Odin therefore meets with a harsh reception, and is bound between two fires in the hall.
Then spoke Thor, the mighty Asa: "Vile would the Aesir call me, if I let the bridal veil be bound on me.
The chained Loki appears in Saxo as Utgarda-Loki, lying bound in a cavern of snakes, and worshipped as a God by the Danish king Gorm Haraldsson.
Then they bound on Thor the bridal veil, and the great necklace Brising; they let the keys jingle and women's weeds fall about his knees, and they put broad stones on his breast, and the hood dexterously on his head.
He was bound with the guts of his son Nari, but his son Narfi was changed into a wolf.
It was a book, not new, bound in faded brown; and the title printed on the back was "The Ladies' Manual of Perfect Gentility.
One small quarto, bound in cloth, with emblematic designs 2.
So I offered to make it; and I was bound that it should be good.
His feet were fastened with thongs to the base of the triangle; his wrists, bound above his head, at the apex.
He had been saved from the burning Hydaspes by a vesselbound for Rio.
Her hair, bound close about her head, was plentiful and glossy, and her eyes had lost none of their dangerous brightness.
Filled with horror at what the maniac displayed, they seized andbound him.
A daughter, born two years after their marriage, was the only link thatbound the ill-assorted pair.
His wife was ill, and the ungrateful scoundrel stole five hundred pounds, and taking two horses reached Sydney, and obtained passage in a vesselbound for Rio.
I'm bound to get to Sydney somehow; but, as the Philistines are abroad, I may as well tarry in Jericho till my beard be grown.
They stood on the deck of the Sydney-bound vessel the next morning, and watched the "Natural Penitentiary" grow dim in the distance.
The brig's ours"; and ere Grimes could reply, he was seized by Lyon and Riley, and bound securely.
Their long slavery had begotten such a dread of authority in these men that they feared it even when it was bound and menaced by four muskets.
Burgess, aghast at the unfortunate accident; and Gabbett reluctantly untied the thongs that bound Rufus Dawes.
All at once, on the track over which he had passed, he heard a sound that made him bound to his feet in deadly fear--the bay of a dog!
Bound to say, if I take the short cut through the firs and along the grass drives, I shall meet the old major toadstool hunting, and possibly Miss Day with him.
Now, I'll be bound to say there's boiled mutton and turnips for dinner, and plain rice pudding.
She thinks that she isbound to him, and that it is impossible to retract, even if she wished.
Hurt in my defence," she said with a pained smile, as she bound her own handkerchief about the bleeding knuckles.
For a moment the girl seemed about to bound up and run; but she checked the impulse, clasped her knees once more, and hid her face upon them.
Most of the associations of this word are bound up with ideas as to causation which it is not now possible to maintain.
In the days before Copernicus, the conception of the "universe" was defensible on scientific grounds: the diurnal revolution of the heavenly bodies bound them together as all parts of one system, of which the earth was the centre.
Then, without a word they walked out of the gate bound for the hills, the three of them, ready to follow the sound of the drums, ready for any peril or adventure to which this might lead.
Late the next afternoon a boy and a girl stood on the deck of the Torentia, bound for America.
And all above the age of six, except ladies and gentlemen, were bound to wear on the Sabbath day a cap of knitted wool.
The philosophic conclusion is unsurpassed, and the position taken, laying a foundation for the philosophy of freedom, is bound to attract the attention of thinkers.
Rather did I believe that a great work of art, treating of the life of the masses, was bound to rouse their consciousness to their own conditions.
Each volume with an illustration and bound in an elegant cover.
The Rutherfords are boundby time, by the eternal forces of change.
For is it not true that we are all bound by gratitude, tied and fettered by what we think we owe to others?
What's there to mend except what's bound you like a slave all the years?
And your duty was to hold firmly to the man you had once chosen and to whom you were bound by a holy tie.
The one unnerved, made helpless and useless by affluence, ease and idleness; the other enslaved and bound by service and dependence.
But he also is bound by gratitude for his uncle Brauer who had saved the honor of his father and had rescued him from poverty.
It will be necessary for you to be bound to your brother, according to law," remarked Mr. Franklin.
He was bound to his uncle for a series of years, but he was treated so harshly that he ran away, at seventeen years of age.
Benjamin was twelve, and, if he should be bound to his cousin, as was the custom, it would be for nine years.
Mr. Franklin added more to the last remarks, in order to remove an objection which Benjamin seemed to have to being bound to his brother; and he was successful.
He was bound to Mr. Franklin as Benjamin was bound to his brother.
A hole was cut in each for the thumb, so that they could be bound to the palms of the hands.
Yes, that is about it; and I feel religiously boundto observe it.
Had they not bound themselves by solemn covenant to aid the devil in destroying human souls and afflicting the elect?
He was ready to receive him as an apprentice, and Benjamin was willing to be bound to him until he was twenty-one years of age.
Benjamin was equally defiant, and refused to answer some questions, but was excused on the ground that "an apprentice was bound not to betray his master's secrets.
It does not seem quite right for one brother to be bound to another for nine years," added Benjamin, thoughtfully, and after some hesitation.
Burlington was fifty miles from Amboy, and there was no public conveyance, so that he was obliged to go on foot, expecting to find a boat there bound for Philadelphia.
With all the rest, the infirmities of age were creeping over him, so that nearly all the ties that bound him to his native land were sundered; and so he decided to spend the remnant of his days in Boston, where Samuel lived.
It was the modern Oxford edition--the only edition worthy of a true amateur--bound by Rivière.
I must go,' he whispered, staring spell-bound at her face.
They were bound for the Mississippi and intended to reach it somehow.
His only answer to the question whither he was bound had been "Up river.
Around his oily black hair he had bound a scarlet silk handkerchief.
These were so crowded nearly all the goods had to be left behind, and in the haste of embarking many families, lovers and friends were parted, being carried aboard different ships bound for different ports.
He had been bound over by an oath to tell only his brother or best friends; and he at once informed the Khalifa, saying that he considered him his best friend.
The relatives of your former husband wish him to leave you; they complained that it was only your money which bound him to you; and now, whatever you may say, he is to leave to-morrow.
As my kinsman, he is bound to give us asylum, and would warn us in time of pursuit, if it should be that our track is followed to the base of the hills, though indeed this is scarcely to be feared.
The Congo Free State bound itself to assist Sultan Hamed Wad Musa in all his undertakings, and uphold his authority in the country.
His supporters declare positively that the dispute was of importance only in so far as it gave him reason for the long desired severance of the link that bound him to the Spanish service.
They think it is all something apart from the rest of us, and never consider how closely we are all bound together and how easy it is for the lowest and most vicious stratum in the social order to pass over and affect the highest.
As it was, even for those bound by no blood ties to the unfortunates who found their way to the city Morgue, the room was a veritable chamber of horror.
It appears that, unknown even to many of his most intimate friends, he has been suffering from a complication of diseases, the result of his high life, and they have at last affected his brain, as they were bound to do in time.
I bound up his arm, while the two seconds attended to the captain.
He is bound by his honour; to-morrow he is to be here, and thou must show thy fairest qualities in his presence.
We both were now anxious to proceed to Edinburgh, and embarked in the first trader bound for Leith.
Bound to Oliphant only in the event of his success, his defeat might bring to her the object of her affections, and she looked for every demonstration of activity on the part of Bruce as a sign of her coming liberation.
At this moment, one of the French squires, with his left eye bound up by a green riband, advanced to the feet of the king, and stood for a moment surveying the countenance of the supplicant.
Knowest thou this silken band, lady, by which my left orb is occluded, and my affections bound to the giver?
By some bold efforts, she reached the part of the wall to which the instrument of escalade was attached, and, in the height of her enthusiasm, she took from her dress a narrow riband, and bound it to the top of the ropes.
I feel in honor bound to the State to send you both back on time.
With a mighty sidewise bound he attempted to leave his rider, but Mose, studiedly imperturbable, with left hand holding the reins and right hand grasping the pommel, went with him as if that were the ordinary way of mounting.
While the cowboys held him Dan threw off his coat and hat and bound a bandanna over the bronchos's head and pulled it down over his eyes.
Pratt was bound for his brother's ranch on the Big Sandy River, and so pushed on steadily, although it was evident that he was not looked upon with favor.
For just an instant the horse crouched low and waited--then shot into the air with a tigerish bound and fell stiff-legged.
Thank God, the chains that have bound the people to their old organizations have been snapped asunder, and they have proved in this case but as packthreads upon the arms of an unshorn Samson.
No man now responds to the words of Shakespeare, "If a king bid a man be a villain, he is bound by the indenture of his oath to be one.
Even if the judiciary had settled the question, I should never hold myself bound by their decision.
Letters to myself and others, from persons whose opinions I am bound to regard, set them forth sometimes in very strong language.
Even if I err in attributing to him this peculiar position, I do not err in attributing to him these duties; for his influence is surely great, and he is at least a man, bound by simple manhood to regard nothing human as foreign to his heart.
The most conspicuous renegade, a fidalgo named Fernao Lopes, was also put on board a ship bound for Portugal in custody.
The romance of Portuguese history in the East is no longer bound up with the growth of the power of the nation, but is to be found rather in the careers of daring adventurers such as Fernao Mendes Pinto and Sebastiao Gonzales.
He held out to him a little prettily-bound book, a collection of poetry of which Mysie had been very fond.
They exchanged confidences freely on the state of their affections and their prospects, which they felt bound to further whenever they could.
Only in that case I might have begun to grow superstitious, and to think that in some way my fate wasbound up in jelly-fish.
I have written a postscript to go by the mail, hoping it may arrive in time to be bound up as a separate slip before the issue of April number, explaining that absence from England prevented me from getting W.
Here he is boundto confess that his germ-plasma occupies all the cellular tissue of the entire plant.
I consider myself fortunate that my own mind has always enjoyed its birthright of freedom; that no iron habits have bound me to any mechanical system.
You are bound to open your eyes as beamingly as she does, upon all who come under their glance, to show your gratitude for such teachings.
Now, you are bound to fulfil my hopes, and if my own path is not smoothed by your help, I shall call you to account for my disappointment.
It is a dangerous power to have dominion over another soul, even for a time; but since it is actually given to us, are we not bound to make use of it, conscientiously and tenderly, but still to make use of it?
He had no proof whatever that her husband misrepresented her, and if he judged her by the surface of things was bound to believe that she liked her life.
I'm not bound to accept your theories as to whom my daughter loves"--and Osmond looked up with a quick, cold smile.
I don't see that I'm bound to consider Mr. Osmond so very much!
It was his opinion that you had been handsomely treated by his father, which I'm bound to say I think you were--though I don't mean that I ever heard him complain of it.
They've always been boundto each other; they remained so even after she broke off--or HE did.
These contradictions were themselves but an indication of her trouble, and her cry for help, just before, was the only thing he was bound to consider.
He had his own reasons for this decision, which he was not bound to communicate; but Henrietta Stackpole, to whom he mentioned his intention, flattered herself that she guessed them.
Ah well, I can fancy that; though it seems to me you're not bound to mind his likings.