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Example sentences for "prepare"

Lexicographically close words:
preparation; preparations; preparative; preparatives; preparatory; prepared; preparedness; preparer; prepares; preparest
  1. This little instrument I am going to apply to a useful purpose in our demonstrations--for I want to shew you that you can prepare hydrogen, and make some experiments with it as you please at your own homes.

  2. And no matter how different the two methods by which we prepare this carbonic acid, you will see, when we get to the end of our subject, that it is all exactly the same, whether prepared in the one way or in the other.

  3. Now prepare your mind, Mr. Meredith, when we turn this next bend--There is the Priory!

  4. José, who seemed to be above the lust for gold which sprang up in the hearts of the other sailors, assumed the command, and bade the men prepare to return to Spain.

  5. Again: “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to battle?

  6. Easy as falling off a log to put the servants up to what he wanted them to say, and prepare them for questions, without giving them tips under our noses.

  7. Victoria answered that she would be pleased to talk with Si Maïeddine as soon as convenient to him, and Monsieur Constant hurried away to prepare his wife.

  8. As the leading ship came nearer we could see that her crew was at quarters, and more than one old sea-dog looked aft questioningly, as if expecting our captain would give the word to prepare for action.

  9. Ponder it well, my son," said the eunuch solemnly, "while I speed on to prepare the way.

  10. I hope, Ben, you will start right, and prepare the way for a useful manhood.

  11. He wanted to prepare for the time when his little fund would be exhausted.

  12. Tony had commenced attending school near-by, and Ben had been admitted to the Latin School, where he began to prepare for college in earnest.

  13. Ben ushered the lawyer into his own room, saying, "Mr. Brief, you must prepare for a surprise.

  14. If you prepare to look at the sun through smoked glass, it is proof that you have faith.

  15. When Israel under Joshua arrived at the Jordan River, they were commanded by the Lord to "sanctify" themselves and prepare to cross over.

  16. After that we'll go aboard ourselves, and try to prepare against a sudden break in the dam.

  17. That was Paul's way of trying to look on the bright side, although he never failed to prepare for the worst, even while expecting the best.

  18. I have taken Lord Salisbury's box at Covent Garden for the season; and now I must go and prepare to join Lady Holland and party, in theirs, at Drury Lane, questa sera.

  19. Ross kept his face carefully expressionless as he got up to prepare their evening meal.

  20. He whispered his idea and began to prepare their gear.

  21. Ask me no more, whither do stray The golden atoms of the day; For, in pure love, heaven did prepare Those powders to enrich your hair.

  22. My shroud of white, stuck all with yew, O, prepare it; My part of death no one so true Did share it.

  23. It was felt that the cup was full, and men began to prepare secretly for rebellion.

  24. As an able man, he was perhaps in the right to prepare and propose conventions.

  25. The officers then ordered her to prepare supper for them with all possible despatch.

  26. The foregoing brief glance at the course of events during the two years succeeding the evacuation of Philadelphia, is necessary to prepare the reader for the southern sketches that follow.

  27. In the meantime the domestics were directed to prepare the children, of whom, with her own eight and those under her care, there were sixteen; the eldest being only fifteen years old.

  28. She spoke civilly to him, and hastened to prepare supper for him and his suite, as if they had been honored guests.

  29. On the next night he would prepare himself very carefully.

  30. He gathered himself, but when Hugo did not flinch, did not prepare himself, he was suddenly startled.

  31. Two days later, as Hugo worked to prepare the vehicles of his exhibition, he heard an altercation outside the tent that had been erected for him.

  32. Into the Orders of the Rosicrucians and Egyptian Masons you shall gather all the stray and isolated sheep into a flock, to await with longing the coming of the shepherd, and prepare a place for him.

  33. But I have no intention of seeking monsieur so soon, for there are sufficient devilish deeds to endure in this earthly vale of sorrow to prepare for one a very decent purgatory, and give him hereafter well-founded hopes of heaven.

  34. I will enter into the service of my young lady at once, and tell her she must prepare for the worst: Herr Ebenstreit just said, 'The diploma of nobility has arrived.

  35. I shall prepare whilst you make your visits.

  36. You prepare the future, for here it will be!

  37. You can prepare every thing for the wedding, and let them be married as soon as publication has been made.

  38. Go, my son, and help prepare the day, help smooth the way, that we may walk therein.

  39. You shall help, my son, to turn aside the evil, and prepare happiness for earth.

  40. I wish that I could often prepare such happiness for you, dearest, for my heart is twice gladdened to see your beaming face.

  41. Indeed, as fuller information showed, there was an interval between the striking of the ship and her becoming water-logged sufficiently long to enable all to prepare for what might follow.

  42. In the meantime the third cook can prepare the meals for the establishment and for any chance visitor whom evil fate may have led untimeously into these parts.

  43. But as the events six months later will show the German navy simply used these months to prepare for a much stronger submarine campaign which was to begin in August.

  44. If all the belligerents really wanted to avoid war, why did they not begin twenty years before, to prevent it, instead of, to prepare for it?

  45. The soldier had been following the Kaiser several days so His Majesty recognised him, ordered him to put up his camera and prepare to make a special film.

  46. The State Department was warned that unless the United States solved the "Mexican problem" immediately Germany would prepare to attack us through Mexico.

  47. The newspaper editor present promised to prepare them and urged their publication in various journals.

  48. While working in the United States through her agents and reservists to create the impression that Germany was friendly, the Government laboured to prepare the German people for war.

  49. If you can manage to catch this creature, bring it to me, and I will prepare an ointment from its blood which will restore your sight.

  50. So he replied at once that he was ready, and left to prepare for his adventure.

  51. Would you like to go to your room, and leave me to prepare them a little, dear Lilian?

  52. His detention was protracted from year to year, till at last, in 1749, he repaired alone to the Island of Cayenne to prepare every thing necessary for the homeward voyage of himself and his wife.

  53. It required two hours to arrange our baggage, and prepare a hasty meal; after which the guides urged us to set off, as we had a long ride to make before we could reach a spot where there was grass for our horses.

  54. Clarke, who immediately drew his sword, and made a signal to the boat to prepare for action.

  55. Large copper kettles to prepare the oil, and hundreds of red earthenware jars, were scattered about on the sand.

  56. On entering one of the houses, he found it crowded with men, women, and children, who immediately provided a mat for him to sit on; and one of the party undertook to prepare something to eat.

  57. His verse is, for dramatic purposes, far inferior to Shakspere's; but it was a great matter for Shakspere that Marlowe preceded him, and helped to prepare to his hand the tools and fashions he needed.

  58. It certainly pays the man who has a large orchard to prepare his own materials.

  59. On the first year he was to prepare the ground for the seedlings and pay $20.

  60. Having studied out the processes of an apple's development and the codling worm's method of attack, they prepare a death-trap for an insect that is as yet unborn.

  61. Last fall I bought a dressed hog, hunted up a good recipe for curing bacon, ham, and salt pork, and proceeded to prepare the winter supply.

  62. His work would be to prepare us for a future in which the heavy burdens of the world will be borne by educated men who will understand their rights as well as their work.

  63. A large crock or jar is a good vessel to prepare the meat in before drying it.

  64. They had all of them clubbed together to prepare this offering for papa on last St. Valentine's Day.

  65. Milton makes many references to planetary influence, our language has many words with a direct origin in astrology, and in our great cities to-day are many astrologers who prepare individual horoscopes of more than ordinary interest.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prepare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodate; afford; appoint; apprentice; arm; arrange; assemble; author; bake; barbecue; baste; begin; boil; braise; break; breed; brew; broil; brown; build; cast; clothe; coach; coddle; collaborate; compose; compound; concoct; condition; construct; contribute; cook; create; cultivate; cure; curry; deploy; develop; devil; devise; discipline; donate; draft; draw; dress; drill; edit; educate; elaborate; enable; endow; equip; erect; evolve; exercise; fabricate; fashion; fill; find; fire; fit; fix; form; formulate; fortify; frame; fricassee; fry; fund; furnish; gear; get; ghost; gird; give; griddle; grill; groom; ground; have; heat; heel; improve; indite; instruct; invest; keep; line; maintain; make; man; manufacture; marshal; mature; mobilize; mold; mould; moulder; mouldy; mount; munition; nurse; nurture; outfit; pan; plan; poach; poise; practice; prep; prepare; present; prime; process; produce; project; provide; qualify; raise; ready; rear; recruit; rehearse; replenish; rig; roast; saute; scallop; school; script; sear; season; shape; simmer; smooth; staff; steam; steel; stew; stock; store; strengthen; subsidize; supply; support; tan; teach; toast; train; treat; trim; tutor; write; yield

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    prepare for; prepare them; prepared chalk; prepared for; prepared from