Plain butter melted thick, with a spoonful of walnut pickle or catsup, is a very good sauce; but you may put as many things as you choose into sauces.
Gather them while the shell is soft--green them with salt and water as before directed; when a good green, soak them in plain vinegar for a fortnight, and put them in the yellow pickle pot.
It is very porous, and absorbs a good deal of the pickle in the three months in which it lies in it, and then has a smell so awful that it is difficult to remain in a house in which it is being eaten.
Unknown to Taylor, the stage crew was so enraged by her antics that they performed "a little ceremony" with the pickle before giving it to her.
Can't you see her shopping around to every delicatessen in New York complaining that she can never find a pickle to match the caliber of the one she had in New Jersey.
Its book is dedicated to actress Renee Taylor, who refused to come on stage during a play's opening night until she got a pickle with her sandwich, as she had during the previews.
The plates lay in pieces, old Pickle had a bend in his back that made him groan dismally, and Prongs had fallen down the register.
It was beautiful to see the older ones twirl round in a stately way, with bows and courtesies at the end, while the teaspoons and small forks romped a good deal, and Mr. Pickle and Miss Mustard kept every one laughing at their smart speeches.
A prettypickle you'd be in with the parties from whom you borrowed them, by Jove!
Lena liked her dill pickle and her banana; and she thrived on them.
It was the second to the youngest Finkelstein, Lena by name, engaged at the moment in regaling her infantile palate with a mid-forenoon snack consisting of a large, sea-green dill pickle and a rather speckly overripe banana.
If the banana was soft and spotty, the pickle certainly was firm and in the immature hands of Lena practically indestructible.
The addition of a small amount of chopped pickle to fish salad improves its flavor, or a plain or tomato gelatine foundation may be used as a basis for the salad.
The pink cutlets may be garnished with capers, or with a thin slice of pickle cut into fancy shape with cutter.
In another saucepan boil the vinegar, onion, and sugar rapidly for five minutes; then add it to the sauce, and at the same time add the capers, pickle and tarragon vinegar.
They will eat well out of thepickle without drying.
A Pickle that will keep for years, for hams, tongues, or beef, if boiled and skimmed between each parcel of them.
They should then be placed in the pickle for three hours, or longer, if necessary; then place them in the bottles intended for their reception, and fill with the liquor.
Boil all together, and scum thepickle well when cold.
Whenever pickle or preserve jars are empty, wash them well in cold water--dry them thoroughly--and put them in a dry place.
If you wash pickle or preserve-jars in hot water, it will crack their glazed surface, and make them porous, which spoils them for use, as pickles and preserves require to have the air kept from them.
When in season, few things add a higher flavor to the pickle than the buds and flowers of the elder.
Not near so sorry as Peregine Pickle were they, for this gentleman is a far more atrocious ruffian than Roderick Random.
A pretty pickle we were in because of what Saul had done!
See, Hans," it said one morning; "if you will let me out of this nastypickle I will give you a thousand thalers.
King drink, in that dirty pickleas I never saw man in my life.
Some of the combination methods are, pickle with chrome tan, alum tan with chrome tan, and formaldehyde tan with pickle, mineral tan or chamois tan.
The acid of the pickle causes the skin to swell, the salt then penetrating between the fibres of the corium, and at the same time reducing the swelling of the skin.
For furs which are only to be dressed, a simple tan like the pickle will suffice in most cases.
These disadvantages of the pickle can to a large degree, be overcome without any great difficulty.
The pickle is undoubtedly the cheapest and simplest method of tanning skins, and yields a soft, white leather which is permanent as long as it is kept dry.
High up as the room was, and small as were its dimensions, she, out of the nine shillings she earned at the pickle factory paid three and sixpence weekly for it.
She came out with a letter of introduction to the pickle factory, and obtained employment at nine shillings a week.
Drop them rapidly into the jar, packing closely as you go on; fill with the boiling pickle until it overflows, screw on the top, and set away in a dark, cool place.
Prepare the pickleby seasoning enough vinegar to cover the cabbage with equal quantities of mace, cloves, whole white peppers; a cup of sugar to every gallon of vinegar, and a teaspoonful of celery seed for every pint.
The pickle will be ready for use so soon as it is cold.
Take young French or “string” beans, and radish pods just before they change color; green and pickle as you do cucumbers and gherkins.
I have eaten walnut pickle ten years old that was very fine.
In the contest that ensued I received several severe stings, but the enemy were finally routed with a loss of five or six thousand that we decoyed into an ambush in the shape of a large pickle jar.
Now see what a pretty pickle I am in: the name "Brisk" or "F.