In the same category of laminitis from metastasis may also be placed the laminitis occurring as a result of an overdose of aloes.
He had taken an overdose of it, he said, tragically, and must abide the consequences.
Of course, I repeated what I had said previously about an overdose having done him no harm before, but he only shook his head sadly.
Thirty-two deaths in England under five years of age in 1882 represent but a very small part of the evil wrought by the overdose or injudicious use of these remedies.
They are, however, no more a reason against vaccination than the occasional death from an overdose of opium is a reason against the use of that drug.
I think you must have given her an overdose of the stuff, Peters.
And just remember that an overdoseof excitement puts anybody's nerves on edge.
Your wife last night took anoverdose of chloral----" The doctor said no word of sympathy.
I am not quite sure, but it looks to me like an overdose of French headache powders.
Ruddy took an overdoseof headache powders," was the reply.
What are the boundaries that divide the Jack of all Trades, the specialist and the victim of an overdose of repetition work.
An overdose of one kind of work with a limited range of action frequently leads to dulling the senses.
He had refused it because afraid lest he should administer to himself, or have administered to him, an overdose which would cause him to sleep too soundly, and slide away into the slumber of death.
But she recalled what the surgeon had said, that the result of taking a small dose would be to encourage sleep, and of an overdose to send into a sleep from which there would be no awaking.
If the feed is poor in salt, and if no salt has been given for a long time, an intense "salt hunger" may occur that may lead an animal to eat a poisonous quantity, or an overdose of salt may be given by error as a drench.
Opium and its alkaloid, morphia, are so commonly used in the practice of medicine that the poisonous result of an overdose is not uncommon.
I believe there was some tragedy connected with her death--she took an overdose of some sleeping draught by mistake.
Also, is it not possible that she may have taken an overdose of her medicine by accident?
The sight gave me a sick qualm, like an overdose of tobacco, for it was the first time I had ever seen a man man-handled, and a fellow-creature abused.
If an overdoseof prayers, hymns, and sermons leaves us tired, nervous, and cross, it is only not quite as bad as an overdose of fashionable folly.
The morphia sleeping draughts had been administered with rigid care, Dora herself watching the allotment of every bottle, lest the unhappy sufferer should be tempted to take an overdose and end the tragedy of pain.
That an overdoseof opium, like an excessive draught of spirits, is poisonous and produces immediate death.
And here I may appropriately say, that although an overdose of opium may cause death, the mere smoking of the drug in any quantity will not do so.
As to opium eating, an overdose produces death, but the opium smoker can indulge in his luxury from, morning till night without any apparent injury.
Hysteria, nervous exhaustion, violent emotions or sexual excesses; overdose of tea and coffee: alcohol or tobacco.
Symptoms of an overdose are rare; vomiting and diarrhea occur.
That is their chief virtue--in rendering an overdose harmless.
An overdose acts as an emetic, and would not remain a moment's time on the stomach.
When the great doctors came, they would find that Jay Gardiner had not taken the mild sleeping draught which poor Andrew believed he had administered to him by mistake; but, instead, a most powerful drug, anoverdose of which meant death.
Indigestion, palpitation, and tremors are not in themselves symbolic of the inner trouble but may be the result of an overdose of the adrenal and thyroid secretions and the other accompaniments of fear.
Sometimes this yielding spirit is the result of an overdose of negative self-feeling and an under-dose of positive self-feeling; but sometimes it is over-compensation for the repressed spirit of rebellion which the child considers wicked.
The case was clearly one of death fromoverdose of the remedy.
Mrs. Hattie Kick, one of the best and most prominent ladies of Farmington, died rather suddenly Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from an overdose of Antikamnia, which she took for a severe headache from which she was suffering.
He had been drinking more than the Band of Hope would approve of, and on top of that he got anoverdose of a powerful drug.
Your brain was unquestionably dulled by an overdoseon top of all that alcohol, while your mechanical reflexes were stimulated.
The overdose had sent him to sleep too soon after his Sunday dinner, and when he had awakened from his heavy and by no means quiet slumber, he had found himself confronting a world of gloom.
Paracelsus was her favourite author, and according to her he was neither man, woman, nor hermaphrodite, and had the misfortune to poison himself with an overdose of his panacea, or universal medicine.
Madame du Rumain told me that on the evidence of her maid the doctors had pronounced her death to be due to an overdose of the liquid she called "The Panacea.
Which leads me to ask the question, can there not be such a thing as an overdose of music, just as there is an overdose of drug?