative.
For a salesman to habituate himself to one mode of presenting goods to his customers would be fatal, since both the character and the needs of the customers are so varied that no permanent form of approach could be effective in all cases.
The ability of the organism to habituate an action, or make it a reflex is found to depend upon certain properties of nervous matter which have already been considered.
Such drills are in the nature of disciplinary exercises and should be frequent, thorough, and exact, in order to habituate men to the firm control of their leaders.