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Example sentences for "follow"

Lexicographically close words:
follicle; follicles; follicular; follie; follies; followd; followe; followed; follower; followers
  1. Our colonel had the command, so we were on the route within an hour, leaving a company and the baggage to follow as it could; and from that time to this, forced marching and hard fighting have been the order of the day.

  2. The Porters were to follow the next day, and promised to drive round and stop at the Rectory for lunch.

  3. There are many men who would respect him, though they might not be able to follow him.

  4. Is it worth our while to follow him up and down in his tramp?

  5. And you listened to the Dean's stale old stories about his schools, and went into raptures in the Bodleian about pictures and art with that follow of All Souls'.

  6. I admit that the officers lead; but the men follow pretty close.

  7. So Tom had nothing for it but to shrug his shoulders, empty his own van, and follow into the Park with his convoy, not in the best humor with Grey for having arranged this ending to their excursion.

  8. You had better go to his rooms and sound him," said the Captain; "Miller and I will follow in half an hour.

  9. Hardy did not require any further urging to induce him to follow his inclination; so the two went up together.

  10. He leaned back in his chair and sat for a few minutes, letting his thoughts follow their own bent.

  11. Mary got up too, and after his departure remained standing, in hopes that her other visitor would take the hint and follow the good example.

  12. With this in his hand, the workman carefully traces the outlines of his drawing, which the tenuity of the saw-blade allows the tool to follow into every curve and angle.

  13. In applying higher class of art to his productions, he had only to follow his own inclinations, guided by that care and prudence which are inseparable from good administration.

  14. So long as we are on this earth it seems to me better to follow the example of Moses and turn our backs when the Lord passes by, so that we shall see only the glory of His hinder parts.

  15. It was always "Give up every thing and follow Christ.

  16. The strongest sermon William could preach on "Sell all your goods and follow me" never induced a single rich man to do it.

  17. To follow the Vale Leston practice at his early dinner," said Geraldine.

  18. It was likely that if neither uncle nor nephew made further demonstration, the O'Learys would attempt further communication, which he and Lance could follow up.

  19. We cannot follow in detail the course of this revolution, but we can trace some of the causes which produced it.

  20. As he lies in bed he hears the sound of a horn, and jumps up that he may follow the hunt.

  21. Then the fanatics, having fulfilled the appointed penance, returned to their own homes, having in many cases inspired others to follow their example.

  22. But," he added, "if you follow my advice, you can take them all without striking a blow.

  23. We shall see, as we follow the course of events, how brilliantly this war opened, and how eager the English were to engage in it.

  24. Besides these a large number of labourers of various kinds had to be engaged to follow the army.

  25. She had guessed that her friends were suspicious of Henniker's good faith, and believed that if they should come to know of her intention of running away to follow him they would prevent her for her own good,--which was quite the case.

  26. To follow him publicly, and shame him before all the garrison, in that beastly Bannock rig!

  27. There's that much Injun about her; she'll follow to heel like a dog.

  28. She'll not follow far with ten dollars in her pocket; but that much I want to try her with.

  29. Phebe never forgot this fact, and in his pauses, and often in his words, she felt the tug of that strong undertow of unspoken feeling pulling him back into depths where even in thought she could not follow him.

  30. He spoke with such conviction, such energy of sadness, only silence could follow the words.

  31. And we two men knew no better than to follow her.

  32. Then we will follow him out, on his way home, as far as we can; and if there is any one in town who has an account with me, he can settle it there and then.

  33. But the logs and rocks and the impenetrable darkness in the shadows made it impossible to follow the movements of the hound every moment.

  34. They follow them to the water's edge and shoot them down in the stream.

  35. It's only the castor oil," muttered the Doctor savagely, as he rose to follow the nurse.

  36. Under the influence of the comfortable meal, the cheerful sunshine, and the rousing of the energies that follow a change from a recumbent to an erect posture, his spirits rose to a manlier pitch.

  37. His own company ran forward to follow his impetuous lead.

  38. The dog, after some false starts, got the scent, and started to follow Fortner's footsteps.

  39. I am afraid if to follow these rules is the only way to keep young, most of my readers will be content to grow old.

  40. I think Jack would never have persevered in his determination to follow Christ, if he had been convinced that "to be good you must be miserable," for he loved fun, and could not help being happy.

  41. My brothers are brothers to me no longer, and now, must my mother follow too?

  42. Snatching up baby Charles in her arms, and calling to the other children to follow her, the nurse hurried down-stairs.

  43. But as this book is to be about Mr. John Wesley, we must not follow Mr. Whitefield across the Atlantic.

  44. Jesus endured a great deal more for us, before He entered glory; and unless we follow His steps we can never hope to share that glory with Him.

  45. In the afternoon a Belgian girl came to see us, and although I tried hard to understand what she said, she talked so fast I could not follow her, although I knew a little French.

  46. All German forests have roads, more or less distinct, traversing them according to some definite plan, but they do not necessarily follow the cardinal points of the compass.

  47. We would follow this course until we rounded Bremen, and then it was our purpose to go west to the Holland boundary.

  48. When he would follow no further, I swung the canoe suddenly, and headed for the opening at a racing stroke.

  49. I was sitting alone on a fallen tree, waiting for the moon to rise so that I could follow the faint snowshoe track across a barren, three miles, then through a mile of forest to another trail that led to camp.

  50. So off he goes on his well-planned hunt; and if you follow his track to-morrow in the snow, you will see how he has gone from one hunting ground directly to the next.

  51. He knows well that he is not safe on land a moment after the snow falls; that some prowling lucivee or wolverine would find his tracks and follow him, and that his escape to water would be cut off by thick ice.

  52. The chickens crane their necks down to follow him.

  53. Sometimes the hawks try to catch him, but it takes a very quick and a very small pair of wings to follow Chickadee.

  54. The birds that follow trust to the inspection of these first comers, and generally fly straight in.

  55. Irving's first impulse was to follow him, but he checked it.

  56. Follow them up and let's see what they look like," Capt.

  57. It is the game of the "apex" to retreat and induce a lone enemy scout to follow him if possible.

  58. Ought we not to follow our Great Custom and hurl him into the valley?

  59. The words which follow suggest the plight of her lover Shosho when he travelled to her house "a hundred nights all but one," to cut his notch on the bench.

  60. We follow the lute-music with a concord of many instruments.

  61. Here follow the twelve concluding lines, too full of Buddhist technicalities to interest a general reader.

  62. Many No-writers did not follow this advice; but the use of pivot-words is not in itself a decoration more artificial than rhyme, and I cannot agree with those European writers to whom this device appears puerile and degraded.

  63. Having seduced the Rishi, she persuaded him to follow her to Benares.

  64. But if you are a messenger from the Court, I will follow you.

  65. Were I to follow my desire, think you I would soon go forth into the snow?

  66. Then there will follow the joyous assurance that there is salvation for the world, to be realized either in this life or the next.

  67. We follow the same principle when we send missionaries to the heathen.

  68. But if we follow up that principle, there is no eternal torment; for if will hardly be contended that God designed it.

  69. Hence the pains and penalties which follow in the track of sin, though the sin itself may be forgiven.

  70. But we need not follow that point farther now.

  71. They follow us with tender ministries of love; they often raise us when we fall; they lift us above the dull level of the world; they nourish in us higher ideals of purity and blessedness; they foster a more vivid faith in the world unseen.

  72. If they really believed it they could not rest in their beds at night, nor follow their usual avocations by day.

  73. The myths that follow are meant to continue this list of subjects, only with somewhat less blunt obviousness.

  74. The poem has been so strangely misinterpreted in recent years that it is time to follow out Servius' suggestion and see whether it does not lead to some conclusions.

  75. We must first follow Pollio's career through this period.

  76. Invariably, its rule of "follow nature" had to be defined in terms that proved its distrust of what the world called nature.

  77. These essays follow a standard type and do not necessarily reveal the actual man.

  78. While assuring the Senate of his continued support in their efforts to render Antony harmless, he refused to follow Cicero's leadership in attempting the complete restoration of Brutus' party.

  79. And since it is evident the tailors and cobblers understand one another from one end of the kingdom to the other, why cannot the judges learn of them, and follow so excellent an example?

  80. Avaux: “The accounts which I daily receive of the prodigious numbers of those who are converted convince me that in a short time the most obstinate will follow the example of the others.

  81. He was accustomed to hear said to him every morning: “Sire, you are the greatest monarch upon earth; you have but to declare your opinion and the whole world will be proud to follow it.

  82. But as it is right to examine both sides of an argument, it will be proper to inquire in what cases it may be lawful to follow in part the scheme of the reverend father’s correspondent.

  83. Memnon did not hesitate to follow her, to examine her affairs philosophically, and to give her sound counsel.

  84. I don't quite follow you," said Miss Severn, briskly, fiercely elate that her challenge had been taken up.

  85. We shall not, however, follow the party to the pine-crowned height sheering up from the vine-clad slopes immediately behind Montreux, nor share in the magnificent panorama which it affords.

  86. It did not follow either that his paradise was a fool's paradise.

  87. It did not follow that everybody else knew everything, while he, Philip Orlebar, was bound to remain a consummate ass.

  88. I told you once that my vengeance would follow you to the very grave," went on Fordham.

  89. Philip was only too ready to follow his friend's advice, and accordingly started away there and then--whither he did not care.

  90. The dessert was on the table--had been for some time--and Sir Francis was wistfully wondering how long it would be before his wife thought fit to follow the example of the servants.

  91. Follow, Ingrate, the Fire that burns you, Follow the Love, Ingrate, that now consumes you.

  92. But he was still as far away as ever from any direct information {71} about the road he should follow to reach the Western Sea, and this was first and always the thought that occupied his mind.

  93. Let those of you who are faint-hearted remain here in camp with the women; but let those who are without fear follow our father.

  94. Then, under cover of darkness, they attempted to follow the trail of the Bows.

  95. If I should follow my natural impulse, I should run away always at the beginning of the danger; the men who say they are never afraid in a battle do not tell the truth.

  96. If compelled to retreat, he proposed, he said, to follow the line of Cumberland Gap, and to hold Morristown and Bean's Station.

  97. The nature of the firing and the reports from the commanders alone enabled us to follow its progress.

  98. If troops could follow this route and capture Haynes's Bluff, fourteen miles from the mouth of the Yazoo, Vicksburg at once became untenable.

  99. Instead, I joined Grant on his headquarters boat, which was stationed on the right bank of the river, where from the bows we could see the squadron as it started, and could follow its course until it was nearly past Vicksburg.

  100. I did not follow until later in the day, and so had an opportunity of seeing General Sherman.

  101. Oh, my good sir, I will follow your advice, and do my best to be a different man from now on.

  102. Yes, I certainly shall follow your advice.

  103. This was how the verse went: Here lies the body of Morten Nielsen; To follow the footsteps of his forbears, Who died in the water as fishermen, He drowned himself in brandy.

  104. The men sank into the blackest of the shadow with ears strained to catch the slightest sound, while Appleby lay in a hollow with his rifle across his knees where he could follow the strip of road until it twisted sharply.

  105. Still, one takes precautions in Cuba, and while they trample down the road a few men who wear no shoes follow close behind them.

  106. The Sergeant Hernando was to follow with a few files when he came in from picket duty.

  107. Appleby had foreseen this when he drew out a chair for him, but he could himself follow the stream of light that shone out across the veranda, and fancied that a shadowy object was crouching just outside it.

  108. Tony Palliser was not the man to boldly choose his path, but rather addicted to follow the one events seemed to force him into, and she who might have proved his good angel helped to start him down hill.

  109. Perhaps they are sailors; for where there is no footing for any man they slide down the lianas, and others follow them.

  110. I think I grasp your meaning, but if you try to follow up any clue I may have given you it can only lead you into a pitfall.

  111. An intelligent Creator in revealing his thought must follow the method which our minds must follow in interpreting this revelation.

  112. The Creator assumed to be infinite in knowledge would therefore follow this process instead of the method peculiar to investigation.

  113. Penthesilea was the tallest and most beautiful of the Amazons, and shone among her twelve maidens like the moon among the stars, or the bright Dawn among the Hours which follow her chariot wheels.

  114. They left him unburned and unburied, and, weeping, they followed Ulysses, as follow they must, to see the homes of the ghosts and the house of Hades.

  115. For a long while the hawk tried to find the hole, and follow the dove into it, but he could not reach her.

  116. So she stretched out her white hand, and raised the beggar, who was kneeling at her feet, and bade him follow her to her own house, within the palace garden of King Priam.

  117. If you follow with me, you shall be kindly used, and marry, if you will, a man of a good house, being so beautiful as you are.

  118. The two men kissed him and shed tears of joy, and Ulysses said that he would go back first into the hall, and that they were to follow him.

  119. But now follow me further, that I may set before thee the entertainment of strangers.

  120. Neither side had machines for throwing heavy stones, such as the Romans used later, and the most that the Greeks did was to follow Achilles and capture small neighbouring cities, and take the women for slaves, and drive the cattle.

  121. Thorfinn bade give him meals, but otherwise paid small heed to him; Grettir was loth to follow him, and would not go out with him in the day; this Thorfinn took ill, but had not the heart to have food withheld from him.

  122. Now one day Thorkel bade his men to follow him, and search for the lair of the bear.

  123. Asmund said that he would follow him in whatsoever he would have done.

  124. Odd, the Foundling-skald, of Kormak's kin, was to follow the horse of his kinsman through the day.

  125. Then spoke Angle, and bade men fare warily and guard themselves well, "for we may prevail against them if we follow wary redes.

  126. The priest bade him follow his own rede, and drave a peg down into the sward on the cliff, and heaped stones up over it, and sat thereby.

  127. Grettir asked of Atli his brother, who should follow his horse.

  128. Others would follow him soon, secret conferences would take place unrecorded, the Colonel's private telephone wire would be busy, and the telegrams he received would be frequent and not intelligible to the casual reader.

  129. And he was not yet Buddha, though he is here called so; unless indeed the narrative is confused, and the incidents do not follow in the order of time.

  130. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "follow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    follow after; follow her; follow him; follow nature; follow the; follow thee; follow their; follow them; followed closely; followed her; followed him; followed the; followed them; following legislative; following the; following verses; follows from; follows that