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Example sentences for "pitch"

Lexicographically close words:
pit; pita; pitahaya; pital; pitaties; pitchblende; pitched; pitcher; pitchers; pitches
  1. Molly took off her slipper and held it up as if she were going to pitch it with all her force across the room.

  2. She gets her nerves tuned up to such a high pitch sometimes that I wonder they don't snap in two.

  3. Since we refused Mͬ Mortier's offers it might perhaps be of service but I think we could not pitch on a fitter person for disposing of a good quantity of Suidas beyond sea.

  4. Let us rush up and knock them down, and pitch them over into the gully," said Arthur.

  5. Although it was pitch dark on the mountainside, Archie could tell exactly what was going on below him.

  6. If any of you hear the others talking of escape, and don't tell me of it, I'll pitch every one of you into that gully.

  7. Do we not pitch our songs too low, O sweet--my Singers?

  8. In we pitch our bags, ask a naval man not to let anyone steal them, then I fly out into town while the q-b buys food and wine at the buffet.

  9. A continuance of the march through the bush in pitch darkness was hopeless; it was bound to lead to a good deal of misunderstanding and would have meant a useless waste of the men’s strength, which had already been severely tried.

  10. In pouring rain we had to pitch our camp in the bush.

  11. On 21st November we arrived at Mpili, on the bank of the river, and were about to pitch our camp when several shots passed close to a hunting party.

  12. All our toil was forgotten, and our spirits rose to the highest pitch on receiving at this very moment, after a rather long interval, another wireless message from home.

  13. The condition of the crops prompted me to march with the main body of the force further south-west, in the direction of Mahua, and pitch my camp beside the Koroma mountain, not far from the Timbani mountain.

  14. But our alarms for the consequences of the drawn sword, and the wound inflicted with such a weapon, were far too predominant at the time for such a pitch of generosity.

  15. Arthur might as well know that he loved her, but Camelia should never know it, so Perior grimly promised himself as he met his friend's look with some of the sternness necessitated by his pitch of unpleasant resolution.

  16. The odd pitch of his voice, sharp with a sudden, uncontrollable emotion, made her look up.

  17. Here the--desultory and long-winded narrative of the Laird was interrupted by the voice of someone ascending the stairs from the kitchen story, and singing at full pitch of voice.

  18. And this, too, at a time when the fictile art was at a high pitch of excellence in Europe.

  19. The boys shouted at the pitch of their tired voices for a good hour and then desisted from sheer inability to produce another sound.

  20. For to such a pitch of fury had the sneering words of the dark-skinned man before them aroused them that had they been free it would have cost him dear.

  21. The lubricating oil is fed also by a force system which is much more reliable than the gravity method particularly in an air-ship where there is a tendency to pitch about a lot in the upper air currents.

  22. Our best plan is to pitch our tent there in the hills on one of the plateaus and work from that point as our headquarters.

  23. A few hints as to Deportment in the Motor-Car; the exact Angle whereat to hold the Receiver of a Telephone, and the exact Key wherein to pitch the Voice; the Conduct of a Cigarette.

  24. I pitch it among such other insoluble problems, as Why does the public laugh when an actor and actress in a quite serious play kiss each other?

  25. The room was pitch dark, and I felt a hand suddenly clapped over my mouth.

  26. The outside boards, covering our roughly-built stone walls, my father protected against the wet with pitch and tar.

  27. I threaded my way easily enough through the familiar obstacles in the backyard, and was out in the pitch darkness of the moor before I heard the second shock, and the crash which told me that the whole door had given way.

  28. As evening approached, the scene presented by the two rooms became eccentric to a pitch of absurdity which is quite indescribable.

  29. In an instant the candle was out, and the room was plunged in pitch darkness.

  30. Pitch it low enough so everybody can reach it, and keep it going.

  31. It lasted well into the afternoon, when the pitch became difficult and one of the change bowlers took advantage of it, subsequently receiving his colours for a very creditable performance.

  32. The circumstances were probably unique, and they gave him that new eye for an old haunt which had been opened on the pitch the day before.

  33. There was a regularity about the short quick run, an amount of character in the twiddling fore-arm action, a precision of length and a flick off the pitch that set a professional stamp upon his least deadly delivery.

  34. What he was trying to do was to pitch the other ball a little straighter, a fraction slower, and just about three inches shorter than all the rest; at last he did it to perfection.

  35. It was a performance not to be named in the same breath as his olden deeds, but he did get wickets, and all of them with the old ball that whipped off the pitch with his arm.

  36. The next incident was a full-pitch to leg from Charles Cave and a fourer to Jan Rutter.

  37. You're making them come as quick off the pitch as you did two years ago.

  38. In addition to tests as to the above qualities, the pitch was analyzed to determine the amount of free carbon it contained, and was not accepted if this fell below 20 per cent.

  39. When the upper part of the arch was reached, where the cementing strength of the pitch was not sufficient to hold the felt in place, the mats were braced temporarily from the centering, as shown by Fig.

  40. The back part of the joint was mopped with hot pitch before the next section was built, so that there was practically no bond between any two adjoining sections.

  41. Bonaparte had introduced, what noble works he had achieved, and to what a pitch of military glory he had raised the country.

  42. He made me his ideal, compounding me, I fear, chiefly out of his own love and worship; and there were times when I stood close to the steep pitch of hell and would have taken the plunge had not the thought of Otoo restrained me.

  43. Both songs are similar in length and in pitch intervals.

  44. These are followed by two or three more rapid notes on a different pitch, usually lower; and the song is ended by one or two notes back on the original pitch and time.

  45. Each song is of either two or three parts, each part composed of a series of notes on the same pitch and in uniform rhythm.

  46. It ranks with the black-polled and bay-breasted warblers in the very high pitch of its upper notes but shows more variation in pitch than either.

  47. I have also heard a song of five single notes with no variation in pitch or tempo--weet weet weet weet weet.

  48. There are usually long buzzes that change pitch by slurring upward or downward.

  49. The third was two rather long notes in a clear, sweet whistle, the second higher in pitch than the first, so that it resembled the phoebe whistle of the chickadee reversed.

  50. The first notes, in one of my records, are upward slurs, and in two others the first note of the group slurs upward, but in all of the others all of the notes are of even pitch and not slurred.

  51. I have already told you, my dear Tresham, what probably was no news to you, that my principal fault was an unconquerable pitch of pride, which exposed me to frequent mortification.

  52. The first of these anecdotes, which brings the highest pitch of civilisation so closely in contact with the half-savage state of society, I have heard told by the late distinguished Dr.

  53. Both sides threw boiling pitch at each other, and they did not stop day or night.

  54. This being done, a layer of melted pitch and turpentine is quickly spread on the skin covering the seat of the hernia, so as to extend somewhat beyond that space.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pitch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acme; address; allocution; alveolar; amount; apex; apogee; ascend; assimilated; back; ballyhoo; bandy; bank; base; bevel; bivouac; black; blunder; bowl; broad; brow; build; burst; caliber; camp; cannonball; cant; cap; capsize; careen; career; cascade; cast; catapult; cataract; central; cerebral; charcoal; chuck; chunk; chute; climax; climb; close; coal; collapse; compass; consonant; crash; crest; crow; crown; culmination; curve; cut; dangle; dart; dash; debate; decline; deliver; dental; depth; descend; diatribe; dip; dive; dorsal; down; drive; drop; ebony; edge; elevate; erect; establish; eulogy; exhortation; extent; extremity; fall; falter; filibuster; fire; fix; flat; fling; flip; flounce; flounder; fluctuate; flutter; fork; found; frequency; front; fundamental; gainer; glacis; glide; glottal; grade; gradient; gravitate; ground; guttural; harangue; hard; harmonic; header; heave; heaven; heavy; height; high; hurl; hurtle; inaugural; inclination; incline; inflection; ink; install; interval; intonation; invective; invest; jackknife; jerk; jet; keel; key; labial; labor; lance; lateral; launch; lax; lean; leaning; leap; level; light; limit; line; lingual; liquid; list; low; lurch; mark; maximum; measure; meridian; mid; modulation; monotone; monotony; mountaintop; muted; narrow; nasal; night; noon; notch; note; nuance; open; oration; oscillate; overtone; palatal; parachute; partial; pass; patter; peak; peg; pelt; period; peroration; pharyngeal; philippic; phonetic; phonic; pinnacle; pitch; pitched; plane; plant; plateau; plop; plummet; plump; plunge; plunk; point; pole; pounce; pound; precipitate; proportion; put; rain; raise; rake; ramp; range; ratio; raven; reach; reading; rear; recital; recitation; reel; register; remove; resin; retreat; ridge; rise; rock; roll; round; rounded; rung; salutatory; say; scale; scarp; scope; seat; seed; seesaw; seethe; serve; service; shade; shadow; shake; shelve; shy; side; sidle; sinker; sky; slant; sling; slope; slump; smoke; smut; snap; soft; sonant; soot; sound; sow; space; speech; spiel; spire; sprawl; stagger; stair; standard; step; stint; stoop; stopped; stressed; strong; struggle; stumble; summit; surd; swag; sway; swing; swoop; syllabic; talk; tar; tense; tent; thick; throaty; throw; tilt; tip; tirade; tonal; tonality; tone; tonic; top; topple; toss; totter; tread; trip; tumble; tune; unaccented; unhorse; unseat; unstressed; upheave; uplift; upmost; upraise; upright; uprise; utmost; valedictory; vertex; vest; vibrate; voiced; voiceless; vowel; wag; waggle; wallop; wallow; wave; waver; weak; welter; wide; wobble; zenith

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    pitch pine; pitched battle; pitched voice