It was found impossible even to stipulate for the mutual abandonment of discriminating duties, a stipulation which Mr. Gallatin regarded as the most valuable part of his convention with England in 1815.
Then, if this reasoning be true, why stipulate for the uti possidetis?
I stipulate that you leave Hillaton, and go to some quiet place where our name is not known, and that you there live so quietly that I shall hear of no more disgraceful acts like those herein described.
I stipulate that you perform the humblest task as readily as any other.
Ina ignored this suggestion with perfect dignity and flowed on: "All I stipulate now is that I may not see this pitiable parade in print.
Only, as I would not tell it to anybody but you, I must stipulate that you will receive it in sacred confidence, and not repeat it to a living soul.
Was this the time to stipulate for the perpetuity of slavery under the exclusive legislation of Congress?
He says Lord Althorpe will not come in without Lord Grey, and he is not sure Lord Grey would not stipulate for Lord Durham.
To conciliate this, we must not onlystipulate a proper compensation for what they lend, but we must give security for the performance.
Very well, then, I will forgive you; but I must stipulate to see your pictures before they go to market after this, and also that you consult with me first before launching into other business enterprises.
I only stipulate that you carry this crusade no farther.
As the price of your concession in keeping the diamonds, suppose you stipulate for a freer hand on the housekeeping reins, especially since your husband admits that these expenses are large.
Often when a child is adopted, his blood parents stipulate with those who adopt as to the property settlement that will be made on the child.
I have the intention of writing a great tragedy, and when it is accepted, I shall stipulate that you, and you alone, shall thrill Paris as my heroine.
You bewail that you are at the foot of the ladder, and at the same instant you stipulate that I shall lift you at a bound to the top.
As to the effect of such a declaration, he acknowledged that it must be regarded as abrogating all those articles of the treaties which are executory, such as stipulate for the future conduct of the parties.
It is much to be regretted that ship-owners, when they leave their captains to provide their own charts (instead of supplying them) do not stipulate that they are to be the best and the latest.
The captain seemingly acquiesced, so far as their projected voyage was concerned; but when they began to stipulate that his powers as commander must be restricted, he naturally insisted upon the full exercise of his rights.
Similarly, the Romans also only stipulate concerning Latium; the rest of Italy they do not mention, as not being under their authority.
Only we stipulate that we retain our allegiance to our own ruler far away, remaining the subjects of that monarch with all rights thereto appertaining.
I do not stipulate for so long a time as that," said Eleanor putting her hand to her head.
I only stipulatethat there shall be no Father Confessor except myself.