Medusa, the manubrium will no longer be able to localize the seat of a stimulus applied below that cut, as, for instance, at b.
If any one of the four radial tubes is irritated, the manubrium will correctly localize the seat of irritation, whether or not the margin of the bell has been previously removed.
What is it to him that you can localize and name by some uncouth term the disease which you could not prevent and which you cannot cure?
To consider them apart from this, would be to localize a planetary phenomenon, and to provincialize a law of the universe.
This is seen even in the case of those images which we are able distinctly to localize in the time-perspective.
We do not say that we properly recollect a thing unless we are able to refer it to some more or less clearly defined region of the past, and to localize it in the succession of experiences making up our mental image of the past.
This is most strikingly illustrated in those imperfect kinds of recollection in which we are unable to definitely localize the mnemonic image.
If I try tolocalize in time a remote event, I am content with placing it in relation to a series of prominent events or landmarks which serves me as a rough scheme of the past.
Similar marks are scattered bewilderingly all around the Witch's Stone--like a frenzy of telegraphing, or like messages repeating and repeating, trying to localize differently.
But to be real is to localize the universal--or to make some one thing as wide as all things--successful accomplishment of which I cannot conceive of.
Bastian, that he can define--the true characteristics of anything, or so localize trueness anywhere, he makes the discovery for which the cosmos is laboring.
Our own expression is that all things are acting to advance to the homogeneous, or are trying to localize Homogeneousness.
Narrow thoroughfares and courts are, however, a source of danger which may baffle all efforts to localize a fire.
On a first visit to a country-house it is sometimes difficult to rightly localize the old lady on the sofa who goes in and out of the room apparently without purpose, and who seems to have privileges but no rights.
Perhaps they should not make it too difficult for third powers, who could not either morally or sentimentally cease to take interest in Serbia, to take an attitude which was in accord with the wishes of Germany to localize the dispute.
He has also been instructed to request me to use influence in St. Petersburg to localize the war and to keep up the peace of Europe.
Germany has endeavored to localize the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
They bend in and out at sharp angles in order to localize the explosions of shells; they are so narrow in most places that two men can pass with difficulty.
The fact is, that there is really something wrong with him, but he does not know how to localize his sensations.
Modern research tends more and more clearly to localize the sense of smell, as first suggested by Réaumur, in the feelers or antennæ, and in some cases also in the palps.
Since nothing attaches them to the things in which we localize them, it is natural that they should escape on the slightest contact, in spite of themselves, so to speak, and that they should spread afar.
Of course there is a general tendency of the mind to localize different things in different places, especially when they are incompatible with each other.
Since they exercise over us a pressure of which we are conscious, we are forced tolocalize them outside ourselves, just as we do for the objective causes of our sensations.
Of course I should still more localize the localities, and add a few names of celebrities, and so gain a little applause from the literary-aesthetic, if from nobody else.
Whenever possible, the good reporter seeks to localize his story and draw it close to the everyday lives of his readers.
Whole nation wants war; Government was pressed by Germany to discuss matters with Russia and to localize war.
We find also a tendency, the influence of which lasted long after medieval times, towards complexity and multiplication of defences, to guard against surprise and localize successful assaults.
Our desire tolocalize the conflict and to preserve the peace of Europe remains unchanged.
In the meantime we had endeavored to localize the conflict by most emphatic steps.
Hardly anywhere else, perhaps nowhere, is it possible at once to localize and to realize so long and unvarying a story of progressive ruin.
In order to be able when required to localize the current in special portions of the body, it is well to be provided with what I have termed a “surface board.
This was a step in advance, although it was the prevailing practice not only in the rural districts, but also in Rome, for the gentes to localize in separate areas.
Planes of weakness in the rock, such as bedding, joints, and cleavage, are also likely to localize movement.
In such cases careful panning and testing of the gravels at frequent intervals may show which of several tributaries are contributing most of the values, and thus may further localize the area of search.
To localize an object simply means to represent to oneself the movements that would be necessary to reach it.
These sensations would not seem to us to have any spatial character and we should not seek to localize them.
The subjective sensation of pain may allow the patient accurately to localize a foreign body.
There is usually inflammatory reaction around the orifice of the invaded bronchus, which in a measure serves to localize the intruder.
In order to localize the bronchus invaded by a small foreign body the positive film is laid over the negative of the patient showing the foreign body.