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Example sentences for "decrease"

Lexicographically close words:
decouverte; decoy; decoyed; decoying; decoys; decreased; decreases; decreasing; decree; decreed
  1. It is as certain as anything can be that the Bolshevist agitation was one of the primary causes of the alarming decrease in the production during the régime of the Provisional Government.

  2. But how is this serious decrease in the number of workmen to be accounted for?

  3. Both these causes may be expected to decrease rapidly in the future, particularly if the municipalities insist on the mains being placed underground, instead of being strung on poles in the streets.

  4. Just as the death-rate on a railway varies inversely as the perfection of the signalling appliances, so the fatalities in America from electricity will decrease as better materials are adopted, and more care is expended in erection.

  5. They are common in the north part, and gradually decrease towards the south.

  6. In shunt and compound dynamos the lead varies with the load, and therefore the brushes must be rotated in the direction of rotation of the armature with an increase of load, and in the opposite direction with a decrease of load.

  7. Moisture tends to decrease the insulation resistance, thus in effect producing a short circuit with its attendant heating.

  8. Cutler-Hammer compound speed regulator with no voltage and overload release; regulation by combined armature and shunt field resistance, designed to both decrease and increase the speed of a motor.

  9. Further proof is given that manuring with common salt tends to decrease the yield.

  10. Lemon juice on being kept is found to decrease in density, but the amount of acid remains the same.

  11. It is found that the sooner this is done after the slaughter of the animal the more effective it becomes, as the absorbent power of the vessels rapidly decrease by age.

  12. Stockardt, of potatoes grown in eight different years, show that those manured with salt invariably contain less starch than those unmanured, the decrease being from 10 to 20 per cent.

  13. After July, grilses decrease in numbers till October, in proportion to the falling off of smolts from May to August.

  14. We presume its rate of growth would be extremely slow, although we do not agree with Mr Young in the opinion already quoted, that salmon actually decrease in dimensions on entering the fresh water.

  15. Although the railroads remain by far the most important domestic carrier, their share of total cargo carried and their share of ton mileage continues to decrease (see table 2).

  16. This decrease in population is attributed to many causes.

  17. There was no noticeable decrease in numbers until after the middle of April, and even on the 24th (the last date on which the species was noted) they were recorded as common.

  18. The complement would, let us hope, rapidly decrease as new machinery lessened the amount of labour required, and the native districts of Africa were more fully exploited.

  19. The rates have been already reduced so as to provide, along with the new customs tariff, for a very real decrease in the cost of living.

  20. It will be noticed that not only does the blade decrease in width from the handle out to the end of the saw, but the thickness decreases from the teeth to the top and also from the handle out to the end.

  21. Shrinkage is a term applied to the decrease in diameter of the tree, due to sap evaporation.

  22. In the case of the board it means a decrease in width, and it varies greatly in different trees and their woods.

  23. Here an increase of hardness is accompanied by a decrease of density.

  24. He will now note the decrease in wages of all kinds.

  25. Your churches decrease in numbers as the population swells, O brethren, because of your lack of Christian sympathy!

  26. Young plants may also be encouraged to grow for some time longer; but older specimens should be reduced to a comparatively dormant state by a gradual diminution in the supply of water, and a decrease in temperature, with less shading.

  27. The following year the beam was increased by some inches, the length underwent a drawing out, and at the same time the body was tucked up to decrease the displacement.

  28. In any case, it did not decrease as this protection gradually disappeared, when the influence of Joseph of Naxos ceased on the death of Sultan Selim in 1574.

  29. Decrease in strength manifested itself even in the study of the Talmud.

  30. Punch, we may add, admitted the decrease in railway accidents, but attributed it to the pressure of public opinion and the penalties exacted from companies for negligence in safeguarding passengers from loss of life and limb.

  31. Modifications of opinions there have been--growth in some cases, decrease in others, but absolute change in none.

  32. Lean meat contains the most minerals; they decrease in proportion as the amount of fat increases.

  33. It must also be remembered that the drying or preserving of fish does not in any way decrease its food value.

  34. Hence, potentially, an increase of the connotation of any term implies a decrease of its denotation.

  35. If an antecedent and consequent do not increase or decrease correspondingly, they are not cause and effect, so far as they vary.

  36. States as living organisms grow and decrease in territory.

  37. With November we welcome the principal arrival of the Fieldfare; the large flocks of Missel-thrushes disband; Song Thrushes, and Blackbirds decrease in numbers almost imperceptibly.

  38. There is also a very marked decrease in the number of Blackbirds in the late autumn, the birds reappearing early in February.

  39. There is a decided decrease in song, especially among our earliest breeding birds.

  40. A decrease in sulphur has the reverse effect.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decrease" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abate; abatement; abbreviate; abbreviation; ablation; abrade; abridge; abridgment; abstract; alleviation; apportion; astringency; attrition; bate; calibrate; cervix; circumscribe; circumscription; compact; compress; compression; concentrate; concentration; condensation; condense; consolidate; consolidation; constrict; constriction; consume; consumption; contract; contraction; corrode; count; cramp; crumble; curtail; curtailment; cut; cutting; damp; dampen; decay; decline; decrease; decrement; deduct; deduction; deflation; deplete; depletion; depreciate; depreciation; depress; depression; derogation; detract; differentiate; dilute; diminish; diminution; dip; disparage; disparagement; dissipate; dissipation; dive; divide; downgrade; drain; draw; drop; dwindle; dying; ease; ebb; erode; erosion; evaporation; exhaustion; expenditure; extract; extraction; fail; fall; fix; flag; grade; graduate; hourglass; impair; impairment; increase; isthmus; knit; knitting; languish; leakage; lessen; lessening; lour; lower; lowering; mark; measure; melt; minimize; mitigate; mitigation; moderate; modify; mollify; movement; narrow; narrowing; neck; number; pale; parcel; pare; plummet; plunge; pucker; puckering; purify; purse; quiet; rate; reduce; reduction; refine; relax; relaxation; relieve; remission; remit; remove; retraction; retrench; retrenchment; sag; sagging; scale; shave; shorten; shrink; shrinkage; simplicity; simplify; sink; slack; slash; slide; solidification; solidify; squander; step; strangle; strangulation; stricture; subside; subtract; subtraction; systole; taper; thin; trail; wane; waste; weakening; wear; weed; withdraw; wizen; wrinkle