When we sometimes tried to select the sights which we had seen most worthy of inclusion in the Nine Wonders of the World, neither my husband nor I ever hesitated to place Niagara among the foremost.
Moral: if a boy baby has any choice he had better select a family of sisters in which to be born, and the contrary advice should be tendered to a female infant.
It was surely more fitting that a gentleman should select the hour and the manner of his exit from the world, than submit like a common ruffian to the dictation of the law in these important matters.
We haven't provided for the other two girls, but we didn't come up here intending to select gowns; merely to see them.
We must try to select gowns that not only suit each wearer, but which contrast and compose well in the general picture," said Bartlemy.
If not, why, thousands of coy and blushing damsels, equally in the dark, are waiting, from whom he may select one to assist him in solving the mystery.
Henry was to select from the pair; the third was to be concealed upon the person of Maxwell, who was to use it instead of the blank.
They did not look like men whom Jaspar would have been likely to select for such a purpose as he apprehended.
The debtor may select articles so appraised of a total value not exceeding the amount of the exemption allowed, the remainder being sold by the officer in satisfaction of the debt.
The debtor may select and withdraw from seizure: 1st.
The debtor has his option of the two and may select either, with all improvements thereon, which are included in the valuation.
He withdrew the finger that was still thrust between the pages of Gulliver, opened the book, and ran his eye down the list of chapters, as though he were about to select the one most suitable for reading aloud.
He knew of little galleries, and select concerts, and private performances, and somehow made time to meet Katharine and Cassandra, and to give them tea or dinner or supper in his rooms afterwards.
If we want physical perfection in anything don't we selectthe best type obtainable?
Why select Botticelli rather than any other artist of the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Century?
If he were free to choose he would notselect her from all the women he knew, but now the marriage would be imperative, and he would do his best.
Our young women will select for themselves in a half-mercenary fashion, and one can't altogether blame them.
Much experimental work has been undertaken for the solution of this problem as the goal and we may therefore select typical ones of these experiments and apply the results toward answering our three questions.
Before taking up Stockard's results we may select a few of the more significant experiments made earlier by other investigators.
It was then the turn of a select party of the Tongaloans to float.
The priest would then sit down with some select members of the family around the bowl representative of the god, and pray for speedy vengeance on the guilty; then they waited the issue.
The chiefs, on the other hand, are a most select class, whose pedigree is traced most carefully in the traditionary genealogies to the ancient head of some particular clan.
From Aelian, a volume of select Stories, perhaps from others.
During his absence from London he kept up a correspondence with several of his friends, from which I shall select what appears to me proper for publication, without attending nicely to chronological order.
Mr. Steevens appears, from the papers in my possession, to have supplied him with some anecdotes and quotations; and I observe the fair hand of Mrs. Thrale as one of his copyists of select passages.
By the Grenville Act which was passed in that year they were tried by a select committee.
We formed a select circle and stuck closely together.
Imagine Matthew Arnold, the apostle of sweetness and light, introducing Josh Billings, the foremost of jesters, to a select London audience.
I had the great satisfaction of being permitted to join the select few and to give the matter a little attention upon our side of the Atlantic.
He was the most ordinary-looking man of high position I had ever met, and the last that one would select at first glance as a remarkable man.
Select a corner of the cellar far from any source of heat or temperature change.
When one combines parts of two trees by grafting, it is a simple thing to select a hardy root stock from the available plants, just as I selected hardy plum stock on which to graft my apricot scions.
In May or June, whales appear and are attacked in canoes by the chief, with the select few from each tribe who alone have the right to hunt this monarch of the sea.
Among the Pápagos the parents select a husband for their daughter to whom she is, so to say, sold.
The Mayas believed that ablution washed away all evil; and previous to the ceremony the parents fasted three days, and they were particular to select for it what they considered a lucky day.
No peculiar cunning seems to have been necessary to the native hunter of buffalo; he had only to ride into the immense herds on his well-trained horse, and select the fattest animals for his arrows.
The Pimas, who fight usually on foot, when they decide on going to war, select their best warriors, who are sent to notify the surrounding villages, and a place of meeting is named where a grand council is held.
There were 150 men each night upon the watch, with the exception of sixteen select marksmen out of the whole, who all day kept the towers.
It would have been easy to select a more historical statement of facts respecting Kelly; but the following tale, the events of one day only, will, we hope, be more interesting to the generality of readers.
Clerk of the Court, "that is the trouble; he does not select those he can trust.
From private letters of condolence, which would fill a volume, I select a few passages, in which the writers seem to have seized with great felicity upon some of the more remarkable features in my brother's character and actions.
She has visited, with the select few, the haunts of lofty minds.
Such were the few principal men who penetrated to the centre of that select circle, in whose outer ranges of general benevolence the right of citizenship was granted to so many choice figures.
A trip to the business part of town was made to select necessary supplies and order a stock of fuel.
He canselect the good from the bad about as unerringly as one could wish.
From this vast amount of data and clinical experience, the writer was enabled to select all the menus composing this volume, from those that had proved successful in the various disorders treated.
In other words, do not select articles from one menu and combine them with articles mentioned in another menu.
Mr. Stead has collected a large and varied assortment of recent and well-authenticated cases in his Real Ghost Stories, and I will select some of my examples from them, occasionally condensing slightly to save space.
From those who are pressing into this path the great Masters select their pupils, and it is only by qualifying himself to be taught that a man can put himself in the way of getting the teaching.