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Example sentences for "domesticate"

Lexicographically close words:
domes; domestic; domestica; domesticall; domestically; domesticated; domesticating; domestication; domesticis; domesticity
  1. Its habits are like those of other birds of the tribe, but it is so strongly attached to its native freedom, that all attempts to domesticate it, with a few rare exceptions, have hitherto proved ineffectual.

  2. Several attempts have been made to rear the Capercalzie, and domesticate it in this country, but without effect.

  3. And is there nothing that can be done to domesticate religion once more in the heart of man?

  4. To appease the violence of religious sentiment, it must, when it has been purified, be permitted to permeate the whole of human existence, be always present with us, and domesticate us in the infinite.

  5. Schruder, who was the first to domesticate Shakespeare upon the German stage.

  6. He had learned to domesticate the ox and the sheep, had made of the dog the friend of man.

  7. Well, we have got to domesticate nature before much else can be accomplished in this country of ours.

  8. Attempts to domesticate it in southern India have proved unsuccessful.

  9. No attempt is ever made to domesticate a "rogue" elephant.

  10. The lower register of sensations and emotions which domesticate a man into fellowship with common life was weak.

  11. The Italian sonnet is, both in its form and spirit, a thing so foreign to the English idea of what poetry should be, that no cultivation can ever domesticate it into the tongue.

  12. The zebra is absolutely useless and efforts to domesticate him have been without good results.

  13. Experiments have failed satisfactorily to domesticate the zebra, and so he remains a menace to agriculture and a nuisance in all respects except as adding a picturesque note to the landscape.

  14. Cheaper to breed white men than domesticate a nation of red ones.

  15. But this difference there is: you can domesticate mountains, but the sea is ferae naturae.

  16. Mankind, you would have thought, might have remained content with what Prometheus stole for them and not gone fishing the profound heaven with kites to catch and domesticate the wildfire of the storm.

  17. To marry is to domesticate the Recording Angel.

  18. Attempts have been made to domesticate it; but it is extremely wild and has been found untameable.

  19. He knew also that savage life had charms for many of them, especially the Canadians, who were prone to intermarry and domesticate themselves among the Indians.

  20. Perhaps someone will find a way to domesticate this creature and make it live upon the house flies around the house.

  21. At Mosely they met again, and the result of an intercourse for a few days together was an ardent desire on the part of Lloyd to domesticate himself permanently with a man whose conversation was to him a revelation from Heaven.

  22. The reader of Coleridge's Poems will remember the beautiful lines "To a young friend, on his proposing to domesticate with the Author".

  23. When man began to domesticate bees, and that was so long ago that we cannot stop to count the centuries, there came to be two sides to the bargain.

  24. By building a small dam farther down, we made a fair-sized pond on which to domesticate some wild fowl.

  25. Before men learned to cultivate plants and to domesticate animals, subsistence was always an uncertain matter.

  26. Having learned to domesticate the beasts, men passed from a purely hunting into a pastoral stage.

  27. While women were the first to domesticate plants in the simple way just indicated, not much came of it until men adopted the idea and carried it further.

  28. Footnote 1: Attempts have been made to domesticate the camel in Ceylon; but, I am told, they died of ulcers in the feet, attributed to the too great moisture of the roads at certain seasons.

  29. Governor Spottswood brought with him, when he came, a number of these larks, and made strenuous efforts to domesticate them in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg, Virginia.

  30. It is a sad symbol of that nobler being who tried to domesticate himself in Virginia, the fine old English gentleman.

  31. Does this prove that ignorance and dependence domesticate them?

  32. Could we domesticate a cub of this wild beast, and not fear its growth and maturity?

  33. It became necessary therefore, that for a time I should domesticate myself at Rome.

  34. If its wilderness motives were strong, the effort to domesticate was soon abandoned.

  35. Although it is likely that many efforts have been made to domesticate the other larger felines, no distinct success has attended these experiments.

  36. Until men began to domesticate the forms of the wilderness, it was impossible for them to rise above the grade of savages.

  37. This quality of mind appears to be accountable for the failure of the many experiments which have been made to domesticate this interesting American form.

  38. They domesticate birds which are valuable only for the pleasures which their presence lends to human abodes.

  39. It must be remembered, also, that few attempts have been made to rear and domesticate deer under intelligent management.

  40. With few exceptions the early attempts to domesticate elk were made by men who were wealthy enough to disregard all thought of profit in raising them.

  41. Several tragedies connected with attempts to domesticate elk are matters of history.

  42. Domesticate yourself there while you stay at Naples, and lay aside the English coldness and formality.

  43. To a Young Friend on his proposing to domesticate with the author (one word).

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "domesticate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.