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Example sentences for "patch"

Lexicographically close words:
pastyme; patache; pataches; patas; patay; patched; patches; patching; patchouli; patcht
  1. The patch that covers it from sight Is made of Pearlie's winsey dress.

  2. Bill never could bear to look at a patch of new stuff put on when the rest was faded.

  3. They turned up a lane behind a few small and rather dirty cottages facing the sea, each with its patch of kitchen garden behind.

  4. Here the clean ground ceased, and there was a large patch of wet clayey earth.

  5. Hewitt looked intently into the area, but it was impossible to discern anything behind the sole grimy patch of window that was visible.

  6. A patch of blood at his shoulder behind stained the soft flannel shirt, spreading down beneath his belt, and the man's whole strong body lay slack and pitifully helpless.

  7. The latter glanced towards a ray of brightness that beat into the dim green shadow, and here and there flung a patch of brilliancy athwart the great columnar trunks.

  8. There was, at least, one black patch among the leaves that suggested greasy naked skin.

  9. The dogs, however, again gave him chase, and soon brought him to bay in another dense patch of reeds, just as bad as the last.

  10. On July 14th the ship righted; and from that time to their arrival in England, after they had managed to patch up, caulk, and render her seaworthy, little of special interest occurred.

  11. It was at this crisis of our fortunes that we saw a large seal floating--as is the custom of these animals--on a small patch of ice, and seemingly asleep.

  12. They came to a burned patch of at least a hundred acres.

  13. But a playful breeze twitched at the hem of her skirt, flicking it out into the patch of sunlight by the doorsill, and Peter caught the glint of white from the tail of his eye.

  14. At the right of the house I noticed a small patch of green corn, in front of which were some rambling cucumber vines.

  15. We wuz 'lowed ter have a little patch o' garden stuff at de back but no chickens ner pigs.

  16. When I crossed the tater patch I seen the ground cracked and I dug in to see what cracked it.

  17. The captain, I have since learned, turned out to be a broken-down blackleg, seeking to patch up a diminished fortune by a matrimonial alliance, in which he was only foiled by a discovery just time enough to prevent his design upon Miss Eliza.

  18. The best they could do was to patch the gold nightingale up so that it could sing once a year; even that was almost too much, and the tune was pretty shaky.

  19. Margery planned that, so that she could look into the garden from the front, but have it shut away from the vegetable patch by the tall flowers on the sides.

  20. Here I expected to find coyotes and I was not disappointed, for on riding through a patch of sage which covered several acres, a coyote broke cover on the opposite side.

  21. Some newly formed friend who is better acquainted with the nature of the Great Plains will inform him that this is but a patch of sage bush, an aridity loving plant, characteristic of this region.

  22. Over the door grew a twisted pear-tree, and all the ground around it, excepting the garden patch in a sheltered spot behind, was one waving mass of heather, strewn with gray boulders of mossy rock.

  23. The most curious part of it was that the tips of this fin, and also a patch on the creature's head, shone with imprisoned fire.

  24. Her under lip had a patch of red paint, and her teeth were stained with some horrid black mixture.

  25. When it was over, he whipped out of his bag some shoemaker's tools, and went to work to patch and mend the shoes, with twinkling fingers.

  26. Joan made no answer, only when she fell asleep at last it was against a little damp patch of pillow and the lashes that lay along her cheeks were weighed down by tears.

  27. He could see no one; but an army might have hidden amongst the trees that encircled the open patch of turf on which the summer-house had been built.

  28. They made their way through the shadowy avenue, and emerged upon the silvery patch of turf and fern, where the rotting summer-house stood in its solitary decay.

  29. His five-and-forty by thirty feet of velvet-pile might have been a patch of yellow sand in the Great Sahara for any pleasure he derived from its occupation.

  30. They could see the patch of the Tortoise's sail above the rocks which blocked the entrance of the passage.

  31. When she rose there was a large, damp green patch on the front of her dress.

  32. At the point of the reef a curious patch of sharply rippled water marked where two tides met A long tack brought the Tortoise clear of the windward end of the reef.

  33. In a few minutes the Blue Wanderer was dragged from her moorings and carried up to a glassy patch of waste land at the end of the quay.

  34. A small triangular patch of white was visible far off between Inishrua and Knockilaun.

  35. Its general colour is a dark reddish-brown, approaching in some specimens almost to black on the head; while there is a patch of white, varying in size, under the chin.

  36. When his coat is perfectly black, he has a cinnamon patch on his muzzle.

  37. The neck and throat are covered with long, dullish white hair, and there is a faint whitish patch on the side of the shoulders.

  38. The tocano pacova has a beak of a rich glowing orange, with a large patch near the tip, a black line round the base, and a number of dark red bars upon the sides.

  39. In vain they look out in every direction for a darker patch in the plain, which may indicate a water pool, and amid which they may seek refuge.

  40. The head and throat are of the most glorious blue, with the exception of the before-mentioned emerald-green patch on the centre of the throat, which is of a triangular form, one angle pointing upwards.

  41. The throat is emerald-green, with a patch of crimson in the centre.

  42. The back also is grey, with a wash of rusty-red; while there is a patch of a deeper tint of the same colour upon the middle of the under part of the body.

  43. Were it not for its ununiformity and for the occasional sprinkling of trees over its surface, it could be compared to a patch of rolling prairie in miniature.

  44. He was surprised when we found, by actual measurement, that the patch contained twenty-eight acres.

  45. There was a triangular patch in one corner that we estimated to contain thirty acres.

  46. At the corner of the little patch of garden ground attached to it he met Mrs. O'Hara.

  47. There was no garden to it, beyond a small patch in which a few potatoes were planted.

  48. And how lovely that patch of rich golden light is on Sardanapalus's shoulder.

  49. I see a hut, I fancy, over yonder, beside that dark patch of brush.

  50. Christmas Eve, 1894, saw us in the vicinity of Mount Monger, where a few men were working on an alluvial patch and getting a little gold.

  51. Sometimes their existence may be detected from a distance by the patch of rock round the mouth showing white, owing to its being worn by the feet of birds and animals.

  52. They were rewarded for their discomforts by a small patch of herbage which they quickly demolished.

  53. Luckily there was a little patch of dry herbage not far from the well, and a few acacias over the ridge.

  54. A good guide to this well is a bare patch of rock on Mount Colin, which bears 138 degrees three miles distant.

  55. Unless absolutely necessary, I have a great objection to tying them up at nights, for then they are sure beyond question of getting nothing to eat; whereas wandering they may find a patch of herbage or bushes.

  56. We made camp just above the pool, and were lucky in finding a patch of camel feed within a couple of miles across the rocks, for around all was barren excepting a few stunted gums.

  57. October 1st and 2nd we spent at the well, working as above described, whilst Warri tended the camels a couple of miles away on a patch of weeds he discovered.

  58. We started burning a patch of spinifex, but since we were not pressed for food we concluded that the weather was quite hot enough without making fires!

  59. But as soon as they begin to run towards their burrows the white patch by their tails inevitably betrays them; and this betrayal seems at first sight like a failure of adaptation.

  60. Certainly many a rabbit must be spotted and shot, or killed by birds of prey, solely on account of that tell-tale white patch as he makes for his shelter.

  61. The white patch and the hoisted tail act as a danger-signal to the little bunnies, and direct them which way to escape the threatened misfortune.

  62. He drives a team of five grey huskies, the leader of which has a yellow face and a patch of brindled-brown upon its right hindquarters.

  63. But there was no hope for it now, so I walked up the path beside him, as meek as a new-born lamb, till we came to an open patch at the base of a small waterfall.

  64. Father, I have come up to see if I can't induce you to forgive me, and let us patch this quarrel up!

  65. You seem to think a precious deal more of the sex on your patch than we do down our way,' says he.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.