The temple stands on a quiet plot of ground within the city walls, which, a little to the left of it, end in a great mediæval tower or portcullis put up in time of war by a condottiere!
The execution of the plot was fixed for the wedding festivities of Astorre Baglioni with Lavinia, the daughter of Giovanni Colonna and Giustina Orsini.
The true Albano now arrives upon the scene, and encountering Laverdure, is accosted as Francisco, and is told that the plot has been discovered.
While he is serving Carthage in the field, the Carthaginian senators at home proceed to plot against his life.
Our bloody plot to Massinissa's ear Untimely by this lord was all betrayed.
It mixes him up, and he feels a grudge against you whenever he thinks how much better he might have spent his time than in following a plot that came to nothing.
If I serve those who plot against my life, as I have served these men you speak of, who shall blame me?
And so, theplot matured and every detail clear, he got him to his chamber and penned the letter that was to rejoice the heart of Gian Maria.
And now, by her own action, and by the plot into which she had entered with him, they rose once more.
I think this is the most diabolically treacherous plotthat ever mind of man conceived and human heartlessness executed.
On the night of the Tuesday before Easter seven traitors met at Sant' Angelo to plot my overthrow.
Thus, in the gloaming, amid the shadows of that old Italian garden, was the plot laid by which Valentina was to escape alliance with his Highness of Babbiano.
It was, too, a plot by which she might become the wife of Messer Romeo Gonzaga.
A man, since dead, had told your Highness that such a plot was being hatched.
I have had detectives on their track, for men who plot against public interests deserve to be watched.
The building was erected on a plotof ground upon Reservoir Square, leased to the association, by the City of New York, for one dollar per annum.
The plot of ground upon which Iranistan was erected, was at the date of my purchase, in March 1846, a bare field.
After the failure of the plot and the arrest of the conspirators, the High Bailiff of Stratford was instructed to seize Ambrose Rookwood’s effects at Clopton House.
It was passed with no intention of getting obedience, but only with the intention of slaying one faithful man, and the plot worked according to calculation.
The plot goes on the calculation that, whatever happens, this man may be trusted to do what his God tells him, no matter who tells him not to do it.
Dare we rise from our knees to plan and plot for ourselves?
He did it privately, so as to keep any inkling of his plot secret till he had secured the further information which he hoped to delude them into bringing.
It was a case of inventing something disreputable (afterwards to be disproved) against the poet; the general must only now have heard of it to justify his ordering his guest off the premises as the plot demanded.
There is littleplot or human interest; the natural, the supernatural, and the mythical are confusedly interwoven.
Then follows the plotto throw the contents upon the Queen.
The plot as yet lay deep; and so A cellar next was dug below; But this a work so hard was found, Two acts it cost him under ground.
A thousand bards thy right disown: They plot to turn, in factious zeal, Duncenia to a common weal; And with rebellious arms pretend An equal privilege to descend.
She is not the Queen of the whole country, she is only the Queen of the Whigs, and the whole thing is a plot to keep the Whigs in power.
If the Queen had insisted upon these changes being made at once, many of them could probably have been carried out; but the Bedchamber Plot had taught her that the sovereign must not act contrary to the wishes of her people.
Still, if the whole plot hinges on your scene--' 'Well!
By some deep and malicious plot it seems she prevented you yielding to your better nature--or something--and there it is.
She tells me that suspecting some plot you placed a guard around the bishop's palace, with a strong body on the shore ready to rescue her from the hands of any who might attempt to take her to sea.
The name of your majesty being mentioned, he deemed it his duty to listen, and thus discovered that a plot was on foot for carrying off the princess.
Thomas Baldwyn, son of the last named, was committed to the Tower on suspicion of being implicated in a plot to liberate Mary Queen of Scots, and is said to have written the following inscription on the wall while in prison there: THOS .
Paris places the carrying of a letter (about the plot to make Lord Robert kill Darnley?
Who had an interest in this supposed plot of general destruction by gunpowder?
Lennox here adds the plot to kill Darnley if he resisted arrest.
This letter shows Stewart as a believer in foreknowledge of events, as one who hates Moray, 'a bloody usurper,' and as acquainted with a plot against Moray by his intimates.
Mary, whether she wrote the Casket Letters or not, was, demonstrably, aware that there was a plot against Darnley, before she brought him to a house accessible to his enemies.
The pair might come to blows, Darnley might fall, and the gunpowderplot would be superfluous.
There is, apparently, some connection between the treasure hunt and the plot to kill Moray, and Stewart is mixed up with the magic of the treasure hunters.
But it enables us to plot the line of human progress by points far enough apart to allow us to distinguish between minor and temporary oscillations and fluctuations and the law of the curve.
Their food depended on the crops of one tiny plot of ground.
In 1774, Baron von Bülow gave Mr. Wraxall a detailed account of the plot to murder Struensee and his partisans on this occasion.
Even the way employed to draw her into the plot against the favourite, was of a nature to deceive even a more sensible woman.
With a carefully planned follow-up system he would return to each such plot for cultivation and harvest, and, most important of all, to demonstrate the truths he had sought to impress upon the people by word of mouth.
Mr. Washington went with him to select the lot and added enough out of his own pocket to the scant savings to enable the old man to buy a cow and a pig and a garden plot as well as the house.
It's been a tame plot since then, but it's never been as bad as it was before.
Hardly that," he said with a laugh, "but I'm willing to plot with you.
There are brick or stone steps in the middle of each of the four walls by which to descend to the garden, which may be all planted with flowers, but preferably should have set borders of flowers with a grass-plot in the centre.
It does what he does, it interjects questions and doubts, it delays the plot and indulges in the proper emotions during the pauses.
Such a wickedplot you never heard in all your life.
I came here yesterday to consult Violet as to what I should do with respect to a plot in which I have found the baroness to be engaged.
Provided always," I suggested, "that your plot came to a successful issue.
What I plot will be safer, even for me, than to seek to slay him and take her from among them.
People who plot on roofs should remember to lower their voices,' he muttered.